Holistic approach works in lowering blood sugars.

Amanda Moore

Hi Everyone,

I am diabetic type 2, I am doing this holistic approach to reverse my diabetes.

I drink apple cider water twice daily morning and night, green teas and I take bitter melon supplements once daily in the mornings. I brisk walk daily for at least an hour a time as my daily exercise.

It's working to lower my blood sugars and it's within normal range too.

Diabetes is a very serious physical medical condition so, must be taken seriously which most diabetics don't do. I do it to prevent diabetes complications.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Diabetes is a very serious physical medical condition so, must be taken seriously which most diabetics don't do. I do it to prevent diabetes complications.
Welcome to the forum @Amanda Moore

Whilst there will be some people who choose to not try to lower their blood sugar, you'll find that people on this forum do take their diabetes seriously, as do people I know personally, so it's rather a sweeping statement to say most diabetics don't.


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi Everyone,

I am diabetic type 2, I am doing this holistic approach to reverse my diabetes.

I drink apple cider water twice daily morning and night, green teas and I take bitter melon supplements once daily in the mornings. I brisk walk daily for at least an hour a time as my daily exercise.

It's working to lower my blood sugars and it's within normal range too.

Diabetes is a very serious physical medical condition so, must be taken seriously which most diabetics don't do. I do it to prevent diabetes complications.

Hi Amanda, where do you get your bitter melon supplement? How do you find it? Do you take any medication?

In Response

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
@Amanda Moore you don't mention what type of diabetes you are treating.
I say this because treating Type 1 diabetes this way would be dangerous - our bodies need insulin.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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hypos and forum bugs
@Amanda Moore you don't mention what type of diabetes you are treating.
I say this because treating Type 1 diabetes this way would be dangerous - our bodies need insulin.

She's T2 according to her opening post, though @Amanda Moore it would probably help if you went into account details (by clicking on your name on the top right of the screen) and entered your diabetes type there.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@Amanda Moore you don't mention what type of diabetes you are treating.
I say this because treating Type 1 diabetes this way would be dangerous - our bodies need insulin.
The OP clearly states T2D in the opening line.

I am having success with Bitter Melon and it works for me. I also tried Gymnema sylvestre too, and that seems to help reduce insulin resistance, but is not as effective as the BM. I do need a small dose of medication, and I am also using a lowish carb diet to control, so the BM is not a cure.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
The OP clearly states T2D in the opening line.

I am having success with Bitter Melon and it works for me. I also tried Gymnema sylvestre too, and that seems to help reduce insulin resistance, but is not as effective as the BM. I do need a small dose of medication, and I am also using a lowish carb diet to control, so the BM is not a cure.
I have not heard of these supplements before.
Treatment of Diabetes has changed so much for all of us.
Where does one go to find out about this subject


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I have not heard of these supplements before.
Treatment of Diabetes has changed so much for all of us.
Where does one go to find out about this subject
They get discussed in this forum quite often. Try using the search facility to see what others have experienced. and also any warnings that others have discovered. Supplements like these are classed as food, not medicines, so are not tested or regulated like meds are. So the advice is caveat emptor (buyer beware) since anyone can set up to make or sell supplements and the quality will vary quite considerably.

There is a subforum on alternative treatments (this thread is already in it) so if you go to the main Forum menu you can start researching this section)

The main point I will make is that if a supplement is found to be effective, then be assured that Big Pharma will take it over and make money from it. So supplements like French Lilly (metformin) or foxglove (digitalis) or willow bark (aspirin) have already been snaffled. Even dandelion forms the basis for diuretics.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
They get discussed in this forum quite often. Try using the search facility to see what others have experienced. and also any warnings that others have discovered. Supplements like these are classed as food, not medicines, so are not tested or regulated like meds are. So the advice is caveat emptor (buyer beware) since anyone can set up to make or sell supplements and the quality will vary quite considerably.

There is a subforum on alternative treatments (this thread is already in it) so if you go to the main Forum menu you can start researching this section)

The main point I will make is that if a supplement is found to be effective, then be assured that Big Pharma will take it over and make money from it. So supplements like French Lilly (metformin) or foxglove (digitalis) or willow bark (aspirin) have already been snaffled. Even dandelion forms the basis for diuretics.
Thanks very much (appreciated) x


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
And correct me it I am wrong Oldvatr. But diden t valium come from the valerian root.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks. And in the end isent nature good giving us all these plants. (the natural ones I am talking about now ) And mostly free. Nature never wanted money did it. Unlike these big Pharmas


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi Everyone,

I am diabetic type 2, I am doing this holistic approach to reverse my diabetes.

I drink apple cider water twice daily morning and night, green teas and I take bitter melon supplements once daily in the mornings. I brisk walk daily for at least an hour a time as my daily exercise.

It's working to lower my blood sugars and it's within normal range too.

Diabetes is a very serious physical medical condition so, must be taken seriously which most diabetics don't do. I do it to prevent diabetes complications.

How much apple cider in a cup of water? A tbsp?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
T2 and PAF & now Haemochromatosis!
Hi Everyone,

I am diabetic type 2, I am doing this holistic approach to reverse my diabetes.

I drink apple cider water twice daily morning and night, green teas and I take bitter melon supplements once daily in the mornings. I brisk walk daily for at least an hour a time as my daily exercise.

It's working to lower my blood sugars and it's within normal range too.

Diabetes is a very serious physical medical condition so, must be taken seriously which most diabetics don't do. I do it to prevent diabetes complications.
It’s sometimes trying to get the ‘professionals’ to be onboard with what you em want to do. My DN said I’d soon be injecting And GP telling me I’m testing too often, only 2x a day


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I am new to this also and have red so much information that my head is spinning , does all these monjo jombo methods really work..


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I am new to this also and have red so much information that my head is spinning , does all these monjo jombo methods really work..
Some do, some don't... Some things help, a little, or just enough. Depends on how bad someone's insulin resistance/insensitivity is, if a type 2. https://josekalsbeek.blogspot.com/2019/11/the-nutritional-thingy.html is pretty much fool proof, kept my numbers in the non-diabetic range for 7 years now.... But with everything you're reading, you know what'd help? A meter. If you don't have one yet, get one, and test your heart out. It won't try to sell you on some weird magical thinking, a sparkly cure from the amazon, just, you know... Tell you who's full of it and who isn't. I thought the low carb high fat diet was insane, but my meter (and my weightloss, and my healed fatty liver) told me it was working. Don't rely entirely on the testament of others, as their body isn't the same as your body. Just try some stuff and see what works for YOU.

Good luck!
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Some do, some don't... Some things help, a little, or just enough. Depends on how bad someone's insulin resistance/insensitivity is, if a type 2. is pretty much fool proof, kept my numbers in the non-diabetic range for 7 years now.... But with everything you're reading, you know what'd help? A meter. If you don't have one yet, get one, and test your heart out. It won't try to sell you on some weird magical thinking, a sparkly cure from the amazon, just, you know... Tell you who's full of it and who isn't. I thought the low carb high fat diet was insane, but my meter (and my weightloss, and my healed fatty liver) told me it was working. Don't rely entirely on the testament of others, as their body isn't the same as your body. Just try some stuff and see what works for YOU.

Good luck!
Thank for your advice, i will definitely look into it.
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