newcastle diet


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hi everyone!
this this is my first post- i was diagnosed type 2 in 2011, i am 49 and managed to get it under control by diet the first year, but totallyl lost control over the last year, been in fight /flight mode and denial. Two weeks ago i tested myself and the meter read 22.
after doing a lot of reading,i started the newcastle diet last saturday, using slimfast, my starting weight 82kg, the first night awafull headache, but after that i have been absolutly fine,i dont feel slugish, feel good in myself and surprised i dont feel hungry, i tested myself today my reading was 5.5, will weigh myself on saturday, havent managed to incorporate any excersie yet.
i started making soup with my veg, but found it more satisfying to use the vegtables in a salad, as you feel like you are actually chewing something, i was meant to go on metformin but have struggled to take it after having a nasty reaction to antibiotics at the beginning of the year, which put me off medication.
anyone starting this diet same time as me!!!!!!


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Welcome. I'm quite new her after being in total denial for a few years.

I am planning to start Newcastle Diet in September when I am in a routine when my children are back at school. Meanwhile I am trying to low carb, lose weight and exercise a bit more.

I have 5 or 6 stones to lose. :?

I have found the group hugely informative and very friendly.



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Hi,Misti Like you I started the diet on sat 17th, first day or two was not so good but seem to be getting in to it quite easy now,the odd few hunger pangs,but when you take some water they go quite quickly,good luck with your diet and keep in touch


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I am 11 days in and disappearing. No real problems despite a few temptations. Blood glucose levels are dropping nicely :)

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when i was diagnosed, i asked for a blood glucose meter and was told its not available on nhs, unless you are insulin dependant, so i bought one yesturday, any suggestions anyone, as to how many times a day or week i should test myself


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mitsi5959 said:
when i was diagnosed, i asked for a blood glucose meter and was told its not available on nhs, unless you are insulin dependant, so i bought one yesturday, any suggestions anyone, as to how many times a day or week i should test myself

Before every meal and two hours after
I got my tester of my DN for free guess all clinics are different
Good luck

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first week lost 9 lbs, blood sugar 6.1, horrible taste in my mouth
if anyone is interested, boots doing offer slimfast £2.99, dont know how long for!!!


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thanks murph
have been taking metformin 500mg twice a day for the last 2 months, havent taken them, since i started the diet, feeling full of energy and well inmyself, dont really feel mega hungry on the diet, struggle to finish eating veg sometimes, but do eat them.
faught i would go for a walk last night, done hour walking, as i live out in country side i ended up taking wrong turning "idiot" an ended up 3 miles from my house, had to get my wonderfull hubbie to pick me up "soaked in tha rain" looking for a treadmill now as safer option


Active Member
hi all
heres an update of how i am getting on with the diet, was not sure if my readings were right on my scales so i went and bought a second pair, just to be certain, they both read the same.
i have wievered a couple of times and have reduced my shake to compensate for the calories. the weight has fallen off nicely, i am craving a a nice roast chicken, no cravings for sugar, have also started running on the treadmill for 45 mins 3-4 times a week in the last to weeks.

my weight from starting to today-
17th aug 12st-13lbs
24th aug 12-4lbs------------blood sugars fasting 5.5/ 2hrs after breakfast 9.5
31th aug 10-13 lbs -------- blood sugars fasting 5.5/ 2hrs after breakfast 7.8
7th sept 10st-7 1/2lbs----blood sugars fasting 5.8/ 2hrs after breakfast- forgot to do this one
14th sept 10.4 1/2lbs-----blood sugars fasting 5.5/ 2hrs after breakfast 5.3

blood sugar on the 6th sept fast 4.8
blood sugar on the 12th sept fast 4.9 / 2hrs after 5.7 / after excercise 4.5
i only bought the glucose meter on the 24th aug, i tend not to test everyday and do my testing on the day of weighing myself, i might randomly test myself in the week.
the weight has fallen off, i have droped from a size 18 and in a 14 now and have lost 4 1/2 inches of my waist :)
the diet has been easy to follow, the shakes take out the guess work of counting calories.
i will try and do the 8 weeks, halfway there,
i am looking a head after the diet and will try and keep to a low carb diet, any surgestions for breakfast, other than bacon and eggs, no yogurt-dont like it, have started to read lables and just about getting to grips with it, could somebody tell what the daily carb allowance is for a female


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Brilliant result!

Amazing that you lost 17lbs in a week! Wow! I'd be pleased with that in a month.

Do you have much more to lose?

Keep in touch!



Active Member
hi cara
the weight has fallen off, fast, i went and bought new scales, just to make sure mine wernt playin up, i will be happy if i get to 10st and might start to slowly introduce low carb foods, any weight below 10st will be a bonus. how are you getting on with your diet?


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Firstly congrats to everyone who its working for makes me believe i can do it, i have a question i'm on day 1 and took insulin this morning (big mistake caused a hypo) are others taking their meds or stopping them during the diet?


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I am only on Metformin and still taking it. I have discussed it with my GP and we agreed that I should carry on taking it till we review the results at the end. I really don't know about trying it with insulin.

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update on ny diet

21st sept 10 st 2lb- blood sugars fasting 5.7/ 2hrs after evening meal 6.3 (had a takeway curryon its own without nan or rice)
28th sept 9st 13lb- blood sugars fasting 4.4/ 2hrs after breakfast 5.6

waist 34 inches

i have reached my goal that i set, which was 10st,i have lost 3st-in all, any weight i loose know will be seen as a bonus, i have decided to introduce a meal in my diet this week and replace one of the milkshakes with a meal, will start on a low carb plan. the diet has been relitively easy to follow, without worrying about counting calories, havent really craved carbs, or sugar, but have definatly been craving protien. felt a litle deflated last weekend.
i have had a couple of slip up days and had small portion of meat and left out the milkshake, i dont feel so sluggish, like i used to. excercising 3-4 times a week.
for me the diet has been a good kick start and watching the weight fall off, has kept me motivated. i would use this diet as a kick start if i need to again in the future/clothes are hanging off-need a new wardrobe, will be going for a fasting blood test end of november and will post my results.
good luck to those of you that are on the newcastle diet


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hello everyone, this is my first post , i am 67, been type 2 for 10 years and really in younger brother died last year from related diabetic problems and I don't want to go down that road.
I started the Newcastle diet last Saturday, because I want to see if I can get my blood sugars under control and lose 5 st :crazy: may be, the tablets were not working ,however today blood sugar's down to 4.8 pre meal ,been to the gym and took 2 Repaglinide 1mg tablets, with my milk shake at lunch, now going to have home made soup with 1 tablet. hoping in two hours to be about 5mmols any tips would be very welcome.


Active Member
hi all
im not taking any vitamin tablets, after the first week, the diet did get easier, i have managed to maintain the weight so far, although the last two weeks i have been naughty, i dont really eat any starchy foods now, i had a roast potatoe last week and didnt like it, i was also a heavy salt user, and due to the diet, the salt has been binned "which is a miricle", excerise did help too, it is easy to fall back into old habbits, but am enjoying a nice new wardrobe of clothes and have more energy. I am due for a blood test end of this month and will post my results, even if you only manage it for a few weeks, its a good start, which will also give you time to plan, what you will eat after the diet, and dont punish youself if you have a bad day!
good luck