How many hours sleep is essential for me overnight


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Hi @Michael52 Welcome to the forum. I read today that anywhere between 7-8 hours appears to be the norm, however what is right for you as an individual is down to you, some people cope fine on 6 hours, personally I need 7.5-8 hours. I also tend to find that depending on what my blood glucose levels are during the night that I get much better sleep if I am around 4.5-9mmol/l.
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Im a funny one with sleep. During the week im Normally in bed for 11.30 and up at 6am totally shattered, but I pull myself together.

At the weekend it's bed for 11.30ish but I could stay there until 10am easilly. I get up about 9am totally shattered and it takes me a while to pull myself together. Possibly too much sleep.

While I worked nightshift I was lucky if I got 5 hours broken sleep.
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Sleep is a completely personal or idiopathic need. I have looked into this many, many times over the years because I have suffered sleep disturbance since my twenties. At sixty five I would guess that your need for sleep is slowly diminishing but we are all so different that what is great for one person is unmanageable for another. I am afraid it is a case of trial and error. All the old adages apply, avoid caffeine later in the day, no tech/devices such as TV, radio etc in the bedroom.
Michael Mosley made a BBC programme on sleep not so long ago, perhaps you could do a search on iplayer or youtube for it. For me sleeping in a cool bedroom helps especially after a hot shower. I read a little and try not to think of problems while trying to get to sleep. Eight or nine hours is enough for me if it is unbroken.
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I had the same amount of sleep last night as I did the night before. My morning sugar levels are the same as yesterday, but I feel a bit off today. Yesterday I felt spot on.

I did a bit more exercise during the day yesterday. Maybe it's that what's made me feel like i do.


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I do think you need less sleep as you get older, who didn't sleep for 10-12 hours in their teens :)

If I get 7 hours of good sleep I'm fine, but when my kids were little and both my wife and I were working I'd get by on 5 hours a day, it's the quality of sleep rather than the quantity that really matters.
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