Finding it too much to deal with now


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Type 2
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I feel like just accepting defeat and accept that no matter what I do, this disease is slowly defeating me. I'm just injecting with myself with whatever dosages of insulin that I feel like, the SR metformin I'm not even taking it, as its unsettling my gut everytime now.
I'm missing half of my medicines that I'm supposed to be prescribed on.

My Diabetes Nurse is useless with calling up, just to leave a voicemail and for them to call back me and miss it because I'm at work. I'm also suppose to be seeing a specialist about my oedema in my legs that I've had since 2021, a urologist about the blood in my urine and a gastroenterologist about my frequent cases of diarrhoea.

Money is tight, as is for everyone else. So I've been buying bread, cereal, pasta, as I'm supposed to be saving up too move out.

I just don't give a care in the world about it now. I can't even remember the last time that I tested my blood sugar as it will most likely be 30+, with no risk of ketone.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
I feel like just accepting defeat and accept that no matter what I do, this disease is slowly defeating me. I'm just injecting with myself with whatever dosages of insulin that I feel like, the SR metformin I'm not even taking it, as its unsettling my gut everytime now.
I'm missing half of my medicines that I'm supposed to be prescribed on.

My Diabetes Nurse is useless with calling up, just to leave a voicemail and for them to call back me and miss it because I'm at work. I'm also suppose to be seeing a specialist about my oedema in my legs that I've had since 2021, a urologist about the blood in my urine and a gastroenterologist about my frequent cases of diarrhoea.

Money is tight, as is for everyone else. So I've been buying bread, cereal, pasta, as I'm supposed to be saving up too move out.

I just don't give a care in the world about it now. I can't even remember the last time that I tested my blood sugar as it will most likely be 30+, with no risk of ketone.
Oh dear, you really are going through the mill aren’t you? Do you see anyone for your mental health? It may be worth making a long appointment or double appointment as our GP surgery call it and telling the receptionist that you need to have a good chat with the GP about all of your conditions not just one ( our surgery has a one appointment one problem rule, which I think is ludicrous as nothing is ever that simple)

Have you ever considered having some counselling? You could mention that to your GP too. If your sugars are running high that can make the way you are feeling worse. What you can start to do right now is begin taking control of your diabetes by testing again and using your insulin like you should. Once you get back on track with your numbers that could help your mood improve a lot.

But please make that appointment with your GP, call up every day if you have to until you get to see someone, you’re the one in control of your destiny and you’ve got the power to change things starting today with your diabetes control, you’ve done it before so you know what’s needed - all the best of luck I hope things improve for you


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Type 2
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I've now been referred to have some counselling sessions, but have been put on a waiting list for it.

My blood sugars are still high at 25.3 and 24.6 on waking up this morning and when I went for both my flu jab and covid booster, I got told that I haven't had my Hba1c done since May this year.


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Type 1
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I've now been referred to have some counselling sessions, but have been put on a waiting list for it.

My blood sugars are still high at 25.3 and 24.6 on waking up this morning and when I went for both my flu jab and covid booster, I got told that I haven't had my Hba1c done since May this year.
I guess that you are feeling really unwell when your readings are that high. I hope that you will find the will-power to cut down on carbohydrates (with the help of this forum). Good luck.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@akindrat18 which insulin regime are you using now? Have they still got you on fixed doses? Or do you use basal and bolus doses?


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
Treatment type
I guess that you are feeling really unwell when your readings are that high. I hope that you will find the will-power to cut down on carbohydrates (with the help of this forum). Good luck.
I actually don't, I feel okay in myself.
@akindrat18 which insulin regime are you using now? Have they still got you on fixed doses? Or do you use basal and bolus doses?
I'm still on fixed doses. I don't think I've had my insulin regime changed since moving to insulin

I'm on:
90 units of Tresiba
40 units of Novorapid (Breakfast)
44 units of Novorapid (Lunch)
48 units of Novorapid (Evening)

I should also be on Ozempic (or Victoza as a substitute). However, there's a shortage and I should be taking Metformin SR, but I suffer from periodic bouts of diarrhoea.

