Introduce Yourself: Answer Some Personal Questions


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Morning everyone, I am a newbie and diagnosed with Type 1 at the end of September having been treated by GP as type 2 for 5 months which ended up with a hospital stay for DKA. My brain is in overload and I am a keen cyclist so fighting to be able to get out there and do what I enjoy. I currently take Lantus in the morning which I don’t feel works for me and Fiasp with meals. The Fiasp replaced NovoRapid as that was too slow. After about a month of good success on Fiasp, things have gone haywire and I am struggling again. I wake up with BG at around 9 and porridge breakfast; measured out and carb counted etc.. as directed, usually spikes within the hour to around 12 or 13 and normally takes 2 hours to come down back to around 9. If I increase the ratio to 1.5 units insulin to 10 g carbs then I usually bomb out and go hypo, at least 3mm/ol. Finding the balance is hard and frustrating. I am determined to not let this beat me or define me. Any help, advice or tips would be most welcome and appreciated and I hope that I can offer something in return as I get a grip of this diabetes. I wish everyone well and thank you in advance
Hi @JT65 , welcome to the forum.

You might like to start a new thread with your questions so the replies won't get lost in this introductory thread.

You're very new to this, it takes time to find the right doses and timing, and insulin needs can fluctuate as well. Most of us find it got easier, given some time to wrap our heads around this. ;)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning everyone, I am a newbie and diagnosed with Type 1 at the end of September having been treated by GP as type 2 for 5 months which ended up with a hospital stay for DKA. My brain is in overload and I am a keen cyclist so fighting to be able to get out there and do what I enjoy. I currently take Lantus in the morning which I don’t feel works for me and Fiasp with meals. The Fiasp replaced NovoRapid as that was too slow. After about a month of good success on Fiasp, things have gone haywire and I am struggling again. I wake up with BG at around 9 and porridge breakfast; measured out and carb counted etc.. as directed, usually spikes within the hour to around 12 or 13 and normally takes 2 hours to come down back to around 9. If I increase the ratio to 1.5 units insulin to 10 g carbs then I usually bomb out and go hypo, at least 3mm/ol. Finding the balance is hard and frustrating. I am determined to not let this beat me or define me. Any help, advice or tips would be most welcome and appreciated and I hope that I can offer something in return as I get a grip of this diabetes. I wish everyone well and thank you in advance
Perhaps the moderators can help you post this on a new thread for you? Ior you can copy it over? t may get lost on this one
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hi guys to forums ..had type 2 for quite a while now and managed ok with glicozide and linagliptin ..couldn’t take metformin due to nausea ..long story short got sepsis which attacked my kidneys resulting in dialysis for nearly 3 years ,played havoc with blood sugars so put on humilin I kwik pen ..transplanted Dec 22 and blood sugars have been mad since ..still trying to gain control ..tried rybelsis which hasn’t worked ..constant battle with diabetes team to help the stage where I hardly eat now because afraid of BS . I have libre sensor but stopped wearing it because of anxiety seeing the numbers ..trying my hardest with low carb now . Considering how little I eat I take 40 insulin morning and 28 night and I really don’t want those numbers …I took 12 mornings and 14 night pre transplant . My main concern is looking after my new kidney ..just feel I’m losing the battle with high sugars ..latest HB was 64 . I know my kidney stuff but still lack insight into insulin etc .


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
- What is your name?John
- How old are you?41
- Are you male or female?Male
- Which country are you from?England
- Which city/area do you live in? Brighton
- Are you religious? Agnostic
- Pick three words to describe your personality.friendly, funny and loyal
- Do you have any pets?2 cats... Bilbo and Frodo
- Microsoft or Apple? Ewww
- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play?Football,Tennis, Squash....many moons ago
- Do you get angry easily?nah I'm laidback
- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where? Two piercings in my ears

