I've had it with carbs


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The only time I've ever been able to control both my diabetes and weight simultaneously is when I've been low carbing. I've had periods of controlling my weight but not my diabetes and more recently, my diabetes but not my weight. I'm sick of having to choose between them! I'm now 3 stone heavier than in my low carb days a few years ago and fed up of it! I find carbs psychologically addictive too, once I start eating them I can't stop which is obviously very bad for my diabetes.

So I've decided to give them up as a bad job! Not 100% but I think I need to commit now to the idea of a low carb diet for life - I just can't handle high carb food, both physically and psychologically.

When I low carbed for eight months a few years ago, I didn't feel deprived, but liberated. My hba1c was 6.6 and I was not having any novorapid at all, and only testing 1ce a day if that.

So it's bye bye to bread, pasta, rice, chocolate, cake, crisps and all of that. And hello to meat, fish, cheese, vegetables, nuts.

I gave up low carbing before as it became a hassle and a faff, but being fat/having complications will be much worse!

Would love to hear from others who have given up high carb foods for life, and stuck with it!
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Avocado Sevenfold

Sounds like you have your mojo back. Good stuff!

I have given up high carb for life. Not much choice as a t2, but I am not complaining as the food is great :)
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Hi, i have only been lchf since feb last year, so just over one year but am committed to it as a way of life and definitely think its the way to go, best of luck :)
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Yup. I agree with everything you said.

I always think that a meal is going to be better/nicer/more satisfying with potato or rice, or just a few of those (insert carb of choice). But the truth is that while I might enjoy the sensation in the mouth, I'm going to hate the powerlessness as I watch my blood sugar peak, the bad sleep that night, increased dawn phenomenon, the carb cravings the next day and the carb bloat that takes 5 days to go.

Unfortunately, it seems to be a lesson that I need to relearn regularly!
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I've been LCHF since September and not finding it difficult to stick with it. I didn't need to lose any weight, but my numbers are so much better and I'd hate to go back to the roller coaster BGs I had before. I don't have any carb cravings either - well... except for the 2 squares of loukoumi I had at a Greek restaurant last week :eek: but I walked 2 miles home which covered that. I also asked for extra veg and no rice with my Lamb cutlets.
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Low or reduced fat is for life I think. I look on it as a different lifestyle rather than feeling deprived.
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Starting 5-6 months ago, I'm going progressively more low-carb, have lost just over a stone, and the cravings and the crazy blood sugar swings. I can't say that's for life - yet - but I've no intention of reverting to the nightmare of high carbs. I've never managed to follow a weight-loss diet for long enough, but LCHF is for my health, and overdue, and for life, and the weight loss is an added bonus.
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Charles Robin

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I have been low carbing since January, and absolutely love it. Again, I didn't need to lose weight, but I definitely needed improvement with my bloodsugars. Everything is so much more stable nowadays, and I don't miss the carbs at all. (I did in the first few weeks, but snickers bars have lost their vice like hold over me completely).
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I've only been a low carber since October but am not finding it too much of a struggle. I'm enjoying food so much more. I gave up high carb treats in August- crisps chocolate cake etc and since then I've lost nearly three stone. I will not go back to carbs :)
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I've been <50g for the past 3 years. Most of that I've been <25g. HbA1c 5% or below for the whole time since diagnosis. 70lbs weight loss, and some more to come before September.

It doesn't bother me in the slightest, and I don't have any cravings. Diabetes and LCHF are the best thing that ever happened to me.
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LCHF is the only way I can see for me to stay healthy. OK, I miss bread, pasta and these things occasionally but I certainly don't miss the fatigue they invariably brought so low carb it is.
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Not many.
....I'm finding low carbs is the best way for me to reduce my numbers, just not sure about the High Fat part of it [LCHF] as my cholesterol was 6.1 last visit [never been given the low or the high separately, should've asked, memo to self ~ will do next time] .... its all so confusing I find, what is good one day, told to us by the so called experts, is a no no the next!

I think its too late for me at 63 and being diagnosed at 48 as Type 2.....15 years of following opposing views on what we should/shouldn't eat, so I don't know if what I do/have done re my food intake is good or bad.

Sorry, it sounds as if I'm depressed about it, I'm not at all, que sera sera, but what I DO hope is that future generations will be given solid advice and that as so many millions have diabetes, they will be given the right guidelines because I don't think the 'experts' right now, know much more about it than us, I think they're fighting in the dark which may not be their fault.
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I am trying to low carb. It's not easy as love carbS and addicted to them. Throw in possible eating disorder and things do get very hard. For me what gets to me is having to weigh and count everything. I imagine it will be worse when I start insulin. There is no joy with food any more just everything so controlled.

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Thanks all. The problem I have is that I've completely lost the motivation to intensively manage my diabetes - after coping with a pregnancy last year when all I did was test and inject, I found myself going the other way after the baby was born and testing less and less. and eating more and more carbs. I do have a psychological problem with junky carby foods, maybe because they are forbidden fruit so its like when I do eat them I get out of control and can't stop eating them! I don't know - I think I am like an alcoholic with carbs.

