Forced fasting

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Deleted member 208503

So I've discovered that the insulin that helps me isn't available and I have to use basaglar and trurapi.
The side effects of which I'm unable to tolerate.

I'm forced now to suffer the side effects or fast.
My preference is omad.

So I will try to come here to post my omad and insulin use.

Thanks for any suggestions.

Deleted member 208503

3 cups homemade carrot soup (omad)
No bs numbers
No insulin use

Too discouraged and hopeless to see my numbers when I feel I'm powerless to change them anyway. And not bruising myself with insulin that doesn't help.

Be back tomorrow.


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OMAD means getting all your nutritional needs at that sitting. Not starvation. A few cups of carrot soup isn’t going to meet your ongoing needs and you’ll quickly become malnourished missing essential minerals vitamins and fats.

I’m not an insulin user but surely there’s more than these two options? Where are you and how do you get your insulin, maybe someone else can help with ideas how to better solve this issue.

I see you are type 2 not 1. Do you know if you still produce insulin yourself? Most of us do and it’s usually a lot, but not very effective at overcoming our resistance to it. It could be that simply cutting out the carbs rather than all food might be a better solution than no food, at least for right now.


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Hi @cdpm am I correct in that you have issues with trurapi which you are using instead of novorapid? Could you ask to be put on a different fast acting insulin?

What is your issue with the basaglar?

Some people do have issues with some insulins (sometimes caused by the preservatives in the insulin) but it's very unusual for there not to be a version that works. I've been on masses of different brands in my time as a T1. New Zealand (where I live) has a relatively limited range, but still has quite a few

But I agree with @HSSS that it would be helpful to know if you were still producing insulin, and how much? As a T1 I would be dead in a few days if I didn't inject, even if I fasted, but know that things can be very different for some T2s on insulin. Some can reduce their insulin needs by reducing their carbs.... (Not saying this is necessarily the case for you).

And I too am concerned that you may not be eating enough to cover your nutritional needs....

Deleted member 208503

Today's was 4 tbsp. smooth peanut butter and 4 cups of homemade green pea soup.
Made with canned peas, veggie broth cubes, water, curry powder.


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Diet only
Today's was 4 tbsp. smooth peanut butter and 4 cups of homemade green pea soup.
Made with canned peas, veggie broth cubes, water, curry powder.
And how is this regime making you feel? What are your bloods doing?

Deleted member 208503

OMAD means getting all your nutritional needs at that sitting. Not starvation. A few cups of carrot soup isn’t going to meet your ongoing needs and you’ll quickly become malnourished missing essential minerals vitamins and fats.

I’m not an insulin user but surely there’s more than these two options? Where are you and how do you get your insulin, maybe someone else can help with ideas how to better solve this issue.

I see you are type 2 not 1. Do you know if you still produce insulin yourself? Most of us do and it’s usually a lot, but not very effective at overcoming our resistance to it. It could be that simply cutting out the carbs rather than all food might be a better solution than no food, at least for right now.
All the insulins were removed from my plan but the 2 I get covered.
I don't know if I still make any insulin on my own. But I do know that at first I could eat approx. 20 grams of carbs. and stay in range-- 4 to 7 before meals and 5 to 10 after. But I can't now.
I'd like to do a low carb diet but many things are in the way that I can't seem to resolve.
Like no teeth, extremely low amount of food, protein and dairy food intolerances, only 2 tips a day for injections, no dr except an endo. many miles away, very limited appts. (Every appt. means no food for 1 day), no food help from local food banks.
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Deleted member 208503

Hi @cdpm am I correct in that you have issues with trurapi which you are using instead of novorapid? Could you ask to be put on a different fast acting insulin?

What is your issue with the basaglar?

Some people do have issues with some insulins (sometimes caused by the preservatives in the insulin) but it's very unusual for there not to be a version that works. I've been on masses of different brands in my time as a T1. New Zealand (where I live) has a relatively limited range, but still has quite a few

But I agree with @HSSS that it would be helpful to know if you were still producing insulin, and how much? As a T1 I would be dead in a few days if I didn't inject, even if I fasted, but know that things can be very different for some T2s on insulin. Some can reduce their insulin needs by reducing their carbs.... (Not saying this is necessarily the case for you).

And I too am concerned that you may not be eating enough to cover your nutritional needs....
There are only 2 insulins covered now by my plan.
My issue with basaglar is extreme hunger.
It's a form of glargine and it's actually my 3rd one-- i tried lantus and toujeo- and all 3 make me ravenous and i was using 160 units of toujeo and not reaching any goal.
Not sure where it's going with the insulin for me so far.
I just know im stuck. With no options.

Deleted member 208503

Im not sure yet. Still afraid to get my numbers.
The last ones i got still showed 11 to 16 with insulin. I had to turn off my alarms on my sensor.
It was waking me at night too many times.
i feel ok so far on my food amounts.
Theres not much i can do if i dont feel well unfortunately.

