I could really use some support


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Diet only
Cruelty, bigotry
@Geminigirl - So much of your post resonated with me. There is light at the end of the tunnel, I promise. Through LCHF I have lost a fair bit of weight and no longer binge eat. I suffer from depression and anxiety and, even though I'm having a bit of a rough time at the moment, have not felt the need to comfort eat. I know two other Type 2s who, after years of medication, are reducing their meds with this way of eating.

I sympathise re your experiences with the nurse too. It sounds like your doctor has a lot more sense and he/she is likely to be supportive if you decided to try out LCHF.

I wish you well and the very best of luck, whatever you decide to do.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi all, thank you so much for all your support and ideas, I really appreciate it.
As for an update, well, I attended the tier three weight and well bing seminar today. We had a talk from a Bariatric surgeon on the ins and outs. He made it very clear how serious these ops are, despite being successful in most cases, he also explained that if your emotional issues around food are not addressed pre surgery then it is possible to gain most of the lost weight following surgery, and many do that too!
Basically, I was measured and weighed, given a food plan which you have to follow for 12 weeks, attending weekly classes to be weighed, measured and finish with exercise and menu ideas etc etc. you are the reassessed and continue for a further 12 weeks attending two weekly.
You are given a target weight loss at the start of 5% so mine is 5kg.
You are expected to maintain this loss, or lose additional weight till the 9 month mark which is when you decide with the team whether you want to be ref to tier 4 for surgery. If agreed you cannot have this surgery till 12 months from ur first appt, so for me, a year today. You still have to have kept that target weight off.
The dietician gave me a food plan based on the "eat well plate" from the British Heart Foundation.
For starters, you do not count calories, this is done for you, food is placed in its food groups and you are told how many portions to have of each every day. You do have to weigh or measure obviously. However, when I asked her how many cals this is based on roughly, she said 1,800 per day.
I said I felt this was too much and that I wouldn't lose on that, she disagreed, I also said I wasn't happy with the carbs. I mean, I do not want to tell her her job BUT de ja vu......7-8, yes! 7-8 portions of the great old starchy carbs each day. One portion is equiv to a slice of med brown bread! I said, my god, that's equiv to eating 7-8 slices of bread a day.....I will spike to hell and back. She disagreed, so I already feel I am on the back foot and will be bastardising her plan before I start. Of the 5+ fruit and veg, at least 3 to be fruit, any fruit!
I am a bit cross tbh, I suppose if I cut the carbs at least I will cut the calories.
As far as being seen at a diabetic clinic they didn't seem interested and said my GP would refer me if he felt he needed guidance.
Am going to start tomorrow but am I being daft feeling a bit disappointed?

you dont have to do excactly as they tell you, you just eat what you think is sensible of what they suggest and less like you think is good for you...
I am myself on 1000 calories the days I do not excercise...in the begining I lost about 1 kg a week...by that ... lower carb ... not too high proteins ...
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Spicy food, 2 faced people.
Oh dear, @Geminigirl, it sounds like your pre-surgery class hasn't got off to a very good start for you. Obviously, you can't chomp away on that many carbs long-term, as you know you'd be in trouble. It's a difficult one - 'do I / don't I follow the dietitian's advice'. I don't envy you having to decide. Perhaps - just one suggestion, there are probably lots of other options - as there are classes every fortnight, is it worth agreeing with the dietitian that you'll follow the instructions exactly for the first 2 weeks, so that you can then demonstrate factually to her that you haven't lost any weight (might even have gained) & that the diet sheet isn't right for you. Maybe then, it might be possible to reach a compromise whereby you can have 1800 calories per day (or whatever is agreed/right for you), made up of your own choice of things you know your body can cope with & will help you to reduce your weight. Only problem with this approach is that the dietitian is likely to say you didn't follow the diet properly - so it's your fault there's not loss! A catch-22 I think. Hope someone else comes along with a better offer .......
Hi, I went in to the drop in today and saw the dietician and discussed things with her.
In the end she saw my concerns and suggested I reduce the carbs to a level I am happy with but to keep the proteins, fats, dairy and fruit/veg groups the same. I was much happier after that and was glad I went. That will actually reduce the cals to about 1,500 and I am also happier with that too. So I am feeling brighter.
On the meds front she assured me that if the Diabetic nurse and/ or GP don't seem to be able to think of any other course of action than Insulin, she is able to directly refer me to the clinic who can explore other options.
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Spicy food, 2 faced people.
Yes, thank you, as you will see form my other rely I have spoken to them again and am feeling much more positive. Congrats on ur amazing results.
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Hi, I haven't posted before on your troubles, I went through the same process as you when I was misdiagnosed with T2.
Every so called expert diet was tried and made me gain weight.
Until the only one that worked was low carb.
My point is if you eat low carb to a plan that satiates and satisfies you. Then if it reduces your blood glucose levels and you lose weight, but you do have to find your own way of doing it! Eat to your meter! Counting carbs or calories is an unnecessary task, knowing you are eating less carbs and doing a little more exercise will work!

