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Thanks for reply. That gives me an idea of how long before my system gets use to metaformin. I know people are different from each other to how they react. But it gives me some idea what to expect. Thank you. Just looking at your profile picture; you are in remission FABULOUS, Rachox! You give me hope woman! I'm 10.5stone so classed as obese. Hopefully I can get back on track but know this is going to be slow and steady is the name of the process.

I've looked up and thought would try some of these that I got from another site

bowl of wholegrain cereal with milk
two slices of wholegrain toast with olive oil based spread
a pot of natural unsweetened yogurt and fruit
two slices of avaocado with a hard boiled egg

lunch ideas

a chicken or tuna salad sandwich
a small pasta salad
soup with or whithout a wholegrain roll
a piece of salmon or tuna steak and salad.
have a piece of fruit or pot of natural unsweetened yogurt afterwards too.

Dinner ideas

lasagna and salad
roast chicken and vegetables with or without potatoes
beef stir fry and vegetables with or without brown rice
chicken tortillas and salad
salmon and vegetables with or without noodles
curry with chickpeas and brown rice

I already eat wholegrain bread(Hovis) and olive oil bases spread (bertoli), cheerios with semi skimmed milk already; I need to get back to my roasted veggies.

I have two weeks before seeing DN again. To see how things go. Need to kick myself up the backside!


Do you know that Metformin is available as a liquid?
As LADA and was taking 4x glucophage horse tablets daily. Gave them up (oesophagitis) but insulin requirement soared. Happened to switch to a new hospital team and Consultant, she immediately told me about the liquid and questioned why it had not been recommended (yes more expensive). Little sip twice a day, job done!

Metformin Hydrochloride 500mg/5ml Oral Solution

Sugar Fiend

Went to see DN today as my diabetes is 'out of control'. It was decided that I should give metaformin a try; as I've been resisting going onto meds. But time has moved on and things have changed drastically for me and my diabetes. Where I was once in 6 and 7 range I'm now up at the 11 range. Lots of things contributing as well as me NOT paying attention to it all. I can't exercise anymore and my health is going downhill. I feel like a bouncy ball on a bat!

So I'm making a start TODAY and starting over 'again' with recording my meals and trying to do the right thing instead of 'ignoring it'. I explained that I don't like tablets as have a hard time swallowing them. Believe metaformin are like horse tablets! But asked if they can be split and they can. Agreed to try them and if I suffer any side effects like vomiting or 'the trots' then I'll stop taking them, but to give them time to settle and take it from there. So starting tomorrow I've to take 1 tablet with my evening meal.:nailbiting:
Hi I am Steve I've been taking Metformin for 13 yrs 500mg 3×daily along with anti depression & anti physcot tablets and I've never had a problem with them. I used take simvistatin also but it gave me chronic leg ache someone suggested to stop taking it for a couple of months and the leg ache has gone.


For what it's worth, I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes two months ago and put straight onto Metformin. I don't have a problem with horse tablets, but I did have a problem with the severe gastrointestinal side effects (6 weeks of unrelenting diarrhoea!) of both standard and modified release Metformin. After discussing alternatives with my surgery, I was switched onto Dapagliflozin and have not had a problem since. Phew! The pills are tiny and I only take them once a day. From the research I've done, Dapagliflozin is about twice the cost of Metformin, which is why, I suspect, it is prescribed first.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
long queues.
Went to see DN today as my diabetes is 'out of control'. It was decided that I should give metaformin a try; as I've been resisting going onto meds. But time has moved on and things have changed drastically for me and my diabetes. Where I was once in 6 and 7 range I'm now up at the 11 range. Lots of things contributing as well as me NOT paying attention to it all. I can't exercise anymore and my health is going downhill. I feel like a bouncy ball on a bat!

