Hello World


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thanks @pleinster, good info there! Yeah I'm trying to limit carbs and testing before and after meals to see what's what.

Good news is I eat anything and everything so I'm not feeling too restricted even with the lack of carbs in my new diet... Bad news is I eat anything and everything so finding myself staring longingly at bread products in the supermarket for an inordinate amount of time :p
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks @pleinster, good info there! Yeah I'm trying to limit carbs and testing before and after meals to see what's what.

Good news is I eat anything and everything so I'm not feeling too restricted even with the lack of carbs in my new diet... Bad news is I eat anything and everything so finding myself staring longingly at bread products in the supermarket for an inordinate amount of time :p

Ha! I keep checking the labels on croissants and bagels n stuff any time I am in a supermarket...despite knowing full well that there will be no sudden miraculous change in carb content...I can often be found checking the cereal isle too. Fortunately I am not there often as my wife does most of the shopping...otherwise I'd be paying rent.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Loud music , gratuitous violence , bad language .
Hi Bex, this forum is amazing , lovely people and so helpful .
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi and welcome ro the forum, you are definately in the right place to get yourself on track.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi @4ratbags, thanks for the welcome and slowly slowly getting there... actually managed to have some normal (ish) readings today so yay! :D
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Thanks @pleinster, good info there! Yeah I'm trying to limit carbs and testing before and after meals to see what's what.

Good news is I eat anything and everything so I'm not feeling too restricted even with the lack of carbs in my new diet... Bad news is I eat anything and everything so finding myself staring longingly at bread products in the supermarket for an inordinate amount of time :p
Hi Bexninja! I can soooo relate to this answer! I've just been diagnosed, too, and I'm feeling my way around an LC diet. I eat anything and everything too (probably what got me into trouble in the first place!) so I'm quite enjoying the diet. I already feel more cheerful and have more energy - even after just a few days - but I know what you mean about the bread products. I'm not confident enough to venture into the supermarket yet, so I'm shopping online where it's easier to avoid the 'food porn' aisles!
Keep up the good work!
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thanks @debrasue, I've had a few wobbles where my partner has had to comfort me because I've burst into tears about not being able to eat a sandwich or something equally ridiculous, but on the whole I do agree that the low carb thing is making me feel a lot better in of myself, even without the added bonus of helping to control and hopefully eradicate my diabetes (well, mostly)! :p
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Thanks @debrasue, I've had a few wobbles where my partner has had to comfort me because I've burst into tears about not being able to eat a sandwich or something equally ridiculous, but on the whole I do agree that the low carb thing is making me feel a lot better in of myself, even without the added bonus of helping to control and hopefully eradicate my diabetes (well, mostly)! :p
I've just discovered another totally unexpected benefit of low carbs.... I had to do a double-take when walking past a mirror today (which I usually do very quickly with my head down!) - I actually looked younger! My face was distinctly less 'puffy' than it normally appears. Ok, I have to be honest and say that I doubt anyone else would notice, but it's certainly given ME a lift today! :)
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