GP diagnosed me with Eczema | Suitable treatments?


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My GP just diagnosed me with eczema. I was given topical corticosteroid, antibiotics for the blisters and an emollient cream.

I am slightly concerned the emollient cream has paraffin, a flammable substance that can stick onto beddings, socks and other clothing. Any fabric contaminated with this can ignite in a tumble dryer.

Does anyone know any other suitable cream or moisturiser that is paraffin-free - or just any other treatment in general?


Can’t help with creams, but try removing all traces of wheat from your diet for a few months. You might be surprised how difficult this is to achieve unless you avoid all processed food, but it’s a worthwhile experiment. And not just gluten, all wheat.


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Oats are supposed to be good for eczema, you can put them in a bath (in a bag, not loose :D) or you can get creams with oat in, if you google colloidal oat you should get some better info than I have. Otherwise calendula is good, I use it on my dodgy skin conditions, the one I use is calendula balm by odylique, a little goes a long way.
I use emollients, I can't not, and haven't had any problems with them, but I don't use a tumble drier or smoke.
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Hi all

My GP just diagnosed me with eczema. I was given topical corticosteroid, antibiotics for the blisters and an emollient cream.

I am slightly concerned the emollient cream has paraffin, a flammable substance that can stick onto beddings, socks and other clothing. Any fabric contaminated with this can ignite in a tumble dryer.

Does anyone know any other suitable cream or moisturiser that is paraffin-free - or just any other treatment in general?

My chap has a couple of stubborn patches of eczema. He is prescribed a steroid cream to use as required, with E45 recommended between times.

My OH uses the steroid cream as little as possible, but thereafter much prefers using 100% Aloe gel. Aloe is a wonderful, light, natural moisturiser, with healing properties.

I have no idea if it is suitable for you, but an alternative would be to rest the tumble dryer for a while?


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I am slightly concerned the emollient cream has paraffin, a flammable substance that can stick onto beddings, socks and other clothing. Any fabric contaminated with this can ignite in a tumble dryer.
The most common name for paraffin / petroleum jelly based ointments is Vaseline, which in all the years I have been buying has never caught fire spontaneously ina dryer.

Mix paraffin jelly with petrol, or other combustible liquids then you get napalm in the right mix.


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I’ve used creams for Psoriasis with paraffin (petroleum jelly) and Vaseline directly on my skin for 40 odd years and always dry my sheets in the drier never had a problem. I wash my sheets on a 60 deg wash with usual washing powder but even on a 40 deg wash todays washing powders, gels etc are designed to get rid of grease and dirt at low temps- don’t think you’ll have a problem using your dryer


Well-Known Member
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Hi all

My GP just diagnosed me with eczema. I was given topical corticosteroid, antibiotics for the blisters and an emollient cream.

I am slightly concerned the emollient cream has paraffin, a flammable substance that can stick onto beddings, socks and other clothing. Any fabric contaminated with this can ignite in a tumble dryer.

Does anyone know any other suitable cream or moisturiser that is paraffin-free - or just any other treatment in general?
Hi I had had various creams from the doctor over the years but my skin has never been better since discovering this place. I use the soap in the shower and have one by the sink for just me, and the moisturising bars and tinned moisturiser. My sister has eczema on her hands and found the hemp seed moisturising bar really good. Some of the products state good for eczema. They are good value they last well. No chemicals A small UK company.


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I use the emollients as a soap substitute. Wet skin, apply cream, rinse, pat dry. Steroid creams for limited time during flare up. Moisturise skin with Doublebase cream.
These do not stain fabrics, used this way, but if they did I would soak fabric in hot water with added dish washing liquid, then a hot wash with bicarbonate of soda added to a non-biological washing powder, and white vinegar in rinse. Have to be careful of some washing powders as they can start a flare up. So in addition to diet advice already given in thread, do be careful at choice of washing powder / liquid / pods. Never had problem with dryer, but do make sure to remove lint build up after each use.


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My daughter had exzema. It went straight away after she stopped drinking cows milk.
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Type of diabetes
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Hi all

My GP just diagnosed me with eczema. I was given topical corticosteroid, antibiotics for the blisters and an emollient cream.

I am slightly concerned the emollient cream has paraffin, a flammable substance that can stick onto beddings, socks and other clothing. Any fabric contaminated with this can ignite in a tumble dryer.

Does anyone know any other suitable cream or moisturiser that is paraffin-free - or just any other treatment in general?
Wouldn't worry about the parrafin... Unless you plan on tossing the whole tube/jar in the dryer and running it extremely hot, it's not really an issue. Bits in clothing and bedding should be perfectly fine. Or you could, if you really worry, do a little handwash in the sink to get the bulk of it out, before putting it in the washing machine. You could try something based on Aloe Vera, but there's little that beats some vaseline-based creams when eczema's involved, and you want your cracked skin to heal. The combo you were given really does make sense. Hope you're feeling better!


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The term "big boned" lol repeatedly told this growing up!
I used chick pea cream on my son when he was little and it cleared up. For me I have had to use betnovate when its been very bad and it nips it in the bud within days.
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I use E45 cream and have never had an issue with it. My eczema is stress related so changing my diet didn't help but I've tried calendula cream (good but expensive) and aloe vera (now grow my own in the kitchen and just break a piece off when needed for hands or face).
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