So I'm making a start TODAY and starting over 'again' with recording my meals and trying to do the right thing instead of 'ignoring it'. I explained that I don't like tablets as have a hard time swallowing them. Believe metaformin are like horse tablets! But asked if they can be split and they can. Agreed to try them and if I suffer any side effects like vomiting or 'the trots' then I'll stop taking them, but to give them time to settle and take it from there. So starting tomorrow I've to take 1 tablet with my evening meal.:nailbiting:
SORRY can't give you the site you'll have to search. BUT the solution to MetF side effects is to start slowly. ie if your GP starts you on a dose of e.g. ONE Danger!! IT can be TOO MUCH TOO SOON..trick is take only 0.25 of this daily for a week then up 0.5 for 2nd week and by third week you should be taking the recommended dose with little or no side effects.


Well-Known Member
Went to see DN today as my diabetes is 'out of control'. It was decided that I should give metaformin a try; as I've been resisting going onto meds. But time has moved on and things have changed drastically for me and my diabetes. Where I was once in 6 and 7 range I'm now up at the 11 range. Lots of things contributing as well as me NOT paying attention to it all. I can't exercise anymore and my health is going downhill. I feel like a bouncy ball on a bat!

So I'm making a start TODAY and starting over 'again' with recording my meals and trying to do the right thing instead of 'ignoring it'. I explained that I don't like tablets as have a hard time swallowing them. Believe metaformin are like horse tablets! But asked if they can be split and they can. Agreed to try them and if I suffer any side effects like vomiting or 'the trots' then I'll stop taking them, but to give them time to settle and take it from there. So starting tomorrow I've to take 1 tablet with my evening meal.:nailbiting:
I've resisted drugs to control my levels but saw the doctor a few days ago and was told my levels are out of control.
I kept my level at around 7.5 by eating the right foods but tested a couple of days ago and it was up to 17.1, so decided to give Metafornin a try.
I wasn't surprised as I've been eating all kinds of rubbish. I'll be going back to my sensible diet and taking the tablets and see how it goes. I see my doctor in a few weeks time. I'm hoping to stop the tablets and get my levels back through diet alone in time.

Deleted member 489048

Do you know that Metformin is available as a liquid?
As LADA and was taking 4x glucophage horse tablets daily. Gave them up (oesophagitis) but insulin requirement soared. Happened to switch to a new hospital team and Consultant, she immediately told me about the liquid and questioned why it had not been recommended (yes more expensive). Little sip twice a day, job done!

Metformin Hydrochloride 500mg/5ml Oral Solution
No I did not know this. I know that you can get medication in liquid form. But you'd think DN would inform me of this since I made it known to her I don't like taking tablets. But can guess the answer would be 'tablets are cheaper!' kinda response. Anything that doesn't eat up their budget I reckon is why no info. is given.
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Deleted member 489048

Hi I am Steve I've been taking Metformin for 13 yrs 500mg 3×daily along with anti depression & anti physcot tablets and I've never had a problem with them. I used take simvistatin also but it gave me chronic leg ache someone suggested to stop taking it for a couple of months and the leg ache has gone.
Again today DN tried to get me onto another tablet. I agreed at first, till she told me one of the side effects is 'thrush' (why would you recommend something like this!?) I point blank refused it. Then it was the 'statin' question again why I wasn't taking them? I told her because it added to my pain, and I'm in enough pain as it is! Point blank refused to take statins too.

Deleted member 489048

For what it's worth, I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes two months ago and put straight onto Metformin. I don't have a problem with horse tablets, but I did have a problem with the severe gastrointestinal side effects (6 weeks of unrelenting diarrhoea!) of both standard and modified release Metformin. After discussing alternatives with my surgery, I was switched onto Dapagliflozin and have not had a problem since. Phew! The pills are tiny and I only take them once a day. From the research I've done, Dapagliflozin is about twice the cost of Metformin, which is why, I suspect, it is prescribed first.
DN wanted me to take 2 metformin a day. My body couldn't handle it. So put myself back down to 1 tablet a day. So this works. I don't have to worry about 'getting to toilet on time'. Refuse to take something that has such a devasting effect on me. I've NOT BEEN TOLD by DN of any other meds for diabetes. Everytime I see her it's always a new tablet suggestion. :***:

Deleted member 489048

It might be worth trying the modified release metformin tablets. I have been on 2 x 500mg MR metformin for several years with only occasional gi upset.
I'm on slow release metformin and linagliptin.

