Low carb brainwashing???

Dr H

Well-Known Member
- People without manners
- Being interrogated about non-low-carbing
Administrator said:
People should be given ALL the facts and left to decide their own fate.

Which is exactly what this forum has always done, and will continue to do. Like it or not, post here or not, this forum will continue to be a great resource for people with diabetes to understand more about their condition.

Splitting the diet forums was done at the request of a number of regular posters, the aim being to make it easier for newcomers to see the debate from the outset, understand better both sides, and make their own minds up. Suggesting that it is a case of divide and rule is just shortsighted, and sells short the moderators who attempt to control this storm of opinion.

The idea of reuniting the diet forum into one seething cauldron of debate is under discussion. Anyone in favour say I.

I didn't say the site wasn't giving all the facts. I think the forum, god bless it, is in a stage where we can find one group of people shouting down another group so that not all the information is being made available.

I would not however, like one forum. Since that would lead to direct confrontation, something best left alone if possible.


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is in a stage where we can find one group of people shouting down another group so that not all the information is being made available.

- you are correct in that the forum goes through stages, and this reflects the undercurrents in the diabetes community. A few points are worth bearing in mind however:

- Hundreds (if not thousands) of people using this site have found that a low-carb diet is genuinely successful in maintaining blood glucose control. This isn't propaganda, or politics, it's disease management. These people are finding success, they want to spread the word.

- All people (and all people with diabetes) are different. What works for some either cannot (not by choice) or will not (by choice) work for others. Those who do not understand this, be they low-carbers or non low-carbers, need to.

- This forum has very few limits on what is posted. If there is information out there that contributes to your perspective by all means post it. There are no restrictions, and anything valid that contributes to the debate will not be shouted down.

I for one am a bit tired of the opposing sides and the conspiracy theories. It's not why this forum was set up.




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Hello Bunty

I just want to thank you for your post - I agree totally with what you have written. I have felt very much that if I dont low-carb then I will never get control. Some of us have other conditions that we have to bear in mind when it comes to food and some of those conditions do not do well with very reduced or low-carb.

Thank you. Jude


Well-Known Member
Hi Jude,

my opinion is that we each experiment, test and review and settle on a regime that we can live with. For me, that means reduced carbs but i eat carbs with every meal. I keep an eye on my levels and i dont beat myself up if i stray but on the other hand, i dont allow myself to become complacent and pretend i can eat as i wish and certainly never again as i did pre-diagnosis.

This forum is a haven, for me, i mean, where i can post without worrying i'm going to be lectured, lol! I wouldnt want anyone to think i dont care or limit my carbs, though - i'm aware of how they react in my body, lol!

Onward and upwards!



Well-Known Member
I think the separate forums are a good idea, after having a break from this site I now feel generally there is less arguing and defense going on. I follow sort of restricted carb diet, but love my roots, sweet potatoes and yogurt with berries so am not low carber. So I suppose I float between the two groups since I go low carb to lose weight and then somewhere between low carb and low gi to accommodate holidays etc. I find that non low carbers seem much more flexible and understanding generally whereas low carbers are more fanatic and strict in their opinion thus seeming to spread the gospel. There will always be clashes between the two groups but I say, try different things, see what works and go for it! 8)


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You are absolutely right. I get a bit worried that whenever someone joins the forum, some members straightaway advise low carb.

My advice is experiment and see what suits you and keeps your BS steady

I am lowish carb and try to follow low GI diet


Well-Known Member
I'll be honest here when I first joined the rabid low carb mentality of many of the posters in other sections really put me off. I appreciate that it works for some members but thats not the same as saying it works for every diabetic. My gran was type 2 from 41 and didnt go onto insulin until she was 82 and that was only because she started eating cakes and biscuits after my grandad died and there was nobody there to watch her and she never low carbed. A couple of my collegues at work again they dont low carb and have hba1c's of 5.5 and 5.7 respectively. Ultimately the advice on starchy carbs is given by doctors worldwide if it didnt work for everyone then I think that advice would have been updated by now. Granted its time that there were proper studies done by the medical profession and more sophisticated dietry advice given. I dont low carb myself and have no intentions of doing such as IMO if I have to take such drastic measures it means my condition is not properly controlled, besides if I low carbed I dunno what I would eat as not fond of meat apart from chicken, beefburgers, spag bol, ham and bacon :p


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Diet drinks - the artificial sweeteners taste vile.
Having to forswear foods I have loved all my life.
Trying to find low carb meals when eating out.
I've avoided the low/high carb soap boxes until now.

However, my 2p worth.

The splitting into two discussion areas is a matter of maintaining politeness.

If a group cannot discuss its common views without getting shouted down and swamped by another group with its own agenda then the two groups should agree to discuss their own views in different areas.

There is no censorship as both groups can state their views - just not at the expense of the other group.

Free speech does not mean that everyone is obliged to listen.

Play nicely, or go to your seperate rooms! :D


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I think (my opinion - please don't scream at me for it) that many lo-carbers are doing it because they are taking SOLE RESPONSIBILITY for the treatment of their disease. If it all goes t*ts up because of lo-carbing, I'll only have myself to blame.

I'm not leaving my fate in the hands of other people - the advice doctors give me will be avaluated and decided on, not taken as the absolute truth and followed blindly. Although HCPs are the best qualified people out there, that doesn't mean that what they have been taught is the absolute truth...


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Unnecessary rudeness, and any PC
If you're a T2 controlled by diet alone (or trying to reduce your reliance on medication), severely restricting your intake of the food that makes your blood sugar rise is a bit of a no-brainer? No argument there. Just make sure you're getting all the right nutrients, vitamins etc from your diet as a whole. Which is as important for anyone?


Well-Known Member
bullies, bad drivers ,recession,
lately i have tried to stay away from the low carb debate but to be honest its getting a bit tiresome now.i was just reading a post in the gereral diabetes discussion where someone was delighted with their latest hb1ac results.they said the only change they made was drinking a glass of red wine.what kind of replies did they get? one person advising them to cut down on carbs and another saying that maybe subconciously they made other changes.can they not be happy for someone else without trying to convert them? i know that diabetics have to cut down on their carbs but not everyone has to take it to the extremes that the low carbers do.i am sorry to go on but i felt that i just had to do this post.i am not trying to start an arguement with the low carbers.i was going to post in that thread but i know that it would definatly start a row so i posted here instead.



So what's new Mullander?

The majority of us have to limit carbs to some extent but how low we go is up to us.
There will always be a division on this forum and I know it is disheartening to see some of the negative replies to a success story. Be happy that it wasn't you who wrote it. :wink: :roll: :roll:

Take care,



Well-Known Member
I must say it is rather astonishing to receive carb restricting advice when the results are good without low carbing. I think it has been proven time and time again that we are all different with our metabolisms and carb sensitivities and I think it's fab that people get fantastic results one way and the other. The fact is though that not everyone need to be extreme low carber to reach good control and that seems to be difficult for some to accept. I'd love to eat more carbs and be more low GI person but at the moment it isn't possible due to my excess weight and insulin resistance. But I do have porridge now with a wee splodge of butter (gosh, don't shoot me... :wink: ) occasionally and I'm fine so will stick to what keeps me happy,losing weight and most importantly, gives me good bs results. :mrgreen:


Active Member
My thoughts on this are that everybody is different and what works for one does not work for another people would be far better getting themselves to see health professionals an endocrinologist and dietician for example and getting proper help and diagnosis rather than just going on the internet and looking at things and saying i will try that.