My Atkins Life


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Oh dear's a horrid feeling isn't it? I think we've all been there at some time or other...those of us who are human anyway.:)
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See ethyl it's not about the food really - I'm a pretty good cool and will give most things a go but I just don't want to cook right now!

I've also got lots of healthy options in the freezer but again, I wanted the proper Chinese and had more than my fair share of it!

Before diagnosis I'd have had Chinese once a week so the fact it's once every other month is a massive improvement. I just wish I could get it to never!

This is the worst time of the year for me though. Hate summer, kids off school, little me time, no money blah blah blah and on top of that it's my eldest's birthday at the start of the holidays and my youngest's at the end!!

And I'm also trying to launch a little business and do the marketing for that too.

Still, I never do things by halves!

And tomorrow I'm being filmed for a diabetic documentary for a journalism student. Eeeek!!!! :)

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Diagnosed prediabetic Easter 2014. Just left to get on with it, no guidance or help from GP. Every day I'm learning something new.
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Oooooooooooooo Debs good luck with the filming. Is she coming to your house? I just couldn't have done it without a load of stress, so please give her some more apologies from me.

If you are one of those that can enjoy a treat and get straight back on the waggon the next day, then I really cannot see the harm in an occasional Chinese blow out. One bad meal once in 2 months seems fair enough to me. Others may not agree. Don't beat yourself up.
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cold ethyl

Well-Known Member
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I know how you feel as some days I could just murder fish and chips and no amount of fancy cooking makes up for it. Diet wise I don't think one off piste day makes much difference but I know for me it would be the start of a very slippery slope. Plus I'd not only feel a bit rubbish but be beating yslef up about yet another failure.
Kids never stop being pests as far as I can tell. Mine is 20 but I get as much hassle just of different sort these days.
Good luck with business venture.
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Well titty I have had KFC last week so not completely angelic but before that, it was pizza a month ago so I'm sort of in control and definitely more than I've ever been. Just need to watch the 'you're only prediabetic' temptation.

Yes I'm being filmed in my disgustingly messy and far too child-like house, then shopping for food and exercising in the park. I did media studies a-level and worked for a tv company in the past so I'm used to a camera but I don't like it at all!!! Need lots of luck!

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Diagnosed prediabetic Easter 2014. Just left to get on with it, no guidance or help from GP. Every day I'm learning something new.
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Just send a cool breeze and max temperature of 17c - that'll do nicely thanks! ;)

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Diagnosed prediabetic Easter 2014. Just left to get on with it, no guidance or help from GP. Every day I'm learning something new.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
My fasting BG was 7.3 this morning , it's coming down slowly, then I has Egg Bacon Sausage Toms and Mushrooms 2hrs later it was 10.3 ouch

Diagnosed T2 4th July
Metformin 1500mg
HbA1c. 64
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Wow that's quite a spike for that sort of meal - did you test twice to make sure it wasn't a random reading or that you had sugar on your finger?

Have you tested tomatoes separately to see if they agree with you? How many tomatoes did you have?

I'm doubting it was the mushrooms but you never know - could need investigating too!

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Diagnosed prediabetic Easter 2014. Just left to get on with it, no guidance or help from GP. Every day I'm learning something new.


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Quite enjoying this filming malarkey!!

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Diagnosed prediabetic Easter 2014. Just left to get on with it, no guidance or help from GP. Every day I'm learning something new.
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Intolerance, career politicians, reality TV and so-called celebrity culture, mobile phones in the quiet carriage.
My fasting BG was 7.3 this morning , it's coming down slowly, then I has Egg Bacon Sausage Toms and Mushrooms 2hrs later it was 10.3 ouch

Could have been the sausages if they contained cereal filler.


Retired Moderator
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I'd tend to agree on the sausages. I'd also look at anything coming from a tin; mushrooms or tomatoes.

Also, was the bacon cured at all? Our local UK farm shop do some fabulous, fabulous bacon cured in black molasses. I'm guessing that might be a bit risky. Just a thought.


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Diet only
I'd tend to agree on the sausages. I'd also look at anything coming from a tin; mushrooms or tomatoes.

Also, was the bacon cured at all? Our local UK farm shop do some fabulous, fabulous bacon cured in black molasses. I'm guessing that might be a bit risky. Just a thought.

Is cured bacon better or worse than ordinary bacon? We have cured. Is this wrong?


Retired Moderator
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I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
Is cured bacon better or worse than ordinary bacon? We have cured. Is this wrong?

I have no ideal really. I was more concerned about the curing medium than the process. Leaving something marinating in a vat of molasses for days on wand doesn't sound too diabetes friendly, but I have no scientific basis to back that up.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Dry cured is best I used to live in Spain , you can only get dry cured and the Serrano ham is so good , going back to my Sunday breakfast I'm sure it was the sausage & Tom

Diagnosed T2 4th July
Metformin 1500mg
HbA1c. 64


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Dry cured is best I used to live in Spain , you can only get dry cured and the Serrano ham is so good , going back to my Sunday breakfast I'm sure it was the sausage & Tom

Diagnosed T2 4th July
Metformin 1500mg
HbA1c. 64

Try another breakfast without the sausage. If that works then fine. If it doesn't, try it again without the toms but with the sausage, or without both. I am fine with toms but only 1 biggish one cooked, or up to 8 cherry toms. Any more and it affects me too much.

cold ethyl

Well-Known Member
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Diet only
I tend to buy dry cure and avoid the ones that say sweetcure as I assume they'll contain more sugar. Go for the meatiest sausages - Asda sell ones by Heck I think that are 97% and gluten free.
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Oh I didn't think about the sausages! I only get 97% ones now.

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Diagnosed prediabetic Easter 2014. Just left to get on with it, no guidance or help from GP. Every day I'm learning something new.


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So today I'm feeling very positive - things with my bag business seem to be going fairly well and I've got a different focus other than diabetes to work on which is good.

Unfortunately there just aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done as fast as I'd like to. Nothing much I can do about that other than work smarter which is no easy feat with two young and demanding girls around. I'd be lying if I said I love having them around right now :( I feel a bit bad but they've had me 150% for the last six years so it's my time now to be the needy one...

In the back of my mind though is fear. What if I fail? What if it really takes off and I can't manage? And worst thing - what if my MRI on Saturday shoes my disc is worthy of surgery? That'll set me back six months and instead if strategising my bag empire, I'll be whiling away the hours wondering how I'll cope with looking after the girls on my own when I'll barely be able to walk for about a week after then during rehabilitation. I'm praying that they can do something else but I've been here before and it ended with an op. That was before I had kids who depend on me and that was bad enough! I'll not think about it til I need to....

Anyway, here's a pick of my arm candy in case you wondered what the hell I'm banging on about!! I love making them and being creative again :) :) :)

ImageUploadedByDCUK Forum1406704782.183542.jpg

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Diagnosed prediabetic Easter 2014. Just left to get on with it, no guidance or help from GP. Every day I'm learning something new.
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