Foot care


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Does anyone see a podiatrist on a regular basis? Ie every 6 months or so. Also what foot cream is recommended for diabetics?

Deleted member 308541

I have a healthcare plan through my Doctor that gives me 5 free visits (worth $250.00) to a Podiatrist, so it works out I get my toenails cut and shined up every 10 weeks.

I cannot recommend a foot cream, as I use a bottle of moisturising lotion that I liberated from the hospital when I was in as a patient. Microshield by Johnson and Johnson good stuff too. :D


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Never had my feet checked but apply oilitum cream to my feet in a morning...


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I see a private foot lady every 6 weeks. I get very hard skin on my feet.i pay 26 pounds every visit. If I went through the NHS then would get 2 visits a year. She does a good job and we'll worth the money. I use CCS cream, expensive but worth the money


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I've just ordered some CCS foot cream, thanks for the tip. I get my feet checked for neuropathy once a year as part of my diabetic review but it's not really a full examination of the feet, they just use an instrument to check for feeling. After reading a very scary article last night about foot care and diabetes I now want to have proper regular checks from a Podiatrist and won't mind paying. Would every 3 or 4 months be sufficient do you think? Is there anything you can buy to test for neuropathy yourself? Thanks


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I have never really thought about specific foot treatment my feet are really good and I just use my normal body lotion. I don't think diabetics get regular NHS foot care from a Podiatrist or Chiropodist unless they have a problem with their feet so we have to pay privately if we want to see one

PS what is CCS foot cream


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I have never really thought about specific foot treatment my feet are really good and I just use my normal body lotion. I don't think diabetics get regular NHS foot care from a Podiatrist or Chiropodist unless they have a problem with their feet so we have to pay privately if we want to see one

PS what is CCS foot cream

Just know that it's recommended for diabetics, if you search on EBay you'll find it


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I have made a first appointment with a local Podiatrist and will have to pay £25 and think it may be worth getting feet checked every 4 months or twice a year as you can't take any chances with feet and diabetes. I must admit I was put off initially as I didn't want to pay the money but I think it's a case of taking precautions as like I said, my annual diabetic review is only a 'neuropathy' test on the feet, they don't check them thoroughly.


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I have neglected my feet a bit lately with all the other stuff I've got going on and suddenly I've got this split in my heel that is painful. I'd been just using aveeno now and then but obviously not enough. I recalled this balm I used a few years back and went on the hunt today to find it. It's called Dermal DiaBalm (supposed to be formulated for diabetics) and I can't have been paying attention to the stock in my usual pharmacy as after me searching all over the net and then ringing a few pharmacies.... I found the one I go to did stock it. So off I went today to get this balm. Oh my it is working on my feet already and I only put it on about 2 hours ago. I really like it when you find a good foot balm that works.... not those greasy ones. I haven't seen a podiatrist as yet as my endocrinologist has checked my feet and he seems to think I don't have any issues. But my feet certainly get dry quick these days. :(


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A product that was recommended to me by a Podiatrist several years ago is Flexitol Heel Balm, it says on the packaging it's safe for people with diabetes to use.

It's a little pricey but a small amount goes a long way, after a few treatments you will have feet like a baby :)
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Hi my fiancee is a specialist podiatrist with the nhs she said you need to treat the cracks in your heels with a urea based cream these sre available over the counter - flexitol,ccs,dermantonics the latter has a higher content of urea of upto 25% which is the best available dependant on your area some of these are available on prescription but it is worth your while getting these from your local pharmacist(she has said always apply around the foot but not directly into the spaces between your toes) i hope this has helped. Mark
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Retired Moderator
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I see a private foot lady every 6 weeks. I get very hard skin on my feet.i pay 26 pounds every visit. If I went through the NHS then would get 2 visits a year. She does a good job and we'll worth the money. I use CCS cream, expensive but worth the money
I get Flexitol heel balm and Zerocream on prescription, but sometimes prefer to buy Flixitol had skin and callus balm because it's better and not so messy.


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Had my first podiatry appointment this morning, paid £25 to get my toe nails cut and my hard skin removed. I think I will make this a 6 monthly event just for piece of mind.

Deleted member 308541

I have another two weeks to go before I see the podiatrist, I will have a different one as Gina (my usual one) has gone on a trip to the UK. I hope she comes back, as the other podiatrist I had stayed there. :D

My mongrel middle toenail on my right foot is starting to let me know it wants cutting, but the rest do no not hurt with the pressure stockings I wear. :arghh:
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