The only way I can manage my diabetes in a non intensive way is to cut out carbs - when I did this previously I just had one background injection per day, barely tested and had a hba1c of 6.5 or so. Plus I've tried a few diets but the minute I hear the word 'diet' (as in short term weight loss thing) I feel deprived and hungry. So now I am going to just cut out the carbs and lose weight slowly but not as the main focus of it all. If I am doing this forever then it doesn't matter if the weight doesn't come off straight away.
Well I went out for lunch today with the in-laws and whilst everyone else had pie and chips and icecream I had a chicken salad with coleslaw, then picked up a packet of pecans from the sainsburys on the way home.

Well forever feels like a long time but would I rather a forever of low carb or a forever of eating high carb foods and being fat, bloated and ill with complications? I guess I can take it one step at a time and hopefully it will become a way of life soon.
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Me, never a high carber, HOWEVER been a moderate to low carber all my life without knowing it until recently...

Anything you do has to be sustainable....long term... For ever.. It doesn't stop having really good binges if wanted... But, these are the minority to me.

Today I have had ham wraps ( ham around cheese, cucumber, cheese, tomatoes, onions and peppers) x 4 today.....plus strawberries n clotted cream and a complain chocolate drink. Tonight I will have some Pringles n nuts as a treat. I don't go without treats.

Try a month finding low carb foods that are easy to prepare and eat.allow treats... Not everyday though.....

You can do this. But you need to think about it daily for a month.. Then just choose and vary those foods. Without knowing it I've done this all my life. I do have a yum yum whilst working... And yes I love that..but see it as a necessity as well as a treat....

Balance with living is imperative. You know whether you are sedentary living or busy and active. I haven't sat down for 10 hours today..the food above with full fat milk and also single cream in my drinks is all I have ate

I am a muscly size 10.

I love food, but just balance it...and genuinely without knowing. I have only just realised I should add more vitamins and fat on!!!!

Best wishes to you... But carbs are s**t...you only need enough good ones...

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The only time I've ever been able to control both my diabetes and weight simultaneously is when I've been low carbing. I've had periods of controlling my weight but not my diabetes and more recently, my diabetes but not my weight. I'm sick of having to choose between them! I'm now 3 stone heavier than in my low carb days a few years ago and fed up of it! I find carbs psychologically addictive too, once I start eating them I can't stop which is obviously very bad for my diabetes.

So I've decided to give them up as a bad job! Not 100% but I think I need to commit now to the idea of a low carb diet for life - I just can't handle high carb food, both physically and psychologically.

When I low carbed for eight months a few years ago, I didn't feel deprived, but liberated. My hba1c was 6.6 and I was not having any novorapid at all, and only testing 1ce a day if that.

So it's bye bye to bread, pasta, rice, chocolate, cake, crisps and all of that. And hello to meat, fish, cheese, vegetables, nuts.

I gave up low carbing before as it became a hassle and a faff, but being fat/having complications will be much worse!

Would love to hear from others who have given up high carb foods for life, and stuck with it!

I sympathise.

As far as I can remember, I've always had a complicated relationship with carbohydrates. Not a small problem growing up in Italy, carbs heaven. Then I moved abroad, but my problem came with me.

I spent almost four decades trying to manage my weight with High Carbs Low Fat regimes, a daily, relentless struggle. I never understood how people could have two slices of bread and be happy. Personally, I couldn't sleep knowing there was bread in the house.

I don't think it was simply a matter of willpower, as I have been in situations where I was able to gather more will power than most people. I'm incredibly stubborn, and when I want to do something, I usually do it. Yet, I was powerless with carbs. My ravenous appetite for them never, ever stopped.

This of course made my life quite unpleasant. Always hungry, either binging or starving myself, constantly obsessing about carbs, and suffering from guilt and low self-esteem. Outside I looked like a pretty normal Mediterranean girl, inside I was a knot, always thinking about food, always denying myself.

On NYE 2013 I was diagnosed with diabetes. The disease is rife in my family and I had put on some weight recently so I shouldn't have been too surprised, but I was shocked nonetheless. Diabetes, that's for life, no way back. ****.

I immediately knew that the NHS nutritional advice wasn't good enough; I just don't believe grains and fruit should be staple foods for diabetic people, fullstop. I wanted to see whether there was a viable alternative, and after some research I stumbled upon the LCHF regime.

I decided to try and see whether it may help, so in January I threw away all my starches and hopped on the horse. I can't deny I was somewhat sceptical at first, I had read all the science but a lifetime of brainwashing about the evils of fat weren't to disappear overnight.

Alas, I persevered, and then a few things happened, to my astonishment:

  • My blood sugars decreased and stabilised, and I got pretty good readings. Even in the non-diabetic range.
  • My energy level shot up. From being a sluggish, tired lump of Italian, I became a bouncy bunny.
  • My weight started falling off me as if I were melting, despite never denying myself any LCHF food.
  • My relentless hunger, my carbs cravings, my internal screaming for food ceased. Silence. Peace.

