Forced fasting

  • Thread starter Deleted member 208503
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
There's no way I could make them with chicken at $7+ a pound so I'm stuck with the canned ones. As far as lower carb soups.
What about using ground chicken? Ground beef? Ground turkey? They're cheaper. $7 a pound is for the chicken alone; sure the canned soups cost less but look at all the cheap ingredients that are in the mix that make the price of the chicken they contain way higher than $7 a pound. Noodles and rice are super high carb and will spike you. You could fry up the ground meat with a pinch of dry basil, oregano and celery, add water when done and boil, blend in mixer, and that would be basically carb free. That's what I do minus the blending and it's delicious; makes for a comforting hot drink on cold days and keeps away a sore throat. Low carb veggies can also be added in the soup.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
why is nearly everyone almost everywhere being switched to the same 2 insulins? Is it something they want to give us, or an experiment or just a matter of money?
Where I am, these are the only insulins covered by the provincial plan, and not completely. If you want a different kind of insulin, such as the Novarapid I was on prior, you have to pay full price - well over $100 per box of 5.
Is it something they want to give us, or an experiment or just a matter of money?
There have been experiments done hidden on people.
Probably all three - it comes down to how the rich can get richer while the rest of us get poorer - a history as old as money itself.

Deleted member 208503

OMAD means getting all your nutritional needs at that sitting. Not starvation. A few cups of carrot soup isn’t going to meet your ongoing needs and you’ll quickly become malnourished missing essential minerals vitamins and fats.

I’m not an insulin user but surely there’s more than these two options? Where are you and how do you get your insulin, maybe someone else can help with ideas how to better solve this issue.

I see you are type 2 not 1. Do you know if you still produce insulin yourself? Most of us do and it’s usually a lot, but not very effective at overcoming our resistance to it. It could be that simply cutting out the carbs rather than all food might be a better solution than no food, at least for right now.
Idk if I still make insulin or not.
I don't have a choice of choosing low carb.
I have to eat soups- financially and having no teeth.
I have a endo. Dr who I have apps. with. By phone. It would be an overnight trip to drive to see him.

Deleted member 208503

Still doing omad.
I'm not against it.
It should help control my weight as nothing else seems to. It isn't helping my numbers but this is what I have to do.