Got a blood test booked for tomorrow morning for my Hba1c, after the nurse I saw on Tuesday for my jabs printed one off for me and made a urgent referral to the diabetes team. I'm still waiting to be referred to the Lymphodoema clinic and found out that my Urology referral has been pushed back again from 20th November to 18th December. Should have had a call about the constant blood in my urine on 8th October.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I'm glad you found a nurse who was helpful to you. I hope you get an appointment with the diabetes team very soon.
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Type 2
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I'm glad you found a nurse who was helpful to you. I hope you get an appointment with the diabetes team very soon.
I hope so as well. Not seen them in person since before covid hit.


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Type 2
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Been to my chemist today to pick up my medication and got told that my Testosterone gel and victoza are out of stock, no shock there. But then they told me that my long acting insulin (Tresiba) is out of stock.

I'm not quite on what to do now apart from calling the DN on Monday morning, as now there is a shortage of Tresiba.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Been to my chemist today to pick up my medication and got told that my Testosterone gel and victoza are out of stock, no shock there. But then they told me that my long acting insulin (Tresiba) is out of stock.

I'm not quite on what to do now apart from calling the DN on Monday morning, as now there is a shortage of Tresiba.
I think that calling your DN as soon as you can is the best thing to do, I’m sure they will have alternatives that they can prescribe you, hope you get it sirted
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Type 2
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I think that calling your DN as soon as you can is the best thing to do, I’m sure they will have alternatives that they can prescribe you, hope you get it sirted
I hope so, but I don't have much faith in them. They're still yet to find a alternative to Victoza and even when I do call them, I will have to wait for a call back.


Retired Moderator
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Do you use your tresiba in single use pens?
There is a shortage of them, but not of the penfills for a Novopen, you might want to see if you can switch to those pens.

Do you have enough tresiba left to get you through the weekend?
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Do you use your tresiba in single use pens?
There is a shortage of them, but not of the penfills for a Novopen, you might want to see if you can switch to those pens.

Do you have enough tresiba left to get you through the weekend?
I don't ran out on Thursday


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Don't have diabetes
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I do not have diabetes
Intolerance, selfishness, rice pudding
but I suffer from periodic bouts of diarrhoea.
When I had persistent high readings I would get diarrhoea. At one stage in 1985 it was so bad that I went into hospital for 5 days. With the strictness of the hospital regime, life and digestion returned to normal.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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You can call 111 in the uk, or go to A&E. Please do it ASAP as you need your insulin.
I went to a walk in this morning, as my blood sugars were at 26.2 and got groin pain. They told me to go up A&E, where I then got taken to the SAU (Surgical Assessment Unit) and waited to be seen by a nurse.

Had some more blood tests done and then got given some antibiotics and told at 3:30pm that I can go home, even though my blood sugars are still above 15 and still without my long acting insulin, because its now being dealt with by my GP who had no appointments.

Wasted about £20 in taxis and after having nothing to eat all day, my mum decided to order in a Chinese.

I felt like my GP, the walk in and the hospital are just playing 'pass the diabetic around' today.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I went to a walk in this morning, as my blood sugars were at 26.2 and got groin pain. They told me to go up A&E, where I then got taken to the SAU (Surgical Assessment Unit) and waited to be seen by a nurse.

Had some more blood tests done and then got given some antibiotics and told at 3:30pm that I can go home, even though my blood sugars are still above 15 and still without my long acting insulin, because its now being dealt with by my GP who had no appointments.

Wasted about £20 in taxis and after having nothing to eat all day, my mum decided to order in a Chinese.

I felt like my GP, the walk in and the hospital are just playing 'pass the diabetic around' today.
Surely, you don't need an appointment for your GP to deal with your insulin position. He just needs to issue a prescription. (OK, maybe a quick call if your dose needs to be adjusted for the different insulin profile.)

Do you have a messaging system at your surgery (we don't. but lots do), where you can send a message?

At the moment, it sort of feels like GPs are playing a game within themselves for who can see the fewest patients. The Covid days have a lot to answer for in this whole fiasco.
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