

Hi guys anybody Adivce on motivation I just have none at all my diabetes is so bad at the moment, I no all the risks but can’t seem to get motivated at all thanks Christine


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Take a deep breath and decide what you really want and just tackle 1 thing at once. It does get easier and we all go through things like this. Take care.
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When I started out I used a notebook to write down possible meals, made shopping lists for sets of meals, added anything extra I could have - I had two which I used alternately for ages. I wrote down the carb counts of foods, too and carried the book around for years so as to always have it to refer to. It was very useful for all sorts of reasons.


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Hey Christine101, this sounds all to familiar - probably to most everyone on the Forum at one time or another! You say that your diabetes is so bad at the moment, so obviously it hasn't always been "bad". Perhaps a bit of burnout? (I don't know how long you have been living with diabetes....) There is a great article on the Forum about Diabetic Burnout - a real thing and I found it very helpful.

Perhaps it would be helpful for you to take time for a "retreat" in which you get by yourself, with pen and paper, or computer if you prefer to type! Go back to a time when you felt good about your control, what were you doing or not doing? Did you have someone to support your efforts? Is that person still in your life and willing to help again? How was your diet then, level of activity, how did you feel about life in general then? Has something happened in your life that derailed you from looking after yourself? Is there recent stress in your life that is adversely affecting you? I think you get the picture:) I hope you can find the time and place to do this, on your own without being interrupted. I do this fairly frequently and the Hubby knows that if my office door is closed, music is softly playing and I have a pot of coffee or tea with me, it is retreat time and not to interrupt unless he is seriously dying:)

Then, list three or four things that are quite doable right now, like giving your head a shake! (Just kidding!), like deciding to test you blood sugars like you used to, make your lunches for work so you aren't tempted with "nono" foods, or deciding to clean out the fridge and pantry of foods that have mysteriously found their way there! Anyway, hope this helps....just remember you are responsible for being the best you you can be because there is no one on the face of this earth that can replace you and you are loved.....Blessings/L


Hey Christine101, this sounds all to familiar - probably to most everyone on the Forum at one time or another! You say that your diabetes is so bad at the moment, so obviously it hasn't always been "bad". Perhaps a bit of burnout? (I don't know how long you have been living with diabetes....) There is a great article on the Forum about Diabetic Burnout - a real thing and I found it very helpful.

Perhaps it would be helpful for you to take time for a "retreat" in which you get by yourself, with pen and paper, or computer if you prefer to type! Go back to a time when you felt good about your control, what were you doing or not doing? Did you have someone to support your efforts? Is that person still in your life and willing to help again? How was your diet then, level of activity, how did you feel about life in general then? Has something happened in your life that derailed you from looking after yourself? Is there recent stress in your life that is adversely affecting you? I think you get the picture:) I hope you can find the time and place to do this, on your own without being interrupted. I do this fairly frequently and the Hubby knows that if my office door is closed, music is softly playing and I have a pot of coffee or tea with me, it is retreat time and not to interrupt unless he is seriously dying:)

Then, list three or four things that are quite doable right now, like giving your head a shake! (Just kidding!), like deciding to test you blood sugars like you used to, make your lunches for work so you aren't tempted with "nono" foods, or deciding to clean out the fridge and pantry of foods that have mysteriously found their way there! Anyway, hope this helps....just remember you are responsible for being the best you you can be because there is no one on the face of this earth that can replace you and you are loved.....Blessings/L

Thank you so much


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Hi @Christine101 I had gestational diabetes 15 years ago, diagnosed type 2 a few weeks ago. As a mum I think it's very easy to put your own nutrition last and the kids first - something that has helped me recently is batch cooking or keeping meals extremely simple so I always know I'll have something suitable to hand if I'm hungry. So I'm about to bung ingredients for a low carb soup in the slow cooker ready for my tea - lunch was an omelette with broccoli - and I stock up on suitable snacks, such as nuts, too. Just a little bit of meal prep takes the stress out of eating better for me. Hope this helps.


