Omnipod, not too sure if it is an issue, but seems like an issue!

Adeel M

Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
changing my pod every 3 days!
History for context:
- Type 1 since 1996
- Switched to omnipod a few months ago, with closed loop system using Dexcom G6 - I was on injections before then with libre

I had a few issues/ questions....
1) I'm having issues rotating sites, as putting it on my back doesn't work and feels really uncomfortable, I play football twice a week and putting on my thighs doesn't work as when I run it really hurts so end up taking it off during the game so this leaves me with 4 sites i can use, back of the arms and on my stomach. 1 site is used for my Dexcom which leaves me with 3! I now sleep on my left most of the time and having the pump on my left arm at times has caused an issue where the insulin pump doesn't work properly during the night and wake up with high blood sugar levels, so this leaves me with two sites and switching them every 3 days i feel is causing an issue where my insulin pod isn't always pumping insulin into my body which then leads me to having really high blood sugar levels and then me having to change pods and then go back tot he previous site! anybody else have any similar issues, and if so is there a possible solution to this?

2) Has anyone else put the pod on their thigh whilst running and found this to hurt, if so is there a solution at all, maybe strapping the pod in?

3) just a moan.... I like the pump system due more controlled sugar levels which was the aim, but starting to hate having to change it every 3 days!!

Apologies and thanks!
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Nicola M

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Welcome to the forums, I don’t use an omnipod sadly but I’m sure @Marie 2 does, unsure of anyone else who uses this so can’t tag anyone further.

Just thinking though if it is that inconvenient have you considered using a tubing pump? I know you play football but you can disconnect for up to an hour and the sites are a lot smaller which would give you more places you can put them. Not sure about other pumps but Medtronic has recently brought out extended sets which you can wear for 7 days instead of the usual 3.
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In Response

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@Adeel M I use a different patch pump and whilst I do not play football, I am very active and understand some of your limitations.
I tend to put my pump on my abdomen most of the time. I imagine two rows between my hip bones. I start which the pump against my right hip bone and then, each pump change, I move it about 5cm towards the left along the lower row until I reach my left hip and then move it right along the upper row.
My arms are not suitable because I climb and my legs are not suitable because I also cycle.

I am aware of an Omnipod user who plays rugby and places her pump on her lower back/upper bottom. A tighter pair of shorts (or undershorts) holds it in place so it does not cause problems when running.

I have also used a tubed pump and found it very awkward to find somewhere to place it. Yes, the cannula takes up less space but the pump is larger and needs to be held in place by a pump belt (which is not overly comfortable during exercise) or a clip (which is not very robust). I definitely prefer a patch pump for sport.


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Hi Adeel M

I am on Omnipod user. I do not play sports but I can imagine that your pod site would be uncomfortable. When I have my pod on my leg I am much more aware that it is there when walking. My only suggestion is to use some form of support. There are various type’s available online. I use pod pals from Omnipod. Depending on where you have your pod patches can be challenging to apply.

Hope you find a solution

Marie 2

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A book, sorry!

I have site issues with the Omnipod, but don't want to switch to a tubed pump because I swim for hours at a time and need reduced but some insulin or my numbers skyrocket after about an hour. I use my abdomen for my pods, most of the time. My arms for my Dexcom. I have to use Skin Tac for my Dexcom and if I put my pod anywhere else I have to use Skin Tac for it too. Dexcom has overpatches for it's CGM that help with Skin Tac on it too.

But the thing that's great with a pod is the numerous places you can place it. I know several people that commonly put it on their thigh. One that puts it towards the inside more whereas I am likely to put it towards the outside, but not directly on the side. I have used my calfs too, but they get knocked off really easy there. I've use my lower back, just not as low where I'm going to sit on it. But people have tried all sorts of spots.

I'm not sure anything will help with a full on hit and not get pried off. The Dexcom is my most problematic, even without swimming for staying on, and then it gets soaked for hours at a time so... plus it's on for longer. My pod is under my swimsuit and that helps hold it on. But I use Skin Tac on the adhesive for the Dexcom, then more Skin Tac on the adhesive of the overpatch. And that helps keep it on. If it's in a little more iffy of a knock off site, maybe try the same thing.

I know the feeling, I want some insulin while swimming so I have stuck with the pod. And I want to easily vary my basal day to day, hour to hour depending on my exercise level. I spontaneously decide it's a swimming day and 2- 3 hours of ocean swimming and that night I need a third or a quarter of my basal rate that night. So I have stuck with making the pod work, although because of an injury I'm not swimming right now.

I only have a few spots that hurt, I think I have a touchy nerve across one area. But I think on muscle it is more likely to hurt, if I get my Dexcom right over a muscle it will bother me, like an ache. I tent it when I place it like my pod to try to make sure it doesn't hit muscle as easily. Maybe try to tent it more when you place it. Insulet had told me tent it but also push on top of the pod to make sure it's secure. If you play football, you probably don't have a lot of fat on your legs, but try to aim for the fattiest areas, maybe higher? Honestly, I think if your wore it on your back, while it bothers you now, you would probably get used to it. I know by now I forget where mine is all the time and am patting my body to find it. I laugh at myself because when my endo first talked me into the Omnipod she went to show me it as she was a type 1 and wearing one and starting patting all over her body to find it to show me. I laughed, but now I do the same thing.