- List your five favourite musicians/bands. Green day, bowling for soup.....many many pop punk bands
- What would you say your favourite music genre is? Ha I enjoy all kinds...anything you can bop to
- What is your favourite flag? has a dragon on it...nuff said
- Ever gone camping?I was a member of scouts in my yoof
- Ever been in love?yes...touchy subject lol
- Ever used fake tan? Yea it was popular to look burnt orange in the 2000's
- Which countries have you visited? Usa, France,Greece,Italy, Scotland,Ireland, Spain.
- Favourite city? Edinburgh
- List your five favourite TV programmes.rivals, always sunny,king of the hill, the chase,spaced
- List your five favourite films.back to the future, Ghostbusters,who framed roger rabbit, Akira and silent voice
- Are you wealthy? So so
- Do you work? If so, as what? Retail manager
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
This thread will hopefully let us to get to know one another better and allow us to see which users we might share similarities with. I've listed a set of questions below that you can answer to tell us more about yourself. By no means do you have to answer all of them, and if you feel like adding further information, feel free.

- Include a photo here if you wish to.
- What is your name?
- How old are you?
- Are you male or female?
- Which country are you from?
- Which city/area do you live in?
- Are you religious?
- Pick three words to describe your personality.
- Do you have any pets?
- Microsoft or Apple?
- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play?
- Do you get angry easily?
- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where?
- List your five favourite musicians/bands.
- What would you say your favourite music genre is?
- What is your favourite flag?
- Ever gone camping?
- Ever been in love?
- Ever used fake tan?
- Which countries have you visited?
- Favourite city?
- List your five favourite TV programmes.
- List your five favourite films.
- Are you wealthy?
- Do you work? If so, as what?
- List the subjects you study/have studied.
- What do you like most about yourself?
- What do you like least about yourself?

Have fun!
Hi, I am Roger Browne.

I am a musician, writer and raconteur, and I give lectures and talks, on 20 different musical topics. All related to the Americam music of the early part of the twentieth century.

I am 81 years old but still give, on average, three lectures a week up and down the country, and I play piano in a jazz band, 5 or 6 times a month.

I am also President of the local Operatic Society.

I have finally succumbed to taking medication to manage my type 2 condition after failing to control my diet for too long.

I have just been fitted with a monitor which has focused my efforts to control my blood glucose levels one way or another.

I was widowed 15 years ago.

I have 3 children and 5 grandchildren.

I want to remain healthy to watch them grow up.

I love creative writing and I am currently writing my first book based on the roots, history, characters and development of "The Great American Songbook"

The only TV I watch is sport.
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Kerry Good

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Hi I am a T2 insulin and tablet controlled. I am insulin resistant and have to take high amounts of long and short term insulin. I am doing well on hba1c since wearing a libre and now been offered mounjaro. I was wondering how any one else is getting along with it?

- What is your name? Kerry
- How old are you? 55
- Are you male or female? female
- Which country are you from? UK
- Which city/area do you live in? Chichester
- Are you religious? no
- Pick three words to describe your personality. Bubbly, happy, positive
- Do you have any pets? yes i have 2 dogs
- Microsoft or Apple? MS
- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play? Unable to -play sport, loved swimming and walking.
- Do you get angry easily? no but sometimes frustrated with the conditions that affect me.
- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where? i had lots of piercings but let them all heal up now, yes I have 3 tribute tattoos to passed loved ones
- List your five favourite musicians/bands. I love 80's music but also listen to other decades alot. Fav 80's bands were Duran Duran, OMD and the Cure
- What would you say your favourite music genre is? Dance music
- What is your favourite flag? The English flag of course
- Ever gone camping? yes all the time, not now but when kids were little
- Ever been in love? yes
- Ever used fake tan? once and never again!!
- Which countries have you visited? Australia, Spain, France, Turkey, USA, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Singapore, Hong Kong, Greece, Italy
- Favourite city? Rome
- List your five favourite TV programmes. Big Bang, help my house is haunted, anything by David Attenborough, FBI files, Britain's most evil killers
- List your five favourite films. Green Mile, Grease, Shawshank redemption, monument men and any films by DC or Marvel
- Are you wealthy? I wish
- Do you work? If so, as what? Yes I am a nurse
- List the subjects you study/have studied. Medicines mainly, Diabetes, Malnutrition, Dementia, Parkinson's, orthopaedics, cancer services and neurology
- What do you like most about yourself? My ability to help others
- What do you like least about yourself? being poorly