Your dsn, is rubbish!
She is just reading from the wrong script that is given to newbies!
I would totally ignore her, at least your dietician is a bit more with it!
Best wishes.

BTW, I'm down to under 12 stone now! I was nearly eighteen stone three years ago!
All thanks to this forum and very low carbing!
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi there.
I could really use some support.
I have been diagnosed T2 for 8 yrs now and in the past have managed diet only, then on Glimperimide after Met didn't suit me.
My HBAIC has been gradually rising over the last year and I really feel I have given up tbh.
I suffer from Anxiety and Depression and am a yo yo dieter, at the moment I need to lose about 5 stones which is not funny and I try my hardest to stick to a plan BUT am an emotional eater and its so hard, no matter how rude the Diabetic nurse is (and she is believe me!) I know the risks but feel I have hit a wall.
I don't have much in the way of support and feel so isolated.
My GP is giving me longer to lose weight before changing meds to see if I can make a difference but the nurse really disagrees with him. He says if I go on to Insulin I will become fatter and even more Insulin resistant where as the nurse wants me to move to it now.
Despite asking what other options there are that seems to be it!!!
Anyway, my last HBAIC was very high, GP says check in three months, nurse having a fit!
I have recently completed a CBT course for my issues as well as a five week weight and well being "talking therapies" course. They suggested I could attend the next course which enables support from a multi discipline team who can help with an individual eating plan, possible ref to a Diabetic specialist and Endocrinologist as I have Thyroid probs, and weekly exercise and weigh in sessions locally. Then a ref to poss Bariatric team as I meet criteria for surgery.
She sent the necessary ref to my GP who reluctantly agreed to complete and I have an appt with the service next week.
But again, my GP doesn't agree with Bariatric surgery and the nurse does.
I am undecided, I feel it's very radical and am terrified of the prospect, but at the same time I am equally afraid of Insulin and/or other meds as I tend to have reactions to a lot of meds.
I know I am going on a bit but it's almost as though I am pushing the destruct button on myself.
I feel as though I am dying on my feet, am in joint pain but tbh apart from chucking painkillers at me and disagreeing between themselves on how I should proceed I don't feel I am getting much input.
I do walk a lot, as much as my pain allows and have cut my carbs a lot but these high numbers scare me and my eyes are playing me up too.
I so hope my appt next week will offer support but again I am worried about having to make a decision on surgery.
Thanks for listening.
I am 58yrs old and am also on meds for high BP, under active Thyroid, a statin, painkillers and I also have a blood condition.
I am type 2,I was on metformin. But it didn't agree with me so went on low sugar low carb diet,keep finding things I didn't know had high carbs like carrots.Anyway I am now PRE diabetic! Still have to watch my diet but am so relieved,you can do it too.Mary
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Type 2
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Hi Geminigirl. I know it is hard to get into a difficult routine like this. You don't need people brow beating you either. I have been on insulin now for 11 years, and strangely enough it hasn't effected my weight. I keep as fit as I can, keeping myself active. With diabetes it is essential to keep good circulation, especially in the feet. Don't let it get to you.
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Prefer not to say
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All the best. Lots of amazing advice here and as a newbie I have no idea how my own diabetes diet is going so would not dream of offering advice but I do want to say you need to do what works for you. I am the same age as you and went through a terrible time. That period of my life can be summarised as not seeing the wood for the trees. I could go on about the pressures that were being placed on me resulting in me not knowing which way to turn. You know the feeling all to well.

