Looking for friends

Majid Naqvi

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I'm a 26 year old female, been diabetic now for 18 years.
I'm looking for friends who with I could talk to and joke about diabetes and insulin.
I like to draw and read boks, I do boxin and work as a frontend-developer

Tell something about yourself

What do you do (profession)?

What are your hobbies?

Do you have pets?

What is your favourite book?

What do you value most in a friendship?

Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
What do you do (profession)?
i am doing job in an investigating agency.
What are your hobbies?
mobile scrolling or movies and going places
Do you have pets?
Yes, i guess, its a cat and it just come to get food from me and goes back when done eating.. i love her company
What is your favourite book?
I don't know becuase i don't read alot
What do you value most in a friendship?
care and honesty
Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
You, off course


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I'm looking for friends who I can just talk to and joke about diabetes and insulin. Been diabetic since I was 13 years old.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hello! I'm 19 and was diagnosed with t1d 2 years ago. I've never met anyone else with this condition, let alone had a friend that does.

It would be great to have someone to talk to that actually understands what it's like living with it :)


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I'm a 26 year old female, been diabetic now for 18 years.
I'm looking for friends who with I could talk to and joke about diabetes and insulin.
I like to draw and read boks, I do boxin and work as a frontend-developer

Tell something about yourself

What do you do (profession)?

What are your hobbies?

Do you have pets?

What is your favourite book?

What do you value most in a friendship?

Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?

Hi, I’m also looking for friends too I’ve never had a diabetic buddy. I’ve been diagnosed for 11 years now.
I have a pet cat, her name is sky and she just gave birth to some kittens, which is currently my new obsession.
What I value most in friendship is honesty and love, without these two things it wouldn’t be a friendship or any type of relationship. I also like to write, I have been writing a bunch of scripts hopefully it’ll all come together soon!
Type of diabetes
Prefer not to say
Treatment type
Hello! I'm 19 and was diagnosed with t1d 2 years ago. I've never met anyone else with this condition, let alone had a friend that does.

It would be great to have someone to talk to that actually understands what it's like living with it :)
You can talk to me dia, actually am a listening friend
Type of diabetes
Prefer not to say
Treatment type
I'm a 26 year old female, been diabetic now for 18 years.
I'm looking for friends who with I could talk to and joke about diabetes and insulin.
I like to draw and read boks, I do boxin and work as a frontend-developer

Tell something about yourself

What do you do (profession)?

What are your hobbies?

Do you have pets?

What is your favourite book?

What do you value most in a friendship?

Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
Well im 19
And I'm starting campus in august so I don't work for now
I'm a kind girl for what I know and I'm listening too
I don't have pets but which to get
I lovveeeee reading but don't have a fav
I friendship I value the time , the trust etc
As a dinner guest I think well thats a hard on for sure but that me I'm Shadia, from Uganda
Type of diabetes
Prefer not to say
Treatment type
Hi,I was looking for friends and I typed friends in search box and I came up with your name, well it was only your name so any way I just got my glucose measured with my private meter and again it was in the 200 zone bad but not as bad as before I also take insulin injections in the stomach, it looks painful if you read the booklet my doctor gave me about insulin and injections , neck shoulders thighs, really gross. I started my injection in February this year when I felt sick fainted and to make me well I was injected with insulin in the morning, two injections before lunch, one before dinner , two at twelve night and again in the morning , it was in the 400 zone very high and fever no doctor in the hospital knew why, or they explained it but I was this out of it from fever not sure I wish this never happens to no one well I hope I get a reply from you, I'm a she in my 50s I can't think of anything else to say


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hey I’m 24 yrs, just got diagnosed 4 months ago..: my hba1c is 10.3 … need a friend too