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi, I am new to the forum.
I am a T2 for just a little over a year. I take 2 metformin slow release a day.
My Name: Deborah
My age: 60
Male/female: Female
Which country are you from: UK
What city/area are you from: Dunstable, Bedfordshire originally but now live in Higham Ferrers Northants
Are you religious: No
3 words to describe myself: Kind, laid back, helpful
Ever been camping?: no but we do have a caravan and love spending a long weekend or longer away, in different parts of the country
I am hoping these forums will help me with my diabetes and keeping it under control. Even after a year I still find it bit of a minefield as to what is good or not to eat.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hello All,
My name is Layla, I’m 55yrs old. I’m female. From UK. I enjoy yoga and have recently started to play pickleball. I also enjoy walking.
I love to watch food shows and detective series (fictional). Also read detective books and Fanatsasy and SiFi.
I love to travel.
Im a nurse and after working since I was 19, I’m hoping to retire in 2 yrs and do some voluntary work and travel.

I’m a T2 on Metformin SR and Jardiance. Have been a T2 for over 6yrs. HBA1C 5.4.
I’m on a low carb. I have recently been diagnosed with hypertension and high cholesterol. I’ve had to start medication for both .
I’m also have hypothyrodisim, I take medication for. To top it off I’m on HRT as well.

I’m not doin well with my weight. I’ve been low carb for the last 20yrs and have maintained a constant weight but the last year my weight has gone up and I have not changed my diet. Any advice would help or is this normal for my age?
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Flora Dora

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Hi Everyone
My name is actually Katherine, my username is my dogs name lol, but I'm happy being called Flora lol. I've just turned 46 last week!
I am a mother of two of younger lads - 13 and 7 years old, i work (in an office sedentary role) 4 days a week.
I love walking my dog, I'm super busy with my boys and their extra curricular calendars, I like socialising with my friends and my husband and my down time (when not a dog walk) is a nice hot bath and good TV show!

I've been battling the likelihood of type 2 since I fell pregnant with my second son age 38. When I had my first son at 32 I had the Gestational Diabetes test due to being "obese" on the NHS BMI index. It came back negative then. Second time round age 38 it unfortunately came back positive. I joined a great GD forum ran by mothers who are experienced in it and I managed the remainder of my pregnancy by diet control and it was all uneventful. I was told I'd have to have annual retests thereafter and initially my result was normal (39mmol) but year on year it crept slightly. When my son was about 4 it went up to 44mmol and I tried hard with diet and cardio and got it back to 39 on the 3 month review. However, thereafter it crept upwards again and in December 2023 it came back as 51mmol. I wasn't entirely surprised as I was at my heaviest and feeling in poor condition and it really shook me and I vowed to tackle it after christmas. I started losing weight this January through cardio exercise, a low GI diet and daily intermittent fasting. I went back 3 months later and had gotten it to 44mmol, so not out of the woods but heading down. I felt confident with what I was doing and carried on, although admittedly the last 3 months just passed has had a LOT of social engagements, birthdays, anniversaries, christmas nights starting etc etc. I went last week for my annual test on my birthday and got the result yesterday. Despite my daily fasting (which I believed was meant to help) and losing 9kg in weight it has rocketed up to 54mmol. I am so gutted. I am going in to see the GP on Friday and they want to retest me over the christmas period (it could not be a worse time to take the test again could it!)....I am certain he is going to say I need medication. I got my finger prick test kit out from my pregnancy (bought new strips etc) and tested today for the first time in months. After an 18 hour fast with only 2 cups of tea in that time my bloods were at 7.2! This has totally panicked me as Dr Google keeps referring to the pancreas regarding abnormally high readings...I have a fear of having anything wrong with my pancreas since my estranged father suffered acute pancreatitis at my age (46) then developed type 2 diabetes and ultimately went on to have a leg amputation then passed from a stroke age 67. I can feel I am working myself into a complete terror until I see the doctor :sorry: and all in the week before Christmas. I'm feeling like my efforts for this whole year have been a complete waste and all of the information and research I was amassing must have been wrong, either that or there is another secondary issue wrong with me. It's been a total gut punch I'll be honest. At the worst I thought I might have plateaued at 44 but not shot up by 10.