Then a friend pointed out that I would be no use at all to my parents if I were dead so I ought to concentrate on looking after me first. Once I stopped being dutiful (and in a couple of instances polite) I won my life back. I promise you it is worth it. Try it.

As far as diet is concerned the only time I lost weight before was when I had soup for breakfast. I felt great. Then husband became ill and was home so I conformed to the stereotypical breakfast. Bad mistake.

When I got my diabetes my diabetic nurse told me to go on the Newcastle diet. I am 5ft 3 and 14 stone. When I found out what that was, I endeavoured to find a more suitable diet for me. Tbh I ended up on low carb because it was the only coherent one I found on the internet. Immediately I stopped eating the carbs I felt great.

When I did the DESMOND course they were at pains to point out I can eat what I want so long as I am fully aware of what I am putting in my mouth and adjusted my portions accordingly. They are absolutely right but the moment I took carbs I wanted bigger portions and snacks. A late evening plate of crackers, cheese with glass of port made me feel so ill I knew that is not what I want my life to be.

I have dropped the carbs again. Now I tell the family what I am going to eat and most of the time they join me. If they want something different that will be fine.

Good luck with your journey but always remember you are the only one that can make yourself feel great.
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Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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You're in a tough spot, Geminigirl, but I think you've gotten some great advice from people really trying to help. To be brief and non-repetitious, I will add only this: When your dietitian says something you don't agree with, tell her 'NO, I won't do that.' Doctors, nurses, and dietitians are only people - other people at that. They don't live with your disease day in, day out. If you know things about how you spike and with what foods, start your conversation there. A dietitian that gives you a diet that you won't eat is wasting your time and theirs.
That being said, you have so many issues to keep track of, I'm so proud of the effort you are putting forth to keep things together. Remind your health-care providers how difficult it is for you to work through all this stuff alone - and that rude behavior or contrary suggestions that aren't designed to help you raise your blood sugar and stress you out. (BTW, that rude nurse? Tell her to quit it. You're their customer, not the other way round!)
Lastly, keep coming back here. We care and want the best for you.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
Treatment type
Hello Geminigirl - you will get lots of good advice on the forum - read it all.
Your GP seems to be the one giving you good advice - go with him/her.
Ask your GP about a new type of Metformin - it does not have the nasty side effects of the old Metformin.

I could not take the old Metformin because of headaches and feeling sick - but this new one? Yes, yes, yes.

Also your Statins may be making you feel hungry - I stopped taking my Statins a year ago (but don't tell my GP or DB) - I don't feel as hungry now and my memory is much better and my sex life has revived. I had been on Statins for about 15 years.

All the best.

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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
Cruelty. I am kind.
First off, I am terribly sorry that you lost your son. I don't know if you speak of a one year anniversary or more, but either way I know this has a terrible impact on ones health. As you say, he would want you to look after yourself, so do it for him, too.
Second, thank goodness for the drop-in clinic! You have your meter and strips, and a good understanding of carb metabolism, there is nothing to stop you regaining control.
We are right here to support you.
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Active Member
NHS give completely wrong advice.
Hi Gemini Girl
I have read all the comments, all the empathy and the advice given.....
It`s all very encouraging that people are so understanding and gentle in their comments..
The truth is .
If you don`t get it together and go absolutely low carb, your condition will worsen.
I was diagnosed three and a half years ago, went low carb immediately and have had normal HbA1c results since...
Your life is in your hands, nobody else will have the same interest in your life as you have.

Sorry to be so blunt but the only way to go is low carb.
Don`t mess about. be positive.
Get a Dr. Atkins diet book for about £8.00 it covers diabetes a lot and it will really make you see how important it is to go low carb.
Spend the £8.00 it will be really worth it, it will get your life back on track, you will lose weight, feel fitter and not regret the life change.

