Football / Glucose spikes


Well-Known Member

I've started playing 5 a side football every Monday and am a little concerned about how I go about things to prevent hypos. The first time I halved my insulin with my evening meal (which is always 2 hrs before kick off). Within 15 mins I had a big hypo and had to guzzle orange juice which made me feel sick, then waited 15 mins before I could rejoin the game.

The last few times, I have taken a quarter of usual insulin. I can then play the entire game with no hypo's. when I test after the game I am running at around 5.5 - 7.5mmol so all appears good. However when I check before kick-off my levels are at around 14-16mmol. I know it'll drop quickly as I play and not to the level where I hypo but my worry is that if I keep having this big spike every Monday it will cause me problems?



Well-Known Member
I have always found this balance really hard, - how long you can leave it when you've eaten before exercise, do you sit about knowing you're going high etc.
I'm not sure I have the answers to be honest but the things I'd try are:
- can you move your meal to be a bit closer to kick-off, so the spike isn't as high for as long?
- can you do some exercise in the meantime between meal and kick-off, eg running/cycling to the football ground, so you are keeping the spike reasonably under control?

the only other thing I've tried is injecting the normal amount and then drinking lucozade or something immediately before exercising, but I don't think that's the answer at all coz it gives you no overall stamina.

If you find the answer let me know!