Hypo causing?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Side effects from medication
Does anyone know if ozempic is considered one of the non insulin meds. That cause hypos?
I ask because we can get more testing strips if on a hypo causing medication.
Well potential I mean cause not everyone responds the same.


Staff Member
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Type 1
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hypos and forum bugs
Does anyone know if ozempic is considered one of the non insulin meds. That cause hypos?
I ask because we can get more testing strips if on a hypo causing medication.
Well potential I mean cause not everyone responds the same.
I'm not sure but if you are on insulin that is the ultimate hypo causer so I would expect you to qualify anyway. Are you planning to come off insulin???
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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I'm not sure but if you are on insulin that is the ultimate hypo causer so I would expect you to qualify anyway. Are you planning to come off insulin???
I'm on ozempic too.
I am considering coming off the insulin.
It makes me ravenous. And I don't have foods to eat like celery or low calorie foods to fill up on like suggested.
But if ozempic was one of the meds. That risk hypos then I could still have the strips I get now otherwise it's back to 3 a week.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Are you getting hypoglycaemia readings of false hypo symptoms?

Being on insulin, the risk of going low, depends on what your pre meal reading is, how much insulin, portion size of carbs, and what you do between eating and testing at two hours.
Being on insulin, being T2, the reason is either insulin resistance or lack of insulin, first of second phase.
On ozempic, it should bring your average BG levels down, as it is designed to do.
So both together may be giving the symptoms.
But, I do know, that too much insulin and the insulin you do create. Could also give you high circulating insulin levels or even hyperinsulinimia. Which in turn will see your hba1c levels increase and with hyperglycaemia!
It is possible to have both!
Wanting to eat the fridge, cupboards and everything else in between, is a symptom of wanting more carbs or your brain trying to urge you to eat more. And it tells lies, it is through your craving, is actually lying and fooling you to replace the dreaded glucose it thinks it needs! It doesn't!
I would speak to your GP about why you are on both, and the symptoms you are getting.

Best wishes
Does anyone know if ozempic is considered one of the non insulin meds. That cause hypos?
I ask because we can get more testing strips if on a hypo causing medication.
Well potential I mean cause not everyone responds the same.
You should be testing anyway if you're on insulin!
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Side effects from medication
Are you getting hypoglycaemia readings of false hypo symptoms?

Being on insulin, the risk of going low, depends on what your pre meal reading is, how much insulin, portion size of carbs, and what you do between eating and testing at two hours.
Being on insulin, being T2, the reason is either insulin resistance or lack of insulin, first of second phase.
On ozempic, it should bring your average BG levels down, as it is designed to do.
So both together may be giving the symptoms.
But, I do know, that too much insulin and the insulin you do create. Could also give you high circulating insulin levels or even hyperinsulinimia. Which in turn will see your hba1c levels increase and with hyperglycaemia!
It is possible to have both!
Wanting to eat the fridge, cupboards and everything else in between, is a symptom of wanting more carbs or your brain trying to urge you to eat more. And it tells lies, it is through your craving, is actually lying and fooling you to replace the dreaded glucose it thinks it needs! It doesn't!
I would speak to your GP about why you are on both, and the symptoms you are getting.

Best wishes

You should be testing anyway if you're on insulin!
No hypos no symptoms of them.
My alarm for high bs goes off several times a day.
I spoke to my Dr about the continuous hunger. He said to reduce the basal. Which has the fasting up to over 10 most of the time now. I guess it's OK for fasting to be that high. Because he said it will go up when reducing the basal.
I'm on ozempic by my request because I had hoped it would help my hunger but I think the basal doesn't let it.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Does anyone know if ozempic is considered one of the non insulin meds. That cause hypos?
I ask because we can get more testing strips if on a hypo causing medication.
Well potential I mean cause not everyone responds the same.
Ozempic is generally considered not causing hypos when used on its own, but can lead to hypos when used in combination with other diabetic meds. The GLP-1 meds override the uisual hypo prevention feedback path in our bodies, and relies solely on the pancreas not being able to generate insulin when the bgl falls below 5 mmol/l as detected by the Beta cells. Some peo;ple have conditions where this mechanism is also faulty and thus may lose that emergency control mechanism. But it is not a common defect, so it is a listed side effect that is considered rare. The effects when combined with a low carb dor keto diet are not known, but I believe that Ozempic requires some carbs to work on, and that low carb diets (and possibly fasting) are contraindicated for Ozempic. I have seen medical reports where the blood sugar levels should not be allowed to drop below 6 mmol/l to be safe from hypo.
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