Gliclazide. Hypos


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
I have been put on gliclazide 40mg after breakfast. And 40 after dinner tea time
This morning when woke my blood was 4.6.. before breakfast blood was 5.6 before evening meal . Should I take the evening meal gliclazide or not? As I'm worried I might go hypo if I do


Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Gliczide is a blood glucose reduction drug.
It does seem that your BG levels have become lower, well done.
And it is a concern, and you must speak to your GP/dsn.
To either reduce the dosage of come off the drug.
But I would imagine that you may have to have further hba1c test to confirm.
Take your readings with you to your appointment.
Best wishes.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I was put on gliclazide 3 months ago after having a bit of a diabetic burnout and running in the high teens, which brought my BS down , all was ok for a while.

Then I had a 4.1 reading and felt rough (I am never low but struggle with highs), but shrugged it off...

A week later got up from the couch and nearly passed out , checked my blood and 1.9 :( quickly chugged down some orange juice then some toast, felt better immediately ...

Came off gliclazide straight away until I could contact the diabetic nurse, as running high is not a short term problem but running at 1.9 is..:mad:

Talked to her a few days later and told her what I had done, she said spot on, exactly what she would have told me to do.

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