glucose monitors.

babs b

Hi can anybody tell me why my blood glucose monitor gave me three different readings in succession, I used three different fingers and thought this might be the reason.

babs b

The first one was 5.2 then 6.4 then 7.7. I use a contour bayer so should be good. I am type 2 but have only just started testing although I have had the meter for some time now.

Sid Bonkers

Well-Known Member
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Hi babs, as I posted on another thread recentely blood glucose monitors are not 100% accuate in fact they are allowed a tolerance of 20% + or - so:

6.4 X 20% + could give a reading of 7.7 or 6.4 X 20% - could give a reading of 5.1 so your readings were just par for the course if you will excuse the golfing speak :D

Many other factors can also come into play like the use of different fingers, any contamination on the skin or test strip etc etc.

Just test once in future and know that your monitor is just designed to give an indication of your current bg not an exact number as with the HbA1c. :D

babs b

Sid Bonkers said:
Hi babs, as I posted on another thread recentely blood glucose monitors are not 100% accuate in fact they are allowed a tolerance of 20% + or - so:

6.4 X 20% + could give a reading of 7.7 or 6.4 X 20% - could give a reading of 5.1 so your readings were just par for the course if you will excuse the golfing speak :D

Many other factors can also come into play like the use of different fingers, any contamination on the skin or test strip etc etc.

Just test once in future and know that your monitor is just designed to give an indication of your current bg not an exact number as with the HbA1c. :D

Thanks for that, its a little clearer now, just getting used to all this really, will stick to doing one reading in future.


Well-Known Member
Sids right, but after reading his link to the site which showed these tolerances I phoned Bayer (I have a contour too) and asked them about the contour specific tolerances. They have done loads of tests of their own, and their table showed a worst error of 5.1% at blood readings of 6.6 mmol and a best of 3.3% at 11 mmol. This was done using a number of meters on 3 different batches of strips by 108 untrained diabetics. So although 20% is possible under the guidelines as Sid says, it seems unlikely to occur with your contour if you use it properly. I've had a couple of wild readings when I didn't wash and dry hands properly, or when I squeezed to get blood (shouldn't do that), but doing it properly consecutive readings (done it a few times to test) don't seem to vary much at all.
So I think the advice is right, do it once only, but do it carefully.
Happy Testing!
By the way, different fingers shouldn't make a difference per se (other than different cleaning perhaps) unless you have some replacement fingers transplanted and they forgot to change the blood! :lol:


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Easy answer - get a new meter. Yours could have gone wonky. They are only a small lightweight piece of electronic equipment after all. Someone might have spilled a drink on it or anything.
If you still have odd fingers, pick a finger and stick with it.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Have I read somewhere (or maybe dreamed it) that fingers can vary slightly depending on if they are active or if you are using the keyboard with one hand and not the other the circulation may be better in the active hand so the blood will be pumping around more and so give you a more up to date reading.
I know when I first get out of bed if my hand is still asleep I have trouble getting any blood to test with.
Just a thought.
.....I will go back to dreaming now!!!


Well-Known Member
angieG said:
Have I read somewhere (or maybe dreamed it) that fingers can vary slightly depending on if they are active or if you are using the keyboard with one hand and not the other the circulation may be better in the active hand so the blood will be pumping around more and so give you a more up to date reading.
I know when I first get out of bed if my hand is still asleep I have trouble getting any blood to test with.
Just a thought.
.....I will go back to dreaming now!!!

HMMM, could affect how easily you get your blood sample, but won't change the blood sugar level from finger to finger. It doesn't take that long for the blood to go round the body!