Regular moderate exercise log


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Feel like Idle Jack'z indolent brother reading other people's posts. Forgot to put pedometer on first thing so missed steps up to 11.30 still made 10k so probs about 12.5. Physio basically said ignore naysayers and go ahead with all types of exercises, weights etc no probs. Argues other Drs being over cautious . Colour me confused.

Good news from the physio then. Fingers crossed she/he is right.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Do you think you’re coming down with something?

No can’t blame it on anything - I feel fine - I did have that horrible lurgy but I’m well over it.
Can’t think of anything I can do or change really, just exercising and eating low carb - less than 20g most days. I reckon I just have to carry on and hopefully things will sort themselves out. It’s such a puzzle though.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
No can’t blame it on anything - I feel fine - I did have that horrible lurgy but I’m well over it.
Can’t think of anything I can do or change really, just exercising and eating low carb - less than 20g most days. I reckon I just have to carry on and hopefully things will sort themselves out. It’s such a puzzle though.

I hope you find a solution.
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Swerved the swim as I've had an up and down day with bloods, but went to the gym to do some different things, so I stepper machined for 5 minutes, did some abs, rowed for 10 mins and did some more abs and had a play with the battle ropes (not seen these since my youth and they're at the other side of the gym where the treadmills and stuff are and I don't usually go) and had fun with them, 10 mins on a bike to finish with some more abs, odd being in there and not picking a weight up I've got to say :)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Another in September's litany of sub optimal days. I really hope I have handled these properly by ticking over regularly rather than mad bursts then breakdown. Today was one longer walk, one medium wander and lots of regular short walks. 14k steps so ticking over.
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Saturday shoulders went ok, a good warm up with the kettle bells both with bottoms down and bottoms up press, I'm liking these things a lot :) downside was being weaker with dumb bells afterwards but pain free so I'll stick with it, front & side raises, db shrugs, face pulls :p and some trap rows.
I'll hopefully swim tomorrow :)


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi all. After a ticking over day yesterday- 12,763 steps - went for it today. Had to wait in for the plumber this morning so it was a much later start than usual. Glorious sunny day meant I decided to abandon football and go for a long walk in the sun - shorts out again! Walk plus shopping = 28,141 steps of which 19,439 were aerobic.


Well-Known Member
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Just been looking back at my walking records - Monday will see 1000 days of recorded walking, and at the moment, the average total steps per day over that time is coming in at 18700 which is a smidgeon under 8 miles of my steps. Mr Doofer who records my Continuous Walking Brisk Pace steps came into my walking life a few months later, so I won't get to 1000 days of Mr Doofer CWBP for a bit yet.

I am utterly delighted that since I've been on insulin (and keeping the walking going through that transition has definitely been more of a challenge than starting walking at all!) the total steps average has come in at 23200 a day, a smidgeon under 10 miles a day. The CWBP steps for that time are averaging 15300, around 6.6 miles a day.

My students and the getting more unusable bus routes are to be congratulated for keeping me fit and active!
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Just been looking back at my walking records - Monday will see 1000 days of recorded walking, and at the moment, the average total steps per day over that time is coming in at 18700 which is a smidgeon under 8 miles of my steps. Mr Doofer who records my Continuous Walking Brisk Pace steps came into my walking life a few months later, so I won't get to 1000 days of Mr Doofer CWBP for a bit yet.

I am utterly delighted that since I've been on insulin (and keeping the walking going through that transition has definitely been more of a challenge than starting walking at all!) the total steps average has come in at 23200 a day, a smidgeon under 10 miles a day. The CWBP steps for that time are averaging 15300, around 6.6 miles a day.

My students and the getting more unusable bus routes are to be congratulated for keeping me fit and active!
You are an absolute legend @Japes and those stats reflect amazing dedication. Full of admiration for you. All those steps and organist as well:woot::woot:


Well-Known Member
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You are an absolute legend @Japes and those stats reflect amazing dedication. Full of admiration for you. All those steps and organist as well:woot::woot:

Thank you! The only thing that bugs me about Mr Doofer is that he doesn't record any of my organ playing "steps". I'm sure an active couple of hours organ practise counts as at least 10,000 steps.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
As a stepper I make a good sitter based on the stellar numbers of the last 2 posters. I made 13k steps today and 80 mins lawn mowing including the steep bank so some resistance there. Not been a great month for exercise but I have clung on grimly. Lets hope next month is better.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
10min of exercise frst thing ( squats etc) then 40 min walk before breakfast.
Swimming this morning, but most of the time spent playing at being dolphins with the girls. Managed to get a few proper lengths in at the end.
An hour dog walk this afternoon. Fairly sedate pace though.
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Just been looking back at my walking records - Monday will see 1000 days of recorded walking, and at the moment, the average total steps per day over that time is coming in at 18700 which is a smidgeon under 8 miles of my steps. Mr Doofer who records my Continuous Walking Brisk Pace steps came into my walking life a few months later, so I won't get to 1000 days of Mr Doofer CWBP for a bit yet.

I am utterly delighted that since I've been on insulin (and keeping the walking going through that transition has definitely been more of a challenge than starting walking at all!) the total steps average has come in at 23200 a day, a smidgeon under 10 miles a day. The CWBP steps for that time are averaging 15300, around 6.6 miles a day.

My students and the getting more unusable bus routes are to be congratulated for keeping me fit and active!

That’s amazing @Japes


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Evening all. Finally returned to swimming today after #calfgate.

Much more successful - managed 46 lengths before cramp intervened. Was feeling good and thinking I’d be able to go further, but suddenly came on.

Bits of walking here and there added to 13k steps.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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I'm pleased with how today's ended up, a good chest session, working up to the 36kg dumb bells, bench press to 70kg then some sets of close grip press too, flys and pull overs, all thanks I think to getting kettle bells involved in my warm up.

Then home for child, child dropped to friends and a swim of 1650 metres in 37 minutes, 66 lengths which is a mile in our pool and the last length was crawl. Dropped me to 4.3 when I got out and a swift tube of glucogel sorted that :)

I didn't fancy swimming yesterday as my blood sugar was bouncing but thinking of this section I took myself for a 2 mile walk which helped drop my sugar, changing the fast acting insulin cartridge this morning has cured the temporary high but yesterdays brisk walk didn't hurt it.