Hi @Christine101 I had gestational diabetes 15 years ago, diagnosed type 2 a few weeks ago. As a mum I think it's very easy to put your own nutrition last and the kids first - something that has helped me recently is batch cooking or keeping meals extremely simple so I always know I'll have something suitable to hand if I'm hungry. So I'm about to bung ingredients for a low carb soup in the slow cooker ready for my tea - lunch was an omelette with broccoli - and I stock up on suitable snacks, such as nuts, too. Just a little bit of meal prep takes the stress out of eating better for me. Hope this helps.

Yes thank you what would u have as snacks?


Hi @Christine101 I had gestational diabetes 15 years ago, diagnosed type 2 a few weeks ago. As a mum I think it's very easy to put your own nutrition last and the kids first - something that has helped me recently is batch cooking or keeping meals extremely simple so I always know I'll have something suitable to hand if I'm hungry. So I'm about to bung ingredients for a low carb soup in the slow cooker ready for my tea - lunch was an omelette with broccoli - and I stock up on suitable snacks, such as nuts, too. Just a little bit of meal prep takes the stress out of eating better for me. Hope this helps.

Yea I had gestational as well but was fine after pregnancy but come back I still find it so confusing


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Yes thank you what would u have as snacks?
Well I'm doing a veggie version of a relatively low carb diet, so instead of low-fat crisps or lots of fruit as would have done before, I now sometimes have a handful of cashew nuts or even a spoonful of almond butter! Houmous and veg sticks another favourite. Boiled eggs are good too - and protein pots with boiled eggs and spinach can be found in quite a few shops now. Since changing my diet, now my meals are much more filling for me - beforehand I had carb cravings all day and was literally snacking all day.


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Yea I had gestational as well but was fine after pregnancy but come back I still find it so confusing
Yes mine went away straight after giving birth - but I was told it predisposed it me to t2 later in life - and I did gain weight and tried many, many weight loss attempts over the last 15 years - usually low fat high carb - would have some success, then fall of the wagon and regain plus a few extra pounds. I feel now this was totally the wrong approach for my body - so for me personally low carb is better.


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I also first encountered my diabetes when pregnant - that was 20 years ago now (my son is 20 next month & I have a 17 year old daughter too). I was really well controlled when pregnant, as it was all about looking after my growing babies. Then I let my diet slide and was finally diagnosed as T2 nearly 7 years ago.
I immediately went on a low carb diet - keeping it really simple by ditching all sugar and the obvious carbs (potatoes, rice, pasta, bread etc) and eating to my meter. I ‘reversed’ my diabetes after a few months and have not looked back since.
What keeps me motivated is my kids. I want to be around for them. And fit and healthy enough to enjoy spending time with them. I have wobbles and am by no means perfect with my diet, but I forgive myself and get back on the wagon if I stray.
I hope you figure it out too and good luck
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I think she means "but it has come back", and she can't understand why that has happened.


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I think she means "but it has come back", and she can't understand why that has happened.

I can’t remember the stats without looking it up (& it’s rather late in the evening for me!), but a huge proportion of women who have gestational diabetes go on to develop diabetes within 10 years. In part I think this is because the standard dietary advice is to eat low fat and (too) high carb with plenty of fruit which is the worse thing to do.

I also think anyone with gest diabetes should have an annual HbA1c to keep an eye on blood sugar control. I wish I had been given these. It makes my blood boil as this is a relatively inexpensive thing to do that could prevent many women developing full blown diabetes... And avoid nasty surprises.
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I can’t remember the stats without looking it up (& it’s rather late in the evening for me!), but a huge proportion of women who have gestational diabetes go on to develop diabetes within 10 years. In part I think this is because the standard dietary advice is to eat low fat and (too) high carb with plenty of fruit which is the worse thing to do.

I also think anyone with gest diabetes should have an annual HbA1c to keep an eye on blood sugar control. I wish I had been given these. It makes my blood boil as this is a relatively inexpensive thing to do that could prevent many women developing full blown diabetes... And avoid nasty surprises.
This aticle talks about it:,-researchers-say-91821849.html and says we were 20 times more likely to develop t2 having had gestational - I don't remember any after care beyond a blood test at the 6 week check post birth, then I was signed off. The stats make me wonder just how long I've had t2 without realising.
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