Hi all,
Was just diagnosed as Prediabetic a few days ago and after a bit of shock and despair I'm now treating this as an opportunity to transform my life!
I'm quite familiar with low carb diets as when i was younger i used to live by the Atkins for years. I was at my thinnest at this time but it got quite difficult emotionally and I began to feel as if the diet was controlling every aspect of my life and it became unhealthy living on 20g of carbs for so long and found it difficult to re-introduce carbs as the diet recommended. So eventually i stopped the diet and ballooned almost instantly to what i am now which is 14stones (i'm 5'3) and its the largest i've ever been. My metabolism was really out of whack and It was hard to do any other other diet successfully for a long time after i stopped Atkins.
So fast forward to today and after alot of research It's quite apparent that to keep my blood sugars low I will need to resume a low carb diet and the idea is kinda scaring me. I have already started restricing my carbs to 80-100g which is considerably low compared to what ive been eating over recent years but im unsure if this will be enough to make any serious changes to reverse the prediabetes figure of 43.
What carb intake should a prediabetic be eating? I'm really hoping i dont have to go below 50g.
Thanks for your help!
Was just diagnosed as Prediabetic a few days ago and after a bit of shock and despair I'm now treating this as an opportunity to transform my life!
I'm quite familiar with low carb diets as when i was younger i used to live by the Atkins for years. I was at my thinnest at this time but it got quite difficult emotionally and I began to feel as if the diet was controlling every aspect of my life and it became unhealthy living on 20g of carbs for so long and found it difficult to re-introduce carbs as the diet recommended. So eventually i stopped the diet and ballooned almost instantly to what i am now which is 14stones (i'm 5'3) and its the largest i've ever been. My metabolism was really out of whack and It was hard to do any other other diet successfully for a long time after i stopped Atkins.
So fast forward to today and after alot of research It's quite apparent that to keep my blood sugars low I will need to resume a low carb diet and the idea is kinda scaring me. I have already started restricing my carbs to 80-100g which is considerably low compared to what ive been eating over recent years but im unsure if this will be enough to make any serious changes to reverse the prediabetes figure of 43.
What carb intake should a prediabetic be eating? I'm really hoping i dont have to go below 50g.
Thanks for your help!