If anyone else has any experience of battling post Gestational Diabetes and having it eventually turn into type 2, or of results going up so quickly despite the right efforts, I'd be very grateful to hear.

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Flora Dora

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Hello All,
My name is Layla, I’m 55yrs old. I’m female. From UK. I enjoy yoga and have recently started to play pickleball. I also enjoy walking.
I love to watch food shows and detective series (fictional). Also read detective books and Fanatsasy and SiFi.
I love to travel.
Im a nurse and after working since I was 19, I’m hoping to retire in 2 yrs and do some voluntary work and travel.

I’m a T2 on Metformin SR and Jardiance. Have been a T2 for over 6yrs. HBA1C 5.4.
I’m on a low carb. I have recently been diagnosed with hypertension and high cholesterol. I’ve had to start medication for both .
I’m also have hypothyrodisim, I take medication for. To top it off I’m on HRT as well.

I’m not doin well with my weight. I’ve been low carb for the last 20yrs and have maintained a constant weight but the last year my weight has gone up and I have not changed my diet. Any advice would help or is this normal for my age?
Hi Layla - I have just joined the group today as well. I have just turned 46 but feel like I've been seeing signs of perimenopause for well over a year now. I see you mentioned HRT. I started on it in late 2023 but came off it as I am not sure it's helping with the issues I have at least right now. I know HRT itself, as well as natural hormonal changes and other symptoms associated with peri and the menopause can affect weight. I've always had hormone issues, I think I was borderline PCOS and I've always struggled to lose weight! :( I think navigating the road of our 40's and 50's is probably quite a challenge in many ways. I know I didn't really want to throw diabetes in there as well! Good luck to you and I'll keep an eye out for your posts.

Can I just ask what your last Ha1bc reading was before you started taking medication? And did you have any obvious symptoms then or was it just the high blood test results? thanks


Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
i developed T3c after pancrectomy in june this year. i do bolus and inject myself. i live in north london and am jewish russian of 74 years old. i tend to have few hypos and raised levels of sugar in the morning. what is the best cook book for T3c?
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Include a photo here if you wish to.

- What is your name?

- How old are you?

- Are you male or female?

- Which country are you from?

- Which city/area do you live in?

- Are you religious?
Not really

- Pick three words to describe your personality.
Bubbly, anxious, indecisive

- Do you have any pets?
No, just my husband lol

- Microsoft or Apple?

- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play?
Golf and sailing

- Do you get angry easily?
Hmmm, depends but generally no

- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where?
Tattoo on lower back, ears and tongue pierced

- List your five favourite musicians/bands
Pink, Michael Buble, Queen, Savage Garden, Duran Duran

- What would you say your favourite music genre is?
Not sure I have a favourite, only one I struggle to listen to is jazz

- What is your favourite flag?
The insignia on the back of our boat

- Ever gone camping?

- Ever been in love?
Yes and still am

- Ever used fake tan?
OMG yes when I was about 14. Didn’t go well and had to wear thick woolly tights for a week!!

- Which countries have you visited?
USA, Mexico, Maldives, Mauritius, Thailand, Spain, Norway, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands, Greece, Italy, Turkey, Malta, Belgium,

- Favourite city?
Too many to pick one, but Seattle, Brugges and Amsterdam are all amazing

- List your five favourite TV programmes.
The Big Bang Theory, House, The Vicar of Dibley, The Darling Buds of May, Bake off/Pottery throw down

- List your five favourite films.
Magic Mike (all 3!), Love Actually, The Holiday, Dirty Dancing, Mrs Doubtfire

- Are you wealthy?
Wealthy in love

- Do you work? If so, as what?
No longer work. Used to be a croupier and also a hairdresser

- List the subjects you study/have studied.
Studied hairdressing

- What do you like most about yourself?
My crafting ability lol

- What do you like least about yourself?
My anxiety


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi I'm Timmy, I'm 25 years old, I'm a type 2 with subclinical hypothyroidism. I was diagnosed with diabetes and high cholesterol back in July 2024. I'm from Malaysia.

