LCHF (Ketogenic) diet effective after honeymoon?


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Type of diabetes
Type 1
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High blood glucose.
Hi everybody.

I'm wondering if anybody can share their experience with a low carb, high fat diet who is also past the honeymoon stage of T1D. For me (as newly diagnosed and with plenty of honeymoon left (yaay!)) the ketogenic diet is super effective. Though it may not always stay this way.

Can anyone comment on the effectiveness of this diet versus a conventional diet, post honeymoon.

My thanks as always.

Mrs Vimes

Well-Known Member
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I've been lchf for roughly 3 yrs now. My hba1cs are in the 5s now without any crashing hypos.
Lows are higher - top 3s, highs are lower 8s. If I do go under 4 because I normally have very little insulin on board they are very easily controllable.
Higher than 8 tends to be I've miscalculated insulin for a HIIT training session, site problems with a cannular or bubbles in me pipe work!
I love the fact that I'm off the roller coaster. Peace of mind means more to me than a piece of bread or potato.
Training is not a problem. I was on a 4 way split training wise and progressing. I can now do 2 pull ups in one go - I am so chuffed. I can squat 57kg and stuff.
I've gone back to push, pull and lower as I've also started the insanity beach body work out. I do that in the morning with 1 unit of insulin before hand and it batters DP into submission. (And me tbh but hey ho)
I do this without any food.
I'm on a pump so I can change basal rates. I do carry glucotablets for those unexpected emergencies and I test a lot.
Long post I know, I won't be going back to carbs as I now feel I have control.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
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High blood glucose.
@Mrs Vimes That's awesome. So how did you eventually come across LCHF? Also, how many units were you on before compared to now?



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To me LCHF is the only way to go for BS ? insulin control. I have been through all stages of the game.

However starting out as T1 I was told to eat 15-20 C per meal and had roller coaster sugars. I went back to VLC, the way I was eating pre T1 (as T2 and BS is so much steadier and lower not to mention very little insulin needed to maintain that. I had lots of hypos and hypers to get to this point.
I too would much rather have piece of mind (not fearing lows) than a piece of bread
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Mrs Vimes

Well-Known Member
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Before I was on 24 units of Lantus and between 12 - 16 units of nova rapid for each meal. Not counting corrections and dawn phenomenon corrections.
Now I'm on between 20-24 units background and 2-6 units for each meal.
I'll take some of the insulin before the meal and some after for any protein spikes.

Mrs Vimes

Well-Known Member
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I came across lchf when I packed in alcohol. I started having high blood sugars of s morning for no reason. Didn't get much help from the hospital at that time. I was told diabetes was progressive? (I'm type 1 how much more can it progress). After that divvy comment I decided to research.
I found out about dawn phenomenon and began correcting.
One day I ate my normal 20g of porridge with fruit, took normal dose of insulin and by 10 o'clock had bs of 25. 3 staff had phoned in sick and tear 11 had s big GCSE exam the next day.
I ran revision classes testing, correcting and drinking water. I'd never heard of ketones.
I decided to sack off breakfast as it was complicating things. Also whilst googling I found a lot of stuff on Ancel Keys and the unscientific reasons we were told to eat carbs. The utter arrogant pillock.
So I turned to the dark side and went lchf, lost 4 stone (needed it) and got a pump after proving through constant night time testing that it wasn't me sleeping through a hypo.
And here I am now!!!

Mrs Vimes

Well-Known Member
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Just add my diabetes nurse I have now is fantastic. But completely bemused by the diet. Yet my cgm shows I'm not hypoing. Apparently my trace is more normal than normal.
I'm such a big girly swot!