Adeel M

Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
changing my pod every 3 days!
Welcome to the forums, I don’t use an omnipod sadly but I’m sure @Marie 2 does, unsure of anyone else who uses this so can’t tag anyone further.

Just thinking though if it is that inconvenient have you considered using a tubing pump? I know you play football but you can disconnect for up to an hour and the sites are a lot smaller which would give you more places you can put them. Not sure about other pumps but Medtronic has recently brought out extended sets which you can wear for 7 days instead of the usual 3.
thanks! I did look at the tubing system but thought i prefer the tubeless one, maybe I just need to accept what is on offer and get on with it, but thought I would raise the concerns in case there was something else out there!

Adeel M

Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
changing my pod every 3 days!
A book, sorry!

I have site issues with the Omnipod, but don't want to switch to a tubed pump because I swim for hours at a time and need reduced but some insulin or my numbers skyrocket after about an hour. I use my abdomen for my pods, most of the time. My arms for my Dexcom. I have to use Skin Tac for my Dexcom and if I put my pod anywhere else I have to use Skin Tac for it too. Dexcom has overpatches for it's CGM that help with Skin Tac on it too.

But the thing that's great with a pod is the numerous places you can place it. I know several people that commonly put it on their thigh. One that puts it towards the inside more whereas I am likely to put it towards the outside, but not directly on the side. I have used my calfs too, but they get knocked off really easy there. I've use my lower back, just not as low where I'm going to sit on it. But people have tried all sorts of spots.

I'm not sure anything will help with a full on hit and not get pried off. The Dexcom is my most problematic, even without swimming for staying on, and then it gets soaked for hours at a time so... plus it's on for longer. My pod is under my swimsuit and that helps hold it on. But I use Skin Tac on the adhesive for the Dexcom, then more Skin Tac on the adhesive of the overpatch. And that helps keep it on. If it's in a little more iffy of a knock off site, maybe try the same thing.

I know the feeling, I want some insulin while swimming so I have stuck with the pod. And I want to easily vary my basal day to day, hour to hour depending on my exercise level. I spontaneously decide it's a swimming day and 2- 3 hours of ocean swimming and that night I need a third or a quarter of my basal rate that night. So I have stuck with making the pod work, although because of an injury I'm not swimming right now.

I only have a few spots that hurt, I think I have a touchy nerve across one area. But I think on muscle it is more likely to hurt, if I get my Dexcom right over a muscle it will bother me, like an ache. I tent it when I place it like my pod to try to make sure it doesn't hit muscle as easily. Maybe try to tent it more when you place it. Insulet had told me tent it but also push on top of the pod to make sure it's secure. If you play football, you probably don't have a lot of fat on your legs, but try to aim for the fattiest areas, maybe higher? Honestly, I think if your wore it on your back, while it bothers you now, you would probably get used to it. I know by now I forget where mine is all the time and am patting my body to find it. I laugh at myself because when my endo first talked me into the Omnipod she went to show me it as she was a type 1 and wearing one and starting patting all over her body to find it to show me. I laughed, but now I do the same thing.
Thanks Marie, books are good!! I think I probably need to get a more detailed map of which areas I can use it on, as in the whole area I could use on my abdomen without it causing an issue.
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I’m on Omnipod and my favourite location is actually the top side of the thigh, Dexcom on lower stomach same side. I do a lot of Hiking and never find the thigh a problem. I do use over patches on the Omnipod and never have an issue.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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History for context:
- Type 1 since 1996
- Switched to omnipod a few months ago, with closed loop system using Dexcom G6 - I was on injections before then with libre

I had a few issues/ questions....
1) I'm having issues rotating sites, as putting it on my back doesn't work and feels really uncomfortable, I play football twice a week and putting on my thighs doesn't work as when I run it really hurts so end up taking it off during the game so this leaves me with 4 sites i can use, back of the arms and on my stomach. 1 site is used for my Dexcom which leaves me with 3! I now sleep on my left most of the time and having the pump on my left arm at times has caused an issue where the insulin pump doesn't work properly during the night and wake up with high blood sugar levels, so this leaves me with two sites and switching them every 3 days i feel is causing an issue where my insulin pod isn't always pumping insulin into my body which then leads me to having really high blood sugar levels and then me having to change pods and then go back tot he previous site! anybody else have any similar issues, and if so is there a possible solution to this?

2) Has anyone else put the pod on their thigh whilst running and found this to hurt, if so is there a solution at all, maybe strapping the pod in?

3) just a moan.... I like the pump system due more controlled sugar levels which was the aim, but starting to hate having to change it every 3 days!!

Apologies and thanks!
Hi I’ve used Omnipod for many years. Diabetic since 1965 however have not had problems with Omnipod put it on the front of my body generally either side between ribs and hip. Would love to have closed loop system. But nhs in Suffolk won’t approve funding it! Rather frustrating. Hope it gets easier for you.No wireless pumps in this area only tubing pumps seems very unfair.
can you use Libre rather than Dexcom G6 think it should be compatible available soon.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
I’m on omnipod & have put it on the front of my thighs/ side of my thighs, top of my buttocks pretty much everywhere it says to on the body before you put a new one on. You can literally put them anywhere where there is a bit of muscle or flesh. I read on here a woman put it on the bit where her bra went as it helped keep it in place so I gave that a go. It worked but I kept knocking it off. Just play around with sites & move it around until you find one that suits.
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