- What is your name?
- Timmy
- How old are you?
- 25
- Are you male or female?
- male
- Which country are you from?
- Malaysia
- Are you religious?
- no
- Do you have any pets?
- I have 7 cats.
- Microsoft or Apple?
- MS
- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play?
- Bicycling and walking.
- What would you say your favourite music genre is?
- POP, EDM, Dance
- Do you work? If so, as what?
- Yes, I'm a cashier


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
- What is your name? Thomas
- How old are you? 38
- Are you male or female? Male
- Which country are you from? Belgium
- Which city/area do you live in? Addiscombe, Greater London
- Are you religious? Yes
- Pick three words to describe your personality. Ha, complex (all the time), cheerful (most of the time), moody (sometimes)
- Do you have any pets? No
- Microsoft or Apple? Apple (with an apology to my previous employer)
- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play? Weightlifting. Hockey. Swimming but becoming a father twice made me ran behind them instead.
- Do you get angry easily? Gotten better of the years ;)
- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where? No
- List your five favourite musicians/bands. Changes all the time.
- What would you say your favourite music genre is? Deep house
- What is your favourite flag? Lesotho
- Ever gone camping? Twice, didn't like it
- Ever been in love? Still am, with my fiancee
- Ever used fake tan? No
- Which countries have you visited? Around 40, mostly in Europe, I will bore you if I list them all.
- Favourite city? London
- List your five favourite TV programmes. Breaking Bad, Queen's Gambit, The Diplomat, Andor.
- List your five favourite films: Changes all the time
- Are you wealthy? No
- Do you work? If so, as what? I'm trying to set up 2 ventures
- List the subjects you study/have studied. Loads of self study, too much to name.
- What do you like most about yourself? My cheerfulness.
- What do you like least about yourself? My moodyness.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Rude People and " People " that think the whole WORLD has too evolve around them !!
' Hi ! Everyone ... Just been told I am " Pre-Diabetic " ... Need too make some lifestyle changes ect ?? Don't have a " Scooby " where to start ?? Any sensible and VALID advice would be appreciated ... THANX ... Mick XOXO ❤️

Vic roach

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
This thread will hopefully let us to get to know one another better and allow us to see which users we might share similarities with. I've listed a set of questions below that you can answer to tell us more about yourself. By no means do you have to answer all of them, and if you feel like adding further information, feel free.

- Include a photo here if you wish to.
- What is your name?
- How old are you?
- Are you male or female?
- Which country are you from?
- Which city/area do you live in?
- Are you religious?
- Pick three words to describe your personality.
- Do you have any pets?
- Microsoft or Apple?
- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play?
- Do you get angry easily?
- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where?
- List your five favourite musicians/bands.
- What would you say your favourite music genre is?
- What is your favourite flag?
- Ever gone camping?
- Ever been in love?
- Ever used fake tan?
- Which countries have you visited?
- Favourite city?
- List your five favourite TV programmes.
- List your five favourite films.
- Are you wealthy?
- Do you work? If so, as what?
- List the subjects you study/have studied.
- What do you like most about yourself?
- What do you like least about yourself?

Have fun!
Sorry to disappoint, but this is ideal information for scammers. How many of the above answers are used on our personal banking details or other sites. Favorite city? Favorite music? Pet name? Favorite film?
No thanks, bye bye


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
This thread will hopefully let us to get to know one another better and allow us to see which users we might share similarities with. I've listed a set of questions below that you can answer to tell us more about yourself. By no means do you have to answer all of them, and if you feel like adding further information, feel free.

- Include a photo here if you wish to.
- What is your name?
- How old are you?
- Are you male or female?
- Which country are you from?
- Which city/area do you live in?
- Are you religious?
- Pick three words to describe your personality.
- Do you have any pets?
- Microsoft or Apple?
- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play?
- Do you get angry easily?
- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where?
- List your five favourite musicians/bands.
- What would you say your favourite music genre is?
- What is your favourite flag?
- Ever gone camping?
- Ever been in love?
- Ever used fake tan?
- Which countries have you visited?
- Favourite city?
- List your five favourite TV programmes.
- List your five favourite films.
- Are you wealthy?
- Do you work? If so, as what?
- List the subjects you study/have studied.
- What do you like most about yourself?
- What do you like least about yourself?

