Here comes Summer let's stay active.


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I'm in:) Have recently rediscovered my Wii Fit. It's not connected up but I use the board to do a brisk 30 minutes of walking whilst watching TV:( I know this isn't the same thing as going for a nice country walk (which I also try to do) but figure that if I'm going to watch something I might as well be exercising at the same time. Have also been very busy in the garden - not sure this counts as exercise but all that soil shifting is certainly exercising some unusual muscles!
Sounds like exercise to me!


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Oh I think it does count, I remember seeing something on TV that a morning's housework is better than a gym session, so I'm betting gardening will be the same.
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Well, @Jamrox (bless her, Mrs Motivator) has had these threads going for a while now, and from the beginning has advocated just moving about more in whatever way possible. To begin with, as I was recovering from major surgery, all I could manage was some seated arm lifts, and a bit of foot waggling. I have come a long way. Due to disabling impairments I am never going to be a fell runner, or even go for long walks, but will find inspiration and motivation by reading what others are doing and adapting to my own abilities. It is all about challenging oneself a little more in increments. So housework and gardening can be a slow gentle form of exercise or a fast heavy workout. Whatever we want to make it. Just move more and move as much as you can in whatever way possible. For me, as some will have tired of hearing, the swimming pool is the only place I can manage a vigorous work out. I still try to move about out of water as often as I can, and make use of garden furniture and work tops in the kitchen as alternative gym equipment.

Today I have managed to get to the swimming pool. 55 mins aquafit class and 15 mins swimming. Feels good, though tiring. Rewarding myself with feet up reading paper, nice cup of coffee.
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I'm in:) Have recently rediscovered my Wii Fit. It's not connected up but I use the board to do a brisk 30 minutes of walking whilst watching TV:( I know this isn't the same thing as going for a nice country walk (which I also try to do) but figure that if I'm going to watch something I might as well be exercising at the same time. Have also been very busy in the garden - not sure this counts as exercise but all that soil shifting is certainly exercising some unusual muscles!
It's surprising how much gardening takes out of you! I track my steps and usually do around the 10k mark on an average day. A day spent in the garden can double that and yet without tracking my activity I would never guess it was quite so demanding. Gardening rocks as exercise!;)
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Well, @Jamrox (bless her, Mrs Motivator) has had these threads going for a while now, and from the beginning has advocated just moving about more in whatever way possible. To begin with, as I was recovering from major surgery, all I could manage was some seated arm lifts, and a bit of foot waggling. I have come a long way. Due to disabling impairments I am never going to be a fell runner, or even go for long walks, but will find inspiration and motivation by reading what others are doing and adapting to my own abilities. It is all about challenging oneself a little more in increments. So housework and gardening can be a slow gentle form of exercise or a fast heavy workout. Whatever we want to make it. Just move more and move as much as you can in whatever way possible. For me, as some will have tired of hearing, the swimming pool is the only place I can manage a vigorous work out. I still try to move about out of water as often as I can, and make use of garden furniture and work tops in the kitchen as alternative gym equipment.

Today I have managed to get to the swimming pool. 55 mins aquafit class and 15 mins swimming. Feels good, though tiring. Rewarding myself with feet up reading paper, nice cup of coffee.


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Well, @Jamrox (bless her, Mrs Motivator) has had these threads going for a while now, and from the beginning has advocated just moving about more in whatever way possible. To begin with, as I was recovering from major surgery, all I could manage was some seated arm lifts, and a bit of foot waggling. I have come a long way. Due to disabling impairments I am never going to be a fell runner, or even go for long walks, but will find inspiration and motivation by reading what others are doing and adapting to my own abilities. It is all about challenging oneself a little more in increments. So housework and gardening can be a slow gentle form of exercise or a fast heavy workout. Whatever we want to make it. Just move more and move as much as you can in whatever way possible. For me, as some will have tired of hearing, the swimming pool is the only place I can manage a vigorous work out. I still try to move about out of water as often as I can, and make use of garden furniture and work tops in the kitchen as alternative gym equipment.

Today I have managed to get to the swimming pool. 55 mins aquafit class and 15 mins swimming. Feels good, though tiring. Rewarding myself with feet up reading paper, nice cup of coffee.
Very impressed with the water activities. I've not worn a swimming costume in years but always used to enjoy swimming and very good exercise. Maybe that should be my challenge for the summer - buying a costume will be the first challenge!
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It's surprising how much gardening takes out of you! I track my steps and usually do around the 10k mark on an average day. A day spent in the garden can double that and yet without tracking my activity I would never guess it was quite so demanding. Gardening rocks as exercise!;)
10k steps a day is impressive! Glad everyone thinks gardening counts as exercise. I need to order a load of top soil and compost for newly made very large veg bed. I'm fairly convinced that delivery will only be to the front pavement so I'll have to shift it somehow round the back. Will borrow neighbour's wheel barrow but not sure how to get it up the steps! Ha ha, will this count as my 30 mins of exercise for the next 2 weeks?!
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Very impressed with the water activities. I've not worn a swimming costume in years but always used to enjoy swimming and very good exercise. Maybe that should be my challenge for the summer - buying a costume will be the first challenge!
If you have enjoyed it before you will again.
I hadn't been swimming for 15 years. Busy with work, caring for others, then gained so much weight I was too ashamed. Yet it is the best form of exercise for someone vety large, especially if, like me they are disabled. (I had a severe spinal injury so can't walk far). I was fortunate that the NHS weight loss service took me seriously and set up a swimming pool exercise programme, just for us fat people. Once I got over the initial apprehension I enjoyed it so much, and the advantage was it helped me with weight loss and diabetes control. I no longer just go to the specialist fat sessions. I don't care if people look at me. There are very few 'perfect' bodies, after all. If I am being stared at I convince myself that it is admiration for my spectacular swimming style. :D
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It's surprising how much gardening takes out of you! I track my steps and usually do around the 10k mark on an average day. A day spent in the garden can double that and yet without tracking my activity I would never guess it was quite so demanding. Gardening rocks as exercise!;)
Hello. You still cycling then?
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Been lazing around since morn..lazy lazy day for me
Your choice, I guess. I am going to be busy with housework, but will exercise in addition to that by fitting in several short sessions of physio exercises.
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Walked to the pub and back (15 mins each way) with friends for lunch plus another hour of gardening. Sure that must cover it!
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Have only been able to potter about a bit today. Will try to finish the day with some stepping.
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Hi jamrox, just finished my pm 10 mile exercise bike ride and did 50situps, then 1/2 hr of weights, now doing this routine am and pm
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Hi jamrox, just finished my pm 10 mile exercise bike ride and did 50situps, then 1/2 hr of weights, now doing this routine am and pm
Stop it! You put the rest of us to shame.;)


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Hello. You still cycling then?
Hi @Pipp!,
Yes, still cycling - though my thing is more running - not great distances, but regularly. A while back I spent a few hours working in the garden though, and at the end of the day felt absolutely exhausted. I thought I was just being a bit lame and then saw that I had done doubled my steps! It shows that you don't have to be dressed in lycra to get a good workout!
Great to see you're still swimming x:)
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