How Long After Diagnosis Did You Go Back To Work?


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Hi all,

I am due to go back to work on 2nd Jan after having 2 weeks off after diagnosis. I spent most of the first week in hospital and have been at home since. My BG readings vary from 13-22mmol/l still and I feel exhausted every day with constant headaches and slight blurred vision. I don't know if I should be going back yet as I have a very stressful and active job, pushing patients to and from theatre throughout a 13 hour shift. I would feel so guilty taking more time off, so was wondering how long you all took off work post diagnosis?

Lizzie x


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I had 2 weeks in total, first week was spent in hospital.

Lizzie, in your position I would be having a word with your personnel dept or manager and explain how your feeling at the moment, as a hospital they should (well hopefully) understand that you cannot return to work until your bg levels are under control and your up to carrying out your duties.
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Hi all,

I am due to go back to work on 2nd Jan after having 2 weeks off after diagnosis. I spent most of the first week in hospital and have been at home since. My BG readings vary from 13-22mmol/l still and I feel exhausted every day with constant headaches and slight blurred vision. I don't know if I should be going back yet as I have a very stressful and active job, pushing patients to and from theatre throughout a 13 hour shift. I would feel so guilty taking more time off, so was wondering how long you all took off work post diagnosis?

Lizzie x

Hi Lizzie, please don't feel any quilt, it's a lot to get your head round and a huge change in your life to start off with. You have a very active job with long hours and quite stressful too.
I was diagnosed hundreds of miles from home, stayed in hospital for a week. The doctors advised me not to travel back so soon after being discharged, it was very long coach journey, from the North to Victoria station and then another coach from there to get home. ( I was travelling on my own, 1989) So it was actually two weeks, Sainsbury's, where I worked, were very understanding.

Take care and best wishes RRB
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I'm self employed and didn't take time off (couldn't afford to) although during the first 3 weeks I found myself spending more time focussing on diabetes and reading online than actual work, what work I did helped to distract me once in a while. One thing which did help me early on was sorting out the blurred vision with a pair of reading glasses from Poundland. Whilst I was struggling with reading it made everything seem so much worse from suddenly feeling hopeless to feeling exhausted by it all and the minute I got that one thing sorted it really helped me to become more positive and less tired.
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Not being able to eat as many chocolate digestives as I used to.
Was in hospital on a Thursday afternoon with BG of 31mmol, had first insulin injection and went back to work Friday morning. Wasn't really ill though, apart from a few minor things, some of which have started to go with BG's under better control.
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Mrs Vimes

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Had an outpatients appointment in the morning. Told I was going on insulin and the nurse would come round to my house after work next day to show me how to do it. Straight back to work after out patients appointment.
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Newly diagnosed type 1, about 5 weeks ago. I was admitted to hospital the Friday night, home Tuesday evening. Back to work the following Monday. Was good to get back to work, but I felt up to it. Everyone's different, you may need another week to recover. No point in going back too soon then having to take longer off as you're ill :-/
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Hiya Lizzie, everyone is different, take your time and only go back when you feel ready and try not to rush it, take care ;)
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Hi. I think those who have suffered DKA should take enough time to return to feeling OK; the blood sugar level itself shouldn't matter too much for work. I worked when I had blurry vision and blood sugar in the 20s/30s but was never DKA so didn't need to recover from that.
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Wow, so many of you went back to work so quickly! I went to the shops with my OH yesterday and had to sleep afterwards, it totally blew me out. I just don't know what to do for the best. I have another appointment with the team tomorrow as they were concerned about how rough I felt yesterday, so I'll see how that goes I guess.

@Daibell While in hospital I went into DKA twice, so maybe that's why I feel so rough? Hmm.

Thank you all! xxx


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I was admitted to hospital with DKA. Was ill for about 8-10 days before hospital. Had dr in morning, wasn't admitted until evening as my blood sugars weren't as high as they should have been for ketones of 4, so this confused dr. But in afternoon when I couldn't breath, he had to do something. I refused ambulance though & said I'd get a lift. I was so tired for the first few days after getting out of hospital but went for a wee walk each day, further each time just to get going & get legs back to normal after being in bed for days. Work has been really good, everyone has been great. :)


Well-Known Member
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I was admitted to hospital with DKA. Was ill for about 8-10 days before hospital. Had dr in morning, wasn't admitted until evening as my blood sugars weren't as high as they should have been for ketones of 4, so this confused dr. But in afternoon when I couldn't breath, he had to do something. I refused ambulance though & said I'd get a lift. I was so tired for the first few days after getting out of hospital but went for a wee walk each day, further each time just go get going & get legs back to normal after being in bed for days.

