High BGs after probiotics


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I’ve been taking a probiotic for just over a week and my BG levels have been significantly raised, I’ve only started suspecting the probiotics today. The first ingredient is maltose, which is a high GI sugar, but there’s only 4.4 grams total weight per packet, (including the probiotics). Could this be causing the BG spikes? It’s only a small amount, but it’s a very high GI sugar. I’m a bit confused, they were really expensive probiotics too! :(
Most home bgl testers are sensitive to Maltose and Malitol and some other sugar alcohols. These do not actually raise bgl, but throw the meter off calibration so it gives the appearance of a bgl spike. Check the test strip leaflet amd meter literature, and it will give some info. Manufacturers are aware of this and use different methods to reduce this sensitivty, so newer meters should be more robust. Some meter manufacturers have published this data in the report that demonstrated their meter design met the ISO standards snd CE mark tests. There are also some VDE test reports for the European market standards that will also show this since it is now one of the required tests since 2016,
Edit to add:


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I have done and feel exactly like you. It’s all rubbish. We’re going on vacation in a few weeks and my anxiety levels are high. My mom loves to have loads of food all around all day and continuously asked me if I want some. It’s wearing. I think my stomach is harder to manage than D!

Are you low carb? High fat? Do you tolerate nuts? I can only eat a few at a time.

I’ve read in. Umerous places that probiotics also feed the nasties in the small intestines which is why they’re contraindicated.

Can you eat small amounts of protein? Following the recommended guidelines of .8 g per kg lean body mass I only need 5 oz so splitting it over smaller meals helps emmensly.
I always have a thin slice of organic deli meat for bf. Easy. Lunch I make and split and then dinner. It’s a pain in the ars but precccoking and freezing in my portions really helps. It took forever to find a routine that worked for my stomach AND bg but I’m on autopilot now. 1-1.5 per meal, avocado and a few veg. I stopped worrying about it because as you said, just like D it’s never going to go away.
After talking to you, I feel better that I’m not alone and reminded my stupid stomach is a result of SIBO and not just quirky on its own. I’ve tried teaching it to no avail.

Oh, and fermented foods ?? NO WAY

I have an early Christmas family visit coming up that I’m dreading too. I won’t be able to eat my normal foods and my sister sounds like your mum, lots of food everywhere. I’m dreading it :(

Even small amounts of protein seem to upset my digestive system, but then I feel like a vegan diet isn’t great for diabetes. Like you said, the digestive stuff is harder than dealing with diabetes!

Fermented foods are a no-no for me too, I tried sauerkraut and kefir, but that wasn’t good! I did get a reply back about my probiotics, they were saying that there was only a very small amount of maltose in the probiotics and that it shouldn’t affect my BG. I’m not sure what else could be causing it, maybe my pancreas is finally giving up completely!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I totally agree. I like my food better too!
I gave up on it when I found out one of our restaurants put gluten in their guacamole!
It’s just harder to socialize. Especially when I can only eat a handful of subpar food at one time. And no, never take home leftovers. Waste of money
Yes, socialising is a problem, but it is human society that has the problem, not us! I thought this long before I discovered my A1c, when I was just keen on healthy living and eating. Feasting as a focus for social interaction may have made sense once upon a time when many people might have too little to eat for much of the year, but nowadays when most people are over-fed and under-exercised, it's a total disaster. We need to find another way to enjoy being together.


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I have an early Christmas family visit coming up that I’m dreading too. I won’t be able to eat my normal foods and my sister sounds like your mum, lots of food everywhere. I’m dreading it :(

Even small amounts of protein seem to upset my digestive system, but then I feel like a vegan diet isn’t great for diabetes. Like you said, the digestive stuff is harder than dealing with diabetes!

Fermented foods are a no-no for me too, I tried sauerkraut and kefir, but that wasn’t good! I did get a reply back about my probiotics, they were saying that there was only a very small amount of maltose in the probiotics and that it shouldn’t affect my BG. I’m not sure what else could be causing it, maybe my pancreas is finally giving up completely!
Yes, I’m DREADING our early Christmas as well. At least this year, through argument, we decided to stay at a hotel with a full kitchen. At least I’ll have my morning and bed time ritual which will help. And somewhere to go if we need to escape lol. But we will still be with them between 11-8. They are clueless what we go through and I’m not sure they even try to understand.

I tried bubbies pickles and Kimchi. NEVER AGAIN. Even hubby had issues.

I could never be vegan as I do need my animal/ Fish protein. I eat more fish than poultry and more poultry than red meat. Eggs too. I could never keep my bg in range eating vegan protein and I don’t go anywhere near anything with soy. That’s a tough one. I also don’t digest carbs in any amount. Including veggies and it’s worse if I eat them with fat and protein.

Have you stopped the pbx and noticed any difference? How much higher were you going up? I’ve noticed the last few days with the weather changes I require less insulin. Have you ever noticed seasonal bg swings?


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Yes, socialising is a problem, but it is human society that has the problem, not us! I thought this long before I discovered my A1c, when I was just keen on healthy living and eating. Feasting as a focus for social interaction may have made sense once upon a time when many people might have too little to eat for much of the year, but nowadays when most people are over-fed and under-exercised, it's a total disaster. We need to find another way to enjoy being together.
I agree, people over feed. We saw a platter come out of the kitchen at a restaurant and it would take me 3 days to eat all that food and I’d be sick as a dog. This was after they had a big plate of appetizers. Ridiculous really.

My mom does what she’s done for decades. Over feeds everyone and none of us want it except her. She’s 86 so I have to let it go but it’s a long 5 days having food shoved at me every other minute. I’m 53, I’m pretty sure I know how to get my own food lol. I don’t need a food police. And I think she has a mental block that I’m diabetic. As I said above, we are staying in a hotel this time and at least I can have my morning and evening ritual to wind down.