And how is this regime making you feel? What are your bloods doing?

Deleted member 208503

Today I tried homemade ground beef meatball made with a tiny handful of bread crumbs and some salsa sauce and garlic powder onion powder and put them in a pasta sauce and diced tomatoes. I wanted to test my intolerance. Yes it's still there very badly.

Deleted member 208503

2 cups of nutritional drinks and 2 cups of a soup today.

Feeling good. And wanted to say that yes you can safely fast using insulin. I even had a Dr suggest the 16/8 to me. And years ago when I had teeth I did omad on novorapid and Lantus insulins.
And did really well.
It's alot harder now with no teeth but it's possible.
I think the thought/advice that it's not safe to fast on insulin stems from hypo fears from the medical profession. I do understand why but we are all so different I don't know why an interested person can't try and just see if they can safely. Doesn't have to be omad. There are other forms of fasting.
And what the heck is it when most ppl don't eat for the 12 hours overnight? Or a 12 hour no food before a test?
I like to try stuff before just blindly believing it.
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Deleted member 208503

Doing really well with the fasting except for the 1 thing. The food still hurts. Even soup. I think I may have to go for straight liquids. It's seeming that having food inside my mouth that's not purely only swallowable causes me to try to chew. Then my cheeks hurt inside and my top gums. Not sure how to do this.
I mean the omad is still doable.
And maybe the cream of soups.
But really need more variety.
But not pureed foods. I have a horrible aversion to them unless they are sold that way such as applesauce is.
Plus I have not had the courage yet to test my bs even with my Libre 2 sensor in. I have turned off the alarms still.
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Deleted member 208503

Is it possible for you to make the soup then strain it so there's no puree only liquid? If so, it would give a variety of flavours and good nutrition without the texture you don't want.
Yes this is possible.

Deleted member 208503

Today is soup and pb and nutritional drinks.
Trying for more variety and calories at one time.


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Today is soup and pb and nutritional drinks.
Trying for more variety and calories at one time.
Is there an end in sight for the insulin or sore mouth situation? If these are not short term measures then you need to know what it is also doing to your diabetes. Can you get medical support (not sure where in the world you are)?

Deleted member 208503

Is there an end in sight for the insulin or sore mouth situation? If these are not short term measures then you need to know what it is also doing to your diabetes. Can you get medical support (not sure where in the world you are)?
This is it. There is no end in sight. No other choice for me.
No medical help canada is having a health care and housing and food crisis.
I guess its just not on the news in other countries.
So its looking like this is my life.
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I hear ya and sympathize. I'm in Canada too. My income is very low. Fortunately, now that I'm senior, the test strips, lancets and needles are fully covered by the province; and, the price of insulin (I am also on Basaglar and Trurapi) is reduced to about $20 per box of 5. I think you do have a choice; but a hard one, I see you are listed as Type 2 Of course I am no doctor and this is only my partially informed opinion. I see on this website that most Type 2s deal with their condition via diet alone by going low carb, so perhaps insulin is not absolutely vital like for Type 1 and can be dropped, which it seems you have done. Now I know that you can't stand many different kinds of food, many low carb. The choice is take responsibility for your health and adapt to your situation by drinking very low carb soups and drinks, or follow the medical professionals (lackeys of big pharma) who don't care. If I were you, I'd go keto, believing life would last longer for me that way. Food isn't everything as I am sure you know because of OMAD. I hope your mouth heals soon and that you enjoy many happy years to come. Sorry if this post is brutal, but it bothers me to read that you think you have no choice. There are always options.

Deleted member 208503

When I look around at the soups available here the lowest carb ones are chicken noodle/rice ones.
There's no way I could make them with chicken at $7+ a pound so I'm stuck with the canned ones. As far as lower carb soups.
I did find some lower card nutritional drinks on Amazon with 9 grams of carbs in each serving. That's alot lower than the other ones.
And I guess I can suck it up and use my insulin.
I risk sounding weird saying this but-- why is nearly everyone almost everywhere being switched to the same 2 insulins? Is it something they want to give us, or an experiment or just a matter of money?
There have been experiments done hidden on people.

Anyway if i were to restart the insulin I'd need to change my fasting routine.
Just until I'm sure of my basal amount. Then back to omad.
So maybe 2 meals a day to start with even tho I'm extremely insulin resistant.


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Type 2
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Diet only
I know the specifics wont help as this is uk but these fresh soups found in the fridges section of the supermarket aren’t too bad price wise or carb wise if that’s the only food you’re buying. Something like this is there anything like this where you are? They are much lower carb than canned versions

or here’s some ideas for making low carb soup I appreciate some will need blending to get a liquid consistency but it might give you ideas.