Wow, and you only had a week off! Did you have headaches or tiredness after? I'm wondering if I'm coming down with something and that's why I feel so poorly, and it's not related to diabetes. x


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Yeah, the week that I was off I had it booked off work as holidays!! Lol!! No headaches really, but very tired. Just made sure I got 7/8 hours a night, snooze in the afternoon. Now I'm back to work I'm in bed for 10.30pm & up at 6.20am. The routine is good. I have noticed I'm more tired nowadays compared to 2 months ago. I don't feel as tired in the morning but by 7/8pm I'm feeling pretty shattered. Maybe you are coming down with something, there's so many bugs & stuff going around at this time of year.
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i was at school so not the same but i worked as a hospital porter for 3 years doing various shifts, long hours and 7 days in a row etc. i found being so active and doing a physical job i had to lower my doses a lot. i would def discuss with your team and stress how physical the job is. with regards to feeling bad i feel bad loads but going to work sometimes helps, if that makes sense. it sort of helps you get into a routine etc... and naps, i still take plenty of naps now, esp at weekends. i think diabetes just wears you out mentally as well as physically.
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I went in with DKA and learned of my diabetes on Xmas Eve, just finished a 24 hour care shift that morning. I'm due back to work on the 4th Jan, I haven't taken time off-it was pre-planned holiday but I have to admit I'm a bit nervous myself about going back. I'll be at work before I see a diabetic nurse or dietician :S working for 40 odd hours (sleeping there obviously!) I think it'll be a case of suck it up and see for me lol, just making sure to take plenty of low carb food & snacks with me! Btw has anyone got advice on some nice low carb snack bars? I've got some Atkins ones now for when I'm starving and caught out but can't say they are particularly nice!


Well-Known Member
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I went in with DKA and learned of my diabetes on Xmas Eve, just finished a 24 hour care shift that morning. I'm due back to work on the 4th Jan, I haven't taken time off-it was pre-planned holiday but I have to admit I'm a bit nervous myself about going back. I'll be at work before I see a diabetic nurse or dietician :S working for 40 odd hours (sleeping there obviously!) I think it'll be a case of suck it up and see for me lol, just making sure to take plenty of low carb food & snacks with me! Btw has anyone got advice on some nice low carb snack bars? I've got some Atkins ones now for when I'm starving and caught out but can't say they are particularly nice!

Ooh Danny, surely you shouldn't go back until you've seen your team? Maybe I'm being too cautious, but it seems like a dodgy idea. I guess just check check check if you have to go back. Could you maybe take a week off just until you've seen your team? x


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I would def take ur time @lizziewizzie. Everybody is different and it also very much depends on the job too! As u said u have busy/hard going shifts, I would def give it another couple of weeks. I can understand why people would go back sooner but if ur fortunate to get sick pay, make the most of that. U get no thanks for going back early, u and ur health is most important. I suffered from horrible headaches and I can say that have eased! Not completely but better! No doubt going back to work will bring them back with a vengeance I was really worried about the headaches and my nurse reassured me that it was probably stress, and I think she was right. It's a lot to take in and constant thinking/worry... Hopefully they ease once u start to feel better. Also maybe get ur eyes tested too?


Ps sorry i realise iv replied to ur posts all over the place lol x
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I was back to work the next day, but then I was diagnosed as a result of investigation into another medical issue and didn't end up in hospital as an inpatient.

Also, I was doing a low paid temp job with no responsibility at all (or cognative function), nevermind for the health of any other person. What would you feel more guilty about? Taking the time off it sounds like you need to adjust to a major life change, or making a mistake with a patient that affects them long term? Occupational Health should be able to assist you.


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Mine was luckily during a half term holiday whilst at college so I spent the week in hospital, they could have kept me in the ward but it was like a prison so I wanted to get out early so I could resume my studies.


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I went back to work the day after they let me out of hospital.

Admittedly I did have my laptop with me so was doing a little bit of work while I was actually still in hospital.
For me hospital was also like a prison and I couldn't wait to get out, due to some screw ups with organising a DSN and nutritionist I ended up staying in a day or two longer than I could have done.

But out now and not been back in.