Good luck Gemini Girl
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Spicy food, 2 faced people.
Hi Geminigirl. I know it is hard to get into a difficult routine like this. You don't need people brow beating you either. I have been on insulin now for 11 years, and strangely enough it hasn't effected my weight. I keep as fit as I can, keeping myself active. With diabetes it is essential to keep good circulation, especially in the feet. Don't let it get to you.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Spicy food, 2 faced people.
All the best. Lots of amazing advice here and as a newbie I have no idea how my own diabetes diet is going so would not dream of offering advice but I do want to say you need to do what works for you. I am the same age as you and went through a terrible time. That period of my life can be summarised as not seeing the wood for the trees. I could go on about the pressures that were being placed on me resulting in me not knowing which way to turn. You know the feeling all to well.

Then a friend pointed out that I would be no use at all to my parents if I were dead so I ought to concentrate on looking after me first. Once I stopped being dutiful (and in a couple of instances polite) I won my life back. I promise you it is worth it. Try it.

As far as diet is concerned the only time I lost weight before was when I had soup for breakfast. I felt great. Then husband became ill and was home so I conformed to the stereotypical breakfast. Bad mistake.

When I got my diabetes my diabetic nurse told me to go on the Newcastle diet. I am 5ft 3 and 14 stone. When I found out what that was, I endeavoured to find a more suitable diet for me. Tbh I ended up on low carb because it was the only coherent one I found on the internet. Immediately I stopped eating the carbs I felt great.

When I did the DESMOND course they were at pains to point out I can eat what I want so long as I am fully aware of what I am putting in my mouth and adjusted my portions accordingly. They are absolutely right but the moment I took carbs I wanted bigger portions and snacks. A late evening plate of crackers, cheese with glass of port made me feel so ill I knew that is not what I want my life to be.

I have dropped the carbs again. Now I tell the family what I am going to eat and most of the time they join me. If they want something different that will be fine.

Good luck with your journey but always remember you are the only one that can make yourself feel great.
hank you, it's amazing yr DSN supports low carb, very forward thinking of her.
I have been following the plan I was given except I have greatly cut the suggested carbs. I am worried about cutting them out totally due to the Glimperimide.
My numbers are not reacting yet though, the only thing is, I have been eating a lot more veg and its upset my IBS!!! Grrrr.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Spicy food, 2 faced people.
You're in a tough spot, Geminigirl, but I think you've gotten some great advice from people really trying to help. To be brief and non-repetitious, I will add only this: When your dietitian says something you don't agree with, tell her 'NO, I won't do that.' Doctors, nurses, and dietitians are only people - other people at that. They don't live with your disease day in, day out. If you know things about how you spike and with what foods, start your conversation there. A dietitian that gives you a diet that you won't eat is wasting your time and theirs.
That being said, you have so many issues to keep track of, I'm so proud of the effort you are putting forth to keep things together. Remind your health-care providers how difficult it is for you to work through all this stuff alone - and that rude behavior or contrary suggestions that aren't designed to help you raise your blood sugar and stress you out. (BTW, that rude nurse? Tell her to quit it. You're their customer, not the other way round!)
Lastly, keep coming back here. We care and want the best for you.
Thank you so much. Am trying to work on my mood but had a melt down yesterday, I know I have to get a grip.
I used to be such a strong person but feel I have lost my way. It is affecting my relationship with my husband and daughter, it's horrible. Anyway, the support on here is amazing and at least we all know what a struggle this can be.
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Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Hi geminigirl,
What has helped me manage my blood glucose level without insulin or meds since 16 months is this book :
Low carb high fat is a learning process. Once you have understood the logic of it and decided that you want to control your diabetes and be proactive, your doctor will probably follow your progression with relief and admiration.
And your son will watch over you one way or another.
Just go easy on yourself and move one step at a time with the support of this friendly and kind community.
Best wishes for a successful life, geminigirl.
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Well-Known Member
dear Gemingirl
i have found forum, incredibly informative and supportive , i have type 2 diabetes and went on the newcastle diet and it helped me with weight loss i had to stop after five weeks as i was hospitalized for a non diabetic health problem.
hope things get more bearable for you