Pastries and MDI!

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Real random question

But pastries! Do they show up immediately in blood sugars or are they like bread and take a while to show? I’m not sure how to bolus one if I do it before or half and half like a pasta/pizza? my 7 year old son is MDI.
He always tanks into a hypo after school, so I’m not sure what to do as I don’t want to bolus and him tank as it takes a while to show up. Thank you.
It says 22 carbs, 11g fat but 4x times blood sugar.
He’s only been diagnosed since March so I’m still learning so sorry for the silly question.


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Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Hello @MeMyCatsAndMyBooks

Tbh I find both breads and pastries tend to hit me within 5-10 minutes - Pizza is split due to the fat from the cheese delaying carb absorption.

If he's hypo-ing every day after school then his insulin needs reducing as it's a repeat pattern and we should act on repeat patterns, but you will need advice from your team in regards to insulin changes if you're not comfortable doing this yourself - can you speak to his DSN ?
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In Response

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I find it difficult to generalise of pastries because it depends how much fat they are made with and how much sugar is in the contents.
For example, a quiche or savoury pasty would be a longer digestion for me whereas a sweet Danish pastry would be quicker.
To be honest, I find the same true for bread - jam sandwich is much faster than cheese on toast.
Even pasta is down to the sauce: last night's puttenseca (tomato based sauce) had an impact my quicker than a carbonara (cheese based sauce)

As for when @MeMyCatsAndMyBooks should bolus her son for pastries, I would be conservative and not give it all up front, especially as he has a tendency to hypo after school.
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lunchtime he spikes really high and comes down himself without a correction mostly then 4-5pm hypos.
His baseline is correct as we had it lower before and he was waking up to high every morning. It’s the dreaded honeymoon period. The endo says it’s down to school being more activity and to basically leave it as it is and give him a uncovered snack which he won’t always want. :(


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It's really hard to say what's happening without knowing what your son eats for lunch, how much he boluses for it, what time he eats and what exercise he has in the afternoon. If this was happening to me, the first thing I'd do would be to look at the carbs in my lunch and see if they need to be reduced to stop the spike. That would mean a smaller bolus and less chance of a hypo later. However, this is not advice, simply what I'd do for me, and as I've said there's a lot of information missing as to your son's activity etc, and of course people do vary in the honeymoon period. Sadly, managing T1 is sometimes more of an art than a science, though you will figure it out - and there's no such thing as perfect! I wish you and your son the very best in working out what's best for him.