The last four months have been blissful. Of course I miss pasta, but I feel like inside me something switched off that strident, aggressive, soul destroying demand for a carbohydrates fix, and it has made an incredible difference in my life.

I am truly convinced I have a starch addiction, which would explain how I was powerless to manage even small quantities of them without losing my mind, and how intrusive food thoughts were whilst I was following the standard nutritional advice (grains, grains, grains).

If tomorrow I were told that I was misdiagnosed and I didn't have diabetes, I would still follow the LCHF regime. My only regret is not having discovered it before. If one has a healthy relationship with carbs and a healthy pancreas, go for it. But if one is anything like me, giving up starches is possibly the single best thing one can do.

I apologise should I sound evangelical, but I'm struggling to find the words to describe the magnitude of the improvement of my quality of life this way of eating has brought me. It's bordering on miraculous.
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The only time I've ever been able to control both my diabetes and weight simultaneously is when I've been low carbing. I've had periods of controlling my weight but not my diabetes and more recently, my diabetes but not my weight. I'm sick of having to choose between them! I'm now 3 stone heavier than in my low carb days a few years ago and fed up of it! I find carbs psychologically addictive too, once I start eating them I can't stop which is obviously very bad for my diabetes.

So I've decided to give them up as a bad job! Not 100% but I think I need to commit now to the idea of a low carb diet for life - I just can't handle high carb food, both physically and psychologically.

When I low carbed for eight months a few years ago, I didn't feel deprived, but liberated. My hba1c was 6.6 and I was not having any novorapid at all, and only testing 1ce a day if that.

So it's bye bye to bread, pasta, rice, chocolate, cake, crisps and all of that. And hello to meat, fish, cheese, vegetables, nuts.

I gave up low carbing before as it became a hassle and a faff, but being fat/having complications will be much worse!

Would love to hear from others who have given up high carb foods for life, and stuck with it!
Me but in,y since 28th if jan. Feel rubbish If I eat starchy carbs so don't bother. Occasional bit of cake like today!
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Giving up for 8 months?? So analyse yourself... What reLly made you go back? Was. It really a yearning so desperate to go carb, carb, carb or because of your actual life?

If honest.. I've had weight gain and eating more carbs once in my life. Once, when no job, strange, new place (although I made fantastic friends) and a solitary life despite being married...... It wasn't because I hungered for carbs at all... I was pretty much bored and didn't have enough in my life as previous..

As much as carbs are cravings once trapped by them, I also firmly believe that happiness and fulfilment in life can also be a factor.

Honest.. Are non diabetic larger people happy with themselves and their lives.. Is it all carb cravings?? No........ To both.. If you are occupied an happy all day you will NOT have food at the top of your list for 'hobbies'.

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Giving up for 8 months?? So analyse yourself... What reLly made you go back? Was. It really a yearning so desperate to go carb, carb, carb or because of your actual life?

If honest.. I've had weight gain and eating more carbs once in my life. Once, when no job, strange, new place (although I made fantastic friends) and a solitary life despite being married...... It wasn't because I hungered for carbs at all... I was pretty much bored and didn't have enough in my life as previous..

As much as carbs are cravings once trapped by them, I also firmly believe that happiness and fulfilment in life can also be a factor.

Honest.. Are non diabetic larger people happy with themselves and their lives.. Is it all carb cravings?? No........ To both.. If you are occupied an happy all day you will NOT have food at the top of your list for 'hobbies'.

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Fair play. :)
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It has to be sustainable, doesn't it?

Whatever you do, you have to know that you can keep doing it every day for ever - just as donnelydogs said above.

Add to that, we all have different tolerances for foods, and different capacities for producing insulin (whether from the pancreas or the needle).

So your diet has to be tailor made for you.

This is one of the reasons I don't worrit about weight loss. I am significantly obese. Have been since I developed a prolactinoma (tumour of the pituitary gland) in my late teens. That was when my emotions, food cravings and carb inhalation all kicked off. 20 yrs later I got a diagnosis and some medication, but my tolerance for carbs is, I think, much lower than most, and my body's reaction to carbs is never going to allow me to 'reverse' my diabetes, since that is a symptom/result of other things, not the cause.

A low carb diet that will make other people lose weight, just keeps me stable.
To actually lose weight, I would be eating the Atkins Induction (around 15g carbs a day, I think) for ever.And I know that I can't, and won't do that. I would fall off the wagon big time.

I am mightily content with a stable weight and low enough carbs that I don't get carb cravings, mood swings and weight gain. I get to eat masses of veg, some fruit in green smoothies, a few root veg, some grain free baked goods, some chocolate, cheese, meat, fish, eggs, cream, butter... It is a workable long term compromise, and occasionally I lose a pound or two.

On a day like today, when I eat 2 slices of Burgen bread and my blood glucose hits the heights, I take it as a very valuable reminder to buckle down again.
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