Oh Dear not again !


soaps on telly and people talking about the characters as if they were real.
I was in the cafe queue at my local Waitrose, when a sweet looking elderly man in front of me [ and I'm 67!] got a little upset as they had no scones. I pointed out some buns which look like scones, but he then turned and told me he's been diagnosed with Diabetes and been told he can have scones, but not muffins, because of the sugar.
I explained I'm a diabetes diet campaigner and told him that Muffins and scones are not all that different, and I was sharing a croissant with my husband and he'd probably be ok with one. Then he asked my If I know whqat those hydro... are. I hasked if he meant hypo, but no after a bit of thought he decided he meant carbohydrates. He ended up questioning me for about 15 minutes. I pointed him to veggies, Burgen bread and away from anything that comes from grains [I told him small portrions of starch are best] I also gave him the title of Bernstein's book. I tried to send him to this website, but he doesn't have a computer and no family neawrby who has one. He's already discovered that his local pharmacy wwill test his BG for him on request. His doctor, as you will have guessed, told him he doesn'rt need to test.. He also asked what a normal BG is. so Ii told him "at or below 5 most of the time" He's had readings from the harmacy of around 5.5 mostly, so not bad considering the advice he's had.
Shocking it's still happening isn't it?