@Helsharrison, Welcome to the forum!!
What a double whammy. Diabetes and then CD!!
We could help more if we knew what type of diabetes you are diagnosed with and what treatment you have been prescribed for it.
My daughter has CD diagnosed at age 2, but not diabetes, and her specialist said that it would take 12 months for the lining of her intestine to fully heal, even on a strict gluten-free diet!! She had to take loads of extra vitamins for a while, in the hope that some would be absorbed!! She was not keen on vitamin injections !!
Also I have read that some types of gluten-free flour in cooked foods tend to raise BSLs more than others.
But that the fat in things like butter, cheese etc helps to slow the absorption of the carbs in breads etc and moderate the BSL rise.
You will no doubt have arranged a separate toaster for such things and made sure YOUR marg/butter/cheese and other spreads are free of other's bread crumbs etc!!
Best wishes and hope to hear back soon !!