Deleted member 489048

SORRY can't give you the site you'll have to search. BUT the solution to MetF side effects is to start slowly. ie if your GP starts you on a dose of e.g. ONE Danger!! IT can be TOO MUCH TOO SOON..trick is take only 0.25 of this daily for a week then up 0.5 for 2nd week and by third week you should be taking the recommended dose with little or no side effects.
Start slowly don't think DN knows the meaning of the word! I was on 1 tablet a week before she put me on 2 tablets (before I put myself back down to 1!) I'm PSS(proportionate short stature) and any meds that make me 'run the toilet' or make me vomit I won't take! After all is my body telling me something isn't right!

Deleted member 489048

I've resisted drugs to control my levels but saw the doctor a few days ago and was told my levels are out of control.
I kept my level at around 7.5 by eating the right foods but tested a couple of days ago and it was up to 17.1, so decided to give Metafornin a try.
I wasn't surprised as I've been eating all kinds of rubbish. I'll be going back to my sensible diet and taking the tablets and see how it goes. I see my doctor in a few weeks time. I'm hoping to stop the tablets and get my levels back through diet alone in time.
Understand where you are coming from, as I got sick to the back teeth with it all things diabetes! Completely went off the rails. Doctor was gobsmacked as to how 'out of control' my diabetes was. However, got my head back in gear again; and started taking it serious, "again". As a reminder I tell myself I want to keep my toes and feet. So I'm back to eating sensibly again and proved this. I use to cycle to lose weight but now have mobility issues and cycling is the one thing I truly love that I've had to stop doing. Try not to look at the things I've had to give up in order to get 'sensible' about my diabetes.
Like you I refused to go on medication at start but eventually told myself I'd give it a try. So sticking with it so far. Hope things work out for you, frankbegbie. Like you I eventually want to stop taking meds.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Too much noise. More than one person talking at once.
I already eat wholegrain bread(Hovis) BAD FOR YOU and olive oil bases spread (bertoli) FINE , cheerios with semi skimmed milk THE WORST already; I need to get back to my roasted veggies.
Please, is it the cheerios or skimmed milk which is worse, or both?

Last edited:


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Tripe and Onions
I subscribe to Carb Manager they have a huge number of keto, low carb and medium carb along with vegetarian and vegan recipes and a large data base of foods with their nutritional data.

Costs me about £7 a month.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
The best approach to reverse type 2 is to go low carb - eg no sugar no starchy white potato’s no lasagne or pasta or grains like oats - no ‘whole’ grains either they will still spike your blood sugar - there is palmini as a pasta alternative - there are lots of keto bread alternatives like keto8 online or ketoRoma - focus on gut health - have a look at Dr Gundry he has a yes no food list - look up Chris Kresser - Dr Hyman - Dr Sarah Ballantyne - online for low carb paleo eating tips for general health


The best approach to reverse type 2 is to go low carb - eg no sugar no starchy white potato’s no lasagne or pasta or grains like oats - no ‘whole’ grains either they will still spike your blood sugar - there is palmini as a pasta alternative - there are lots of keto bread alternatives like keto8 online or ketoRoma - focus on gut health - have a look at Dr Gundry he has a yes no food list - look up Chris Kresser - Dr Hyman - Dr Sarah Ballantyne - online for low carb paleo eating tips for general health
I agree. Fasting is also a game changer in terms of weight loss and blood sugar. Read The Diabetes Code by Jason Fung, he talks about meds and diet, very informative and following his advice got me into remission within 4 months of diagnosis.
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