High amount insulin


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi I'm new here and so scares and frustrated I'm in high amount of insulin
58 units 3xday
130 units long acting
I'm so scared this is to much insulin my dietician said don't take insulin if I have a now carb meal but that has made my sugars go high .
I eat healthy and do swim and aqua fit 5 times a week don't eat rubbish yet I cannot get my sugar down and it's scaring me and frustrating me because I do everything to keep.healthy hba1c is 70 so not overly high yet apparently I need high units of Insulin
Is anyone else on high amounts like me ??
Thanks in advance


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
As a very ordinary type 2 on no medication, I need to keep my glucose levels down by eating a low carb diet. That seems to have reduced my insulin resistance, though I still stick to 10 gm of carbs in the morning, and the rest in the evening.
Is your diet more like 'normal' or for a type 1 in that it is normal amounts of carbs?


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi I'm new here and so scares and frustrated I'm in high amount of insulin
58 units 3xday
130 units long acting
I'm so scared this is to much insulin my dietician said don't take insulin if I have a now carb meal but that has made my sugars go high .
I eat healthy and do swim and aqua fit 5 times a week don't eat rubbish yet I cannot get my sugar down and it's scaring me and frustrating me because I do everything to keep.healthy hba1c is 70 so not overly high yet apparently I need high units of Insulin
Is anyone else on high amounts like me ??
Thanks in advance
Hello, @mortigger1968
To avoid confusion, and to enable members to have the correct information to be able to offer accurate advice, it would be helpful if you could update your profile, which currently states you are on oral medication.
Also, if you give further info on what your diet consists of, rather than just saying you “eat healthy”, and “don’t eat rubbish”, it will help members to understand what advice you need.

Well done on the water exercise. I enjoy aquafit and swimming, too. Not sure it helps with my diabetes management, but sure feel good with less arthritic pain after being in the swimming pool.


Hi I'm new here and so scares and frustrated I'm in high amount of insulin
58 units 3xday
130 units long acting
I'm so scared this is to much insulin my dietician said don't take insulin if I have a now carb meal but that has made my sugars go high .
I eat healthy and do swim and aqua fit 5 times a week don't eat rubbish yet I cannot get my sugar down and it's scaring me and frustrating me because I do everything to keep.healthy hba1c is 70 so not overly high yet apparently I need high units of Insulin
Is anyone else on high amounts like me ??
Thanks in advance
I am a type two diabetic first diagnosed in 2016. started on Metformin and a couple other oral medication‘s that did nothing for me and progressed to insulin both basil and bolus at this stage. I am doing 130 units per day of Lantus and for bolus using Apidra with each meal. Averaging about 100 units per day depending on the carbs in the meal

To you that amount might sound like a lot, but the way my Endo described it. It all depends on you, your age, your body type and your lifestyle for instance, I am taking as much as you every day and the endocrinologist does not seem disturbed by that. everyone’s situation is different when I was first diagnosed. I was asking what’s the normal amount of insulin. There really is no such thing. Every case is unique hang in there you’ll be fine.