Food relationship


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My husband is type 1 diabetic and has been for a number of years
We are currently on holiday with family members and he is having real issues with the rest of us eating out or even when we cook at the apartment saying we are selfish and food obsessed !! He’s saying I’ve never supported him and I’m not sure what I should do ?? Do I stop enjoying food out of solidarity??


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I've been t1 for 53 years and find eating out pretty straight forward , there is usually something I can eat even if I have to not eat part of a dish. Why can't he enjoy his food? Has his diet become particularly restrictive?


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No you should not stop enjoying food in solidarity. And if your husband is no longer enjoying food then he is obviously having some issues. Yes it is frustrating not being able to be spontaneous with food and having to plan count and inject. However it shouldn’t stop him enjoying food, particularly when on holiday and in the company of others. Perhaps time to seek some help and support.
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My husband is type 1 diabetic and has been for a number of years
We are currently on holiday with family members and he is having real issues with the rest of us eating out or even when we cook at the apartment saying we are selfish and food obsessed !! He’s saying I’ve never supported him and I’m not sure what I should do ?? Do I stop enjoying food out of solidarity??
Welcome to the forum.

47 years T1 for me. I’ve avoided certain sweet foods. But that’s no reason anyone else should.
I’ve traveled in my time. Where are you currently on holiday? (Approx.) Possibly what is on offer is a bit of a “culture shock.?”

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Hi @Nikkijrickus
Sorry to read about your husband's struggles and how it is affecting your family.
If you are based in the UK, has he attended a DAFNE course (Dosing for Normal Eating)?
Maybe this would give him confidence to eat with you when eating out, etc.
Like others, I eat "normally" including eating out and would never consider restricting other people's eating because of my diabetes.

If he is not able to attend a course, BERTIE is an online version. Maybe you could show support by working through it with him?
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Not being on holiday....
A type 1 has to eat sometimes when they don't want to.....thats something a non diabetic often doesn't understand.
My wife says she is hungry all the time.....i don't understand that.
Late at night my wife might have a snack.....
I don't unless i need to and certainly would not take insulin on board before bed unless i had to.
I look at peoples plate when on holiday in the restaurants and am aghast at the amount of carbs i see on one plate.....i am well known for saying "i'd have to take an armful of insulin to cope with that!"
I boil everything down to carbs as that dictates how much insulin i need to take.
If we going for a long walk after food then i need to know to alter my insulin accordingly.

These are just a few thoughts that rattle through my type 1 of 50 years brain.

It may help in trying to understand what is going on in your husbands mind?
It may not.

Its meant in the nicest possible way and because i don't know where your husband is coming from and i hope it helps.

Good luck

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My husband is type 1 diabetic and has been for a number of years
We are currently on holiday with family members and he is having real issues with the rest of us eating out or even when we cook at the apartment saying we are selfish and food obsessed !! He’s saying I’ve never supported him and I’m not sure what I should do ?? Do I stop enjoying food out of solidarity??
Sounds like his relationship with food is his problem to solve, not yours to take on as a burden. He could be feeling left out, sure, (haven't we all felt like that sometimes when everyone's going all-out and we're basically a little benched?), but to throw a "You've never supported me" in there as well... Is there a possibility his sugars were high at the time he said it? Diabetics of any type can get a bit "grrrrr-argh" when high. But all in all.... This does merit further investigation. Probably not while on holiday with family though!

The relationship he has with food is his issue, and might require some rethinking things, maybe professional help if he can't flip that switch on his own. His relationship with you however, concerns you both. Has he really felt unsupported, and if so, how long? Was he, truly? Or is that just the holiday-stresses talking? Are there underlying frustrations and hurts there that need to be discussed? You're not a telepath, if there was something he needed from you, he should have asked. As a non-diabetic, you might not know what we run into, emotionally, physically, practically. Maybe you thought you were doing fine, while you weren't. Maybe you were doing an excellent job being a Diabetic's Wife, and he just threw it out there to be hurtful? What's all this about, and how can it be fixed? What, specifically, does he need from you, what do you need from him, and how can you both get there, together? Not questions to answer me, but questions to discuss at home when things have calmed down.

Like I said, the food is his issue... I mean, yesterday my husband ordered a Domino's pizza and all I did was just inhale deeply from the box and look at it, but after 7 years I can just enjoy his enjoyment. Was a time though, a few years ago, when watching a high tea in progress in a restaurant could bring me to tears. Yesterday I just had the chicken, and loved it. We do get to eat nice things... Just not all things, if correcting for them is too complicated for whatever reason. That's another thing.... Can he carb count and adjust his dosage? He might not need to miss out as much as he currently is. Maybe see a specialist together and figure out how he can get some food-enjoyment back into his life?

You did well, coming on here and asking for help. You obviously care about him, and about your marriage. Hang in there eh.


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it seems to me that in this situation it is much more selfish to think that other people should give up delicious food in order to support you. When you go on a diet, you don't ask him to give up his usual food, do you? While we are conscious, our diabetes is our problem, not our family's
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