Helicobacter Pylori and Postprandial Hypoglycemia


I read that hypoglycemia may be related to h.pylori. I have reactive hypoglycemia for 7 months. 1 month ago, H.pylori was found in my stomach. Do you have same experience?

I really miss myself. I don't have a motivation for life. I'm tired of being on a diet all the time and living in a controlled way. Do you have any recommendations?

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
I read that hypoglycemia may be related to h.pylori. I have reactive hypoglycemia for 7 months. 1 month ago, H.pylori was found in my stomach. Do you have same experience?

I really miss myself. I don't have a motivation for life. I'm tired of being on a diet all the time and living in a controlled way. Do you have any recommendations?

Yes, helicopter pylori is a cause listed for RH!
I had the bacteria around the turn of the century and wasn't diagnosed until around seven years later.
My endo was uncertain wether it was the whole story for the reason and cause of my RH.

I know what you are referring to, I have suffered through depression and anxiety but not because of dietary control.
I know it's hard to accept that everything you were told, is now not healthy for you. It is always the question why?
Only treating this condition with a modicum of determination to find and discover what you can eat. For me, the options open were to me quite limited, mainly because of my tastes.
You, yourself should be experimenting with low carb recipes and ideas such as you would find on our low carb forum. Also, dietdoctor.com is a great resource. There have been some great threads about how to go keto, and have a very good variety of dietary options. Going keto is the best treatment for long time treatment for your health.
Intermittent fasting will help with not thinking about what to eat for whatever meals you do have.
Buy fresh protein, plan your meals, don't fill your cupboards or fridge. Batch cook in portions, low carb curry, stews, soups and more to your tastes.
There is a lot of options, excepting your hypoglycaemia is tough, again why me?
Knowing what is happening, the learning to live with it is hard, the complete change in your life is really hard to get your head around. You have to be brave enough to face this, having continuous hypos all day and everyday is something not to keep on experiencing, the period up until my diagnosis, I refer it to be my hypo hell. I would rather do without carbs than go through that again! I would rather fast than be feeling absolutely ?!%#$! All the time!

Don't give up, I believe you are looking for answers, and maybe this is the only resource you have found, and maybe, like I did, I found every treatment that was given to me, didn't work or stop the hypos, didn't make you feel better or eased your concerns. Going keto despite my endo, the guy that saved my life kept advising me to have some carbs until after a year into ketl, with the weight loss, my blood panel results, no hypos, no fatty liver, good health and feeling better than I had for decades changed his mind.
I take the drug sitagliptin (januvia), this helps with ensuring that if I do have something that creates a spike which triggers the overshoot, my blood glucose levels doesn't go higher in the spike, than without the drug. It limits any spike!
Ask your GP about it, the drug doesn't suit everyone but it has helped me be more comfortable with the knowledge that I won't get the high spikes which are horrible.
The strange fact about the drug, is that it was designed to give T2 patients a better insulin response because of insulin resistance and other insulin issues, but you would think that more insulin for RH ers would be stupid and how could this work, but it does for me! Weird! Like me totally weird!

Don't give up! Stay safe.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Did you try to talk to your doc to treat H pilori?
I was given anti biotics, which did the trick. I do believe and read papers about helicobactor pylori, that causes my RH and a lot of my stomach problems for many years. Since then only when something eaten or drunk has upset it.
My endo couldn't prove or disprove it. But I am aware that even others have issues with bg, have problems with the gut brain relationship.along with the hormonal response to food.


Active Member
I was given anti biotics, which did the trick. I do believe and read papers about helicobactor pylori, that causes my RH and a lot of my stomach problems for many years. Since then only when something eaten or drunk has upset it.
My endo couldn't prove or disprove it. But I am aware that even others have issues with bg, have problems with the gut brain relationship.along with the hormonal response to food.


Active Member
But if antibiotics killed the pilori than other symptoms should disappear including hypos, or? Or you mean that pilori induced microbiome changes that are persistent after pilori is dead and hence hypos still occur? In that sense is a bit weird cause shift in microbiome diversity occur and quite more fast than we think. Ok I am a microbiologist and I study gut microbiome in small water crustaceans ( tiny animals) but because of that I read in general about gut brain axis and gut microbiome. I just find if you kill the bad bacteria it's negative effect should disappear...

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
I'm a layman in my health and experience, read a lot and studied the Australian scientists who theorized and tested the anti biotics and proved that this helicobactor pylori could be got rid of.
It is, I believe the bacteria that changed my digestion and my hormonal response to certain foods namely why I produce too much insulin and why I don't have enough background insulin initially in my first phase response. Hence the high spikes. This was before diagnosis, before everything, with my health issues. And of course through time, the symptoms progression into full RH. Continuous hypos, feeling really........!
So before diagnosis, it changed my hormonal response not my gut biome.


Active Member
What I know about pilori is that it is endemic in some regions and that if you have it you better get AB treatment. While many can have it with no symptoms, in some it can make nasty things including cancer. Probably you know that. But is new to me that it can be a cause of RH. If pilori induces hormonal changes then RH is logic. I will dig into that. But if a causative agent is found, a cure can be made...we just need money to come into research...