Have fun!
Include a photo here if you wish to.
- What is your name?
- How old are you?
69 years
- Are you male or female?
- Which country are you from?
- Which city/area do you live in?
- Are you religious?
- Pick three words to describe your personality.
Nature lover, fitness conscious, hate lies.
- Do you have any pets?
- Microsoft or Apple?
- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play?
- Do you get angry easily?
- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where?
- List your five favourite musicians/bands.
- What would you say your favourite music genre is?
Country music
- What is your favourite flag?
- Ever gone camping?
- Ever been in love?
- Ever used fake tan?
- Which countries have you visited?
U.K., Germany, France, Switzerland
- Favourite city?
- List your five favourite TV programmes.
- List your five favourite films.

- Are you wealthy?
- Do you work? If so, as what?
Retired as Associate Professor in Commerce
- List the subjects you study/have studied.
Commerce, Economics, Management, Statistics.
- What do you like most about yourself?
I am able to do what I set to do.
- What do you like least about yourself?

Have fun!
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi my name is Paul im from ireland. Im 49 .25 years type 1. This weekend had been a bummer as the three people in my house have all flu or colds.for me ive had avoid dehydration over the last 24_48 hours and make sure i get enough insulin. Im still learning about how to control my levels.other than that i look forward to ising this forum
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Rosie Shaw

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
-What is your name?
Hi, I’m Tina, but everyone calls me Rosie (middle name)

- How old are you?
I have recently turned the big 6..0

- Are you male or female?
That would be a girl

- Which country are you from?
Born and raised in the NorthWest of England

- Which city/area do you live in?
As above right in the middle of Liverpool and manchester

- Are you religious?
Slightly new age

- Pick three words to describe your personality.
Not too wierd 9but i have aspirations)

- Do you have any pets?
No…please donate

- Microsoft or Apple?
I have MS on Ipad/iphone

- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play?
Couch foot fighting (play), Rugby (league)(watch), Men’s high bar (watch)

- Do you get angry easily?
Not really, but when i blow everyone knows about it, although i do think that I’m becoming a grumpy old woman as I’m getting older

- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where?
Yes - not telling

- List your five favourite musicians/bands.
I’m rather eclectic - Metallica type rock right through to motown and northern soul oldies

- What would you say your favourite music genre is?
See above

- What is your favourite flag?
The purple white and green

- Ever gone camping?
Love camping i do however pack too much (good grief, you’re a woman how unusual) on our last trip, my husband did ask me when was the washing machine arriving

- Ever been in love?
All the time

- Ever used fake tan?
As above

- Which countries have you visited?
Ireland (North and south)
Wales (starting local)
Greece, plus several islands
Spain, plus Canaries
Hong Kong
…and will be going to Cape Verde in June

- Favourite city?
Ooh many…but loved my recent trip to Athens - gorgeous, fab people too

- List your five favourite TV programmes.
Current favourites list:
Silo (appleTV)
Jin (Japanese fantasy/historical drama)
Dune Prophecy

- List your five favourite films.
Again, recent watched this year favourites (can’t narrow down the full films of the past 60 years to five!)

The six triple eight
A quiet Place day 1
Rebel Moon part 1
Rebel moon part 2

I know that last one is a cop out…but this is hard!

- Are you wealthy?
No but I do the postcode lottery

- Do you work? If so, as what?
I’m an artist
(The painting/creating variety)
I also do two shifts at a local hotel on reception, just so i know that the bills are covered if I’m having a quiet month.

- List the subjects you study/have studied.
So this is an list of personal interest study:
Art history
Gaining a layman’s interest in astronomy and cosmology, the odd bit of astrophysics …seriously

- What do you like most about yourself?
What I like…hmmm…the fact that I have the ability to get up off the floor every time life takes a swing at me….and life has floored me many a time (like most people)

- What do you like least about yourself?
Despise my feet…they’re clean, but ugly
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