Type of diabetes
Type 1
I have only recently discovered that my husbands excessive facial sweating is probably due to diabetes .he was diagnosed about 10 years ago and is on metformin.
I have done a bit of research and see that sage leaf extract (1000mg twice daily) as well as apple cider vinegar (2 diluted drinks daily) can be of help and wondered if anyone here has tried either of these ? i'm keen to try but not looking forward to telling him that sage is commonly used for ladies going through menopause ! :nailbiting: !
Any advise welcome. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
What's his diet like? Has he cut out rice, pasta and bread? In fact all things white?


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I had horrendous night sweats not with my diabetes but the menopause, I didn't want to go down the HRT route so took sage leaf extract with a large pinch of doubt that it would work but I was surprised just how good it was, didn't stop them totally but greatly reduced them.

@dawnmc has a valid point - if his diet needs tweaking to reduce carbs I would try that too
Type of diabetes
Type 1
I had horrendous night sweats not with my diabetes but the menopause, I didn't want to go down the HRT route so took sage leaf extract with a large pinch of doubt that it would work but I was surprised just how good it was, didn't stop them totally but greatly reduced them.

@dawnmc has a valid point - if his diet needs tweaking to reduce carbs I would try that too

I had horrendous night sweats not with my diabetes but the menopause, I didn't want to go down the HRT route so took sage leaf extract with a large pinch of doubt that it would work but I was surprised just how good it was, didn't stop them totally but greatly reduced them.

@dawnmc has a valid point - if his diet needs tweaking to reduce carbs I would try that too

Thank you people!
I'm actually the anti- white no-carber in the relationship and have steadily got him to cut them out over the last 3 years. So his diet is pretty good.

Of interest though - the sage extract is supposed to boost circulation as well as cool your system down and the apple cider vinegar is apparently good for weight reduction.