I've jumped over to the "other side"!


Well-Known Member
South West, England UK
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Ok, firstly I'm not really new and I've been pre-diabetic for about a year.

Anyway, I got the results of my blood test this morning and attended an appointment with my Doctor.

My FBG was 8.1 and HbA1c was 44. All the other tests i.e. liver, thyroid were ok (thankfully).

I have to have another blood test which I've booked for next Thursday but she has told me I AM diabetic and she very much doubts my re-test will be below 6. I also have to provide a urine sample.

I've been told to lose weight and diet avoiding sugary foods and high fat. She does not want to prescribe any medication as she wants to see if I can manage it by losing weight and eating sensibly. I was told the Diabetic Nurse would contact me once they have the results of the 2nd test. I get the impression the 2nd test is just a box ticking exercise that they have to do with what has been said today.

I have been offered the option of going to Slimming World or Weight Watchers to help with weight loss. I was told this would be free for up to 3 months and I would have to claim the money back. If anyone knows about this scheme can they let me know how that works please?

Thanks to anyone reading this, I know forum members are so supportive and helpful and I'd be grateful for any advice.


Hertfordshire, England
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hi and welcome. First you need to follow the dietary advice on this forum. It's not just sugar you need to control but all carbs. Also fat is not a problem, so reduce all carbs and increase proteins and fats to keep yourself feeling full. The fat will not add to your weight or cholesterol HDL/LDL ratio in any measurable way. Personally I wouldn't worry with any diet club unless you need the motivation and be aware that some of these proprietary diets follow traditional (some would say wrong) diet advice which is not matched to diabetes needs.
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Perth, Western Oz
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I'd have to agree with @Daibell. WW would tell you that fruit is zero points and eat as much as you like. Most of us have found by 'eating to our meters' that most fruits apart from low carb berries are problematic and cause BG to rise.

If you look at the link in my signature, you'll find a beginners guide to low carbing written by one of our members @sanguine.

None of the commercial slimming programs take diabetes into account, as far as I know.
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Well-Known Member
New Zealand
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Acceptance of health treatment claims that are not adequately supported by evidence. I dislike it when people sell ineffective and even harmful alternative health products to exploit the desperation of people with chronic illness.
Ok, firstly I'm not really new and I've been pre-diabetic for about a year.

Anyway, I got the results of my blood test this morning and attended an appointment with my Doctor.

My FBG was 8.1 and HbA1c was 44. All the other tests i.e. liver, thyroid were ok (thankfully).

I have to have another blood test which I've booked for next Thursday but she has told me I AM diabetic and she very much doubts my re-test will be below 6. I also have to provide a urine sample.

I've been told to lose weight and diet avoiding sugary foods and high fat. She does not want to prescribe any medication as she wants to see if I can manage it by losing weight and eating sensibly. I was told the Diabetic Nurse would contact me once they have the results of the 2nd test. I get the impression the 2nd test is just a box ticking exercise that they have to do with what has been said today.

I have been offered the option of going to Slimming World or Weight Watchers to help with weight loss. I was told this would be free for up to 3 months and I would have to claim the money back. If anyone knows about this scheme can they let me know how that works please?

Thanks to anyone reading this, I know forum members are so supportive and helpful and I'd be grateful for any advice.
Welcome :)

I think in your case the repeat test is important because according to your FBG you are diabetic but according to your HbA1c you are prediabetic. The cutoff is 48.

But you should make the same changes to diet and exercise as you would if both of your tests showed diabetes. I would recommend those changes for anyone above the high end of the normal range.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Prefer not to say
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Ok, firstly I'm not really new and I've been pre-diabetic for about a year.

Anyway, I got the results of my blood test this morning and attended an appointment with my Doctor.

My FBG was 8.1 and HbA1c was 44. All the other tests i.e. liver, thyroid were ok (thankfully).

I have to have another blood test which I've booked for next Thursday but she has told me I AM diabetic and she very much doubts my re-test will be below 6. I also have to provide a urine sample.

I've been told to lose weight and diet avoiding sugary foods and high fat. She does not want to prescribe any medication as she wants to see if I can manage it by losing weight and eating sensibly. I was told the Diabetic Nurse would contact me once they have the results of the 2nd test. I get the impression the 2nd test is just a box ticking exercise that they have to do with what has been said today.

I have been offered the option of going to Slimming World or Weight Watchers to help with weight loss. I was told this would be free for up to 3 months and I would have to claim the money back. If anyone knows about this scheme can they let me know how that works please?

Thanks to anyone reading this, I know forum members are so supportive and helpful and I'd be grateful for any advice.

To be honest, if you have been told to lose weight, that's what worked for me.
Some on here are lucky, they can eat as much as they want to, (providing it's fat), I can't.
Fat does make my fat. So do carbs, so does protein.
So, the only way for me, watch the total calories, lose the weight, any way you can.
(I've put on a few pounds again, so I'm trying intermittent fasting)
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Well-Known Member
South West, England UK
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thanks for all the helpful advice. From what I understand I should low carb and reduce my intake avoiding things like white bread, rice, pasta, wheat etc. I will probably eat stoneground or wholemeal bread, rice and pasta occasionally.

I understand I shouldn't eat veg that grows below ground. I know potatoes are bad unless they're new potatoes? No more mash or jacket spuds then :(

I have adopted the main principles of the GI diet in the past and have a couple of books by Rick Gallop. Unfortunately I didn't stick them for too long.

I know I have to be careful what fruit I eat, as for a diabetic not all fruit is good.

I've started with my diet changes already. Drinking water at work and haven't eaten any bread since yesterday and I LOVE freshly buttered toast! My evening meal yesterday was mackerel fillets with a steamed veggies (yellow pepper, whole courgette, mushrooms and a few cherry tomatoes). Today I had a pre packed salad for work with a tin of mackerel in brine and a greek yoghurt (way better than my usual sandwich, crisps, yoghurt and often a chocolate bar).

I don't actually feel hungry at the moment but find I'm almost constantly thinking about food!!! ;)
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