Recurring oral fungal infections


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Hello, for the past year I have been getting back to back oral fungal infections, I was referred to Maxillofacial clinic as I also had bad ulcers and sores which were biopsied and thankfully all were non cancer.
The consultant said while my Hba1c is uncontrolled I will continue to get them but actually my hba1c is lower now than it was and I didn't have fungal infections then.
I do have a very dry mouth as well and they are also investigating Sjogrens syndrome but the Rheumatologist doesn't think I have that!
I am constantly on Fluconazole anti fungal capsules but this isn't the answer.
My hba1c has been 99 before it's now 66, the Max Fax consultant would like it to be around 50 but my specialist diabetic nurse said she would worry about hypos at 50 as I'm on insulin.
Thank you for reading


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Could be high blood glucose, could be unrelated.
But with your hba1c at 66, your average BG is likely around 10.6 mmol/l.

Once over around 11, glucose trickles into bodily fluids like urine, sweat, and saliva, creating a perfect home for fungal infections. And with your average close to 11, you're likely higher than that a lot of the time.

My hba1c has been 99 before it's now 66, the Max Fax consultant would like it to be around 50 but my specialist diabetic nurse said she would worry about hypos at 50 as I'm on insulin.
I'm not sure about hba1c guidelines for T2's on insulin, but for T1's in my country, the official aim is to stay below 53. My endo and diabetes nurse are happy with me being below 40 (and I'm on insulin of course, I just keep a very close eye on my numbers).

Unrelated, your profile shows you as being treated with diet only, which can cause confusion because you're on insulin. You might want to adjust your profile. ;)


Well-Known Member
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Hello, for the past year I have been getting back to back oral fungal infections, I was referred to Maxillofacial clinic as I also had bad ulcers and sores which were biopsied and thankfully all were non cancer.
The consultant said while my Hba1c is uncontrolled I will continue to get them but actually my hba1c is lower now than it was and I didn't have fungal infections then.
I do have a very dry mouth as well and they are also investigating Sjogrens syndrome but the Rheumatologist doesn't think I have that!
I am constantly on Fluconazole anti fungal capsules but this isn't the answer.
My hba1c has been 99 before it's now 66, the Max Fax consultant would like it to be around 50 but my specialist diabetic nurse said she would worry about hypos at 50 as I'm on insulin.
Thank you for reading
When my blood glucose was high and around your current level I had horrendous dry mouth and completely dehydrated. Never really has trouble with my teeth before, but have had to have some dental work over the last 3 years. My dentist said it was because my sugars were so high. Started insulin a few months ago, my predicted A1C on the libre is now 45 and I honestly feel so much better, my mouth isn't dry at all now. I used to take 2x pint glasses of water to bed with me and drink the lit through the night, now it's just one small glass that I rarely drink. I haven't had ulcers and sores but did have a rash on my face which has also gone.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Thank you very much for your replies, I will continue to persevere to get my Hba1c down further in the hope the fungal infections disappear!
Many thanks
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Type of diabetes
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Could be high blood glucose, could be unrelated.
But with your hba1c at 66, your average BG is likely around 10.6 mmol/l.

Once over around 11, glucose trickles into bodily fluids like urine, sweat, and saliva, creating a perfect home for fungal infections. And with your average close to 11, you're likely higher than that a lot of the time.

I'm not sure about hba1c guidelines for T2's on insulin, but for T1's in my country, the official aim is to stay below 53. My endo and diabetes nurse are happy with me being below 40 (and I'm on insulin of course, I just keep a very close eye on my numbers).

Unrelated, your profile shows you as being treated with diet only, which can cause confusion because you're on insulin. You might want to adjust your profile. ;)
How do I change my profile please to reflect that I'm on insulin?
Many thanks
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I have looked in my profile and seen where I am down as diet only but I clicked on it and it won't let me change it, any ideas. Many thanks
I've just had a look. If you click on your name/picture at the top right of your screen you should get a drop down menu.
Choose 'Account Details'.
This should take you to a page where you can change your treatment type.



Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I've just had a look. If you click on your name/picture at the top right of your screen you should get a drop down menu.
Choose 'Account Details'.
This should take you to a page where you can change your treatment type.

View attachment 66416
Thank you very much I'll have a look. Sorry for the delayed reply, I'm very ill at the moment with flu I think


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Thank you very much I'll have a look. Sorry for the delayed reply, I'm very ill at the moment with flu I think
Hi, sorry I've checked in my phone and my kindle and i can see where i need to be but i can't click it to edit my details, it just won't open up


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I know this is probably preaching to the choir but have you tried logging out then logging back in. I’ve tried on my iPhone & my tablet and it seems to be working fine for me
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Often these things need to be done using a browser, not the App. If you are using the App, please log in via your browser (your details are the same however you log on), and you’ll likely have more options then.

(Annoying, I know.)


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hello, for the past year I have been getting back to back oral fungal infections, I was referred to Maxillofacial clinic as I also had bad ulcers and sores which were biopsied and thankfully all were non cancer.
The consultant said while my Hba1c is uncontrolled I will continue to get them but actually my hba1c is lower now than it was and I didn't have fungal infections then.
I do have a very dry mouth as well and they are also investigating Sjogrens syndrome but the Rheumatologist doesn't think I have that!
I am constantly on Fluconazole anti fungal capsules but this isn't the answer.
My hba1c has been 99 before it's now 66, the Max Fax consultant would like it to be around 50 but my specialist diabetic nurse said she would worry about hypos at 50 as I'm on insulin.
Thank you for reading
I get this all the time tbh, should probably go get it treated


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Often these things need to be done using a browser, not the App. If you are using the App, please log in via your browser (your details are the same however you log on), and you’ll likely have more options then.

(Annoying, I know.)
Ok thank you I'll try that, yes I am using the app
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Type of diabetes
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When my blood glucose was high and around your current level I had horrendous dry mouth and completely dehydrated. Never really has trouble with my teeth before, but have had to have some dental work over the last 3 years. My dentist said it was because my sugars were so high. Started insulin a few months ago, my predicted A1C on the libre is now 45 and I honestly feel so much better, my mouth isn't dry at all now. I used to take 2x pint glasses of water to bed with me and drink the lit through the night, now it's just one small glass that I rarely drink. I haven't had ulcers and sores but did have a rash on my face which has also gone.
Thank you, so sorry for my delayed reply I'm not very good at this...
Very interesting what you have written, you sound to have been very similar to me and now it's April and my blood glucose is still high in fact higher as I have had to come off Trulicity because of the supply issues and have just started a low dose of Munjaro as well as my insulin, been in steroids for a chest infection and well basically I've had 3 infections in about 7 weeks and so my blood sugars have gone up
Hopefully as you say if I can get my A1c down it will all improve?


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Type 2
It could have been thrush as I’ve had that before and it sounds like the same symptoms as I’ve had before when my sugars were high and my HBA1C was high but it was just a quick dose of antibiotics and that was for a week or two and it was gone but it was still a pain when you get them again and again until it is gone
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Type of diabetes
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Thank you, I am being treated with anti fungals not antibiotics, I haven't been offered them, I am going on a prophylactic dose of 150mg of Fluconazole once a week from next Wednesday.
Many thanks
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Rude/ignorant people and those who don't clean up after their dogs no fun gettng poo stuck in wheelchair hels
I get this all the time tbh, should probably go get it treated
I have been getting really sore mouth too, mouth ulcers on tongue and inside cheek, also very dry mouth. Rheumatologist has stopped my methotrexate weekly injections and my mouth is feeling better, but I also suffer with really dry mouth caused by Solifencine tablets to stop me needing to get up every hour or so for toilet. I sip water regularly during day and take water into bedroom, I also use Salivix spray prescribed from GP to help with dry mouth through night it really helps I put Vaseline with Aloe Vera in on lips that get very dry and sore through night.
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