Microalbuminuria due to type 2 diabetes mellitus


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I am 66 years old T2 diabetes female. I was diagnosed Impaired glucose tolerance in Oct 2012, high risk of diabetes mellitus in Dec 2012 and Type2 diabetes mellitus in 2013. Luckily due to early awareness of this forum, i.e., low carbing, my HbA1c was never above 47 since the diagnosis for 10 years.

My recent annual HbA1c test was 45mmol/. However Urine Creatinine came abnormal (3.4mmol/L) which should be between 4-9 mmol/L. Urine microalbumin <5.0 mg/L which does not say normal/abnormal and did not include the urine albumin:creatinine ratio (ACR).
When I discussed the result with the diabetic nurse, I asked her the meaning of the lower Urine Creatinine. She did not say much but agreed to have another test in 3 months time.

Then at home, when I checked her notes in my online records, I saw the line below:
'Microalbuminuria due to type 2 diabetes mellitus'
This was the first time I saw in my records and I have never been told about it.

When I check online, there is usual conflicting information. Some sites says it is common among diabetes and some says it is an early sign of kidney damage and increased risk of cardiovascular conditions. I also checked here in the forum but most related posts have older dates.

I would like to ask if anybody here have Microalbuminuria and how common it is among us diabetics and what I should do to be able to keep my kidney from getting worse.

These below are some related info about my condition:
- Have family history of heart attacks (HA) - father died from HA at the age of 57, my two brothers had HAs at the age of 49. Thus I am very low dose of atorvastatin (10mg) just in case.
- Have keep my HbA1c at/below 47 with 500 mg of Metformin twice a day and diet.
- I am not overweight but my BMI close to 24. My tommy section is very big probably says lots of visceral fat around my liver and pankreas. Thus need to go to keto to get rid of this fat - but now too scared for kidney damage!
- We eat only 2 times a day (~14-15 h fast) and walk 1 hour every day after breakfast. Other than that unfortunately sedentary.
- Have almost always cook from scratch with good quality ingredents. Never smoked, drink very occasionally red wine or G&T.
- My latest BP is 134/77. I used to have low BP but in a few years it increased to this level.
- Have hypothyroidism and taking levothyroxin 50 mg a day.
- Serum albumin 41 g/L (normal)
- Urea and electrolytes tests all normal (e.g., GFR calculated abbreviatd MDRD > 90 mL/min/1.73m*2)
- Plasma B12 level >128pmol/L - 'abnormal' - (should be 51-128)
- Have diabetic retinopathy from the beginning of diagnosis - till then no change either way (+/-)
- Have usually potassium levels at the high end border.
- Have foamy urine time to time, itchy skin and nausea with some food (with juice).
- From Jun23 test (not tested in Jan24): Serum C reactive protein level is 7mg/L - usually it's higher than normal in all my previous tests.

Sorry for the long text - tried to include all relevant information. Btw, I booked for another blood/urine test on 13 Feb. And also ordered some kidney function test kit online which will arrive tomorrow.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
hypos and forum bugs
Hi @minervaT2 can I ask what diabetes meds you are on? Or is it just the atorvastatin

To be honest I suspect the best person to ask about this is your doctor/nurse.

For what it's worth, most (all?) of my records say that an ACR can't be calculated because the very low level of albumin in the urine.... (I believe this is normal).
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