
  • Thread starter Deleted member 208503
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Deleted member 208503

But you don't know what they will suggest...

I know that you have dental issues, and have a limited income, so off the top of my head I'm thinking of braising, or stewing steak. It's cheap, needs to be cooked for quite a while, maybe in a slow cooker, but it goes really tender and has a lovely flavour. I'm thinking of scrambled eggs, too.

I don't know if you have issues with those foods, but I thought I'd mention them just in case.

Please let us know the results of any investigations you may have.
OK. I am considering going to my np. I will let you know.
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Deleted member 208503

The main reason for less food is that I'm afraid of kidney issues.
It hurts every day now as opposed to frequently. I just want to feel like I can do something about it and the other things. Like when they go bad at least I can feel I did my best with the food that I didn't make it worse. That it's not my fault from eating anyway.

Deleted member 208503

And the main reason for maybe not investigating the stomach bowel issues is
That I have no intention of adding more meds.
And I wont get a butt scope thing done. I guess there are other tests.
So it's like I'm going into it sort of refusing most of it all!!!
I'm not trying to be stubborn but I'm really already trying hard to take the meds I have to already take. A non statin, 3 BP pills, 2 insulins, Ozempic, pain pills for leg pain. Plus i try to take a few different vitamins.
I'm overwhelmed with pills and injections.


Well-Known Member
I rattle with pills for three different conditions but I'm very grateful that a. I have them and my life is better for them. And b. I live in the UK where my T2 means I get then for free.
I would like to avoid more though!
I definitely think you need a full MOT to check out what's going on. You might not be the medical mystery you think you are! And I'm sure that finding out what's going on generally with your health would be better long term.... even if tubes need to be inserted!!

Deleted member 208503

I rattle with pills for three different conditions but I'm very grateful that a. I have them and my life is better for them. And b. I live in the UK where my T2 means I get then for free.
I would like to avoid more though!
I definitely think you need a full MOT to check out what's going on. You might not be the medical mystery you think you are! And I'm sure that finding out what's going on generally with your health would be better long term.... even if tubes need to be inserted!!
Goodness gracious tubes!!

What is MOT?


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Eating extreme low calorie won’t result in weight loss, your body will go into starvation mode and you’ll become malnourished- if you aren’t already. It will also alter your metabolism and you will need less & less calories to lose weight. It’s recommended that no one should go below 1200 calories a day


Deleted member 208503

Eating extreme low calorie won’t result in weight loss, your body will go into starvation mode and you’ll become malnourished- if you aren’t already. It will also alter your metabolism and you will need less & less calories to lose weight. It’s recommended that no one should go below 1200 calories a day

When I think about the not getting enough nutrients part of the 1200 calories I really am not now anyway. As costs are too high for me causing me to only be able to get a few nutrients now. Without "starving".