I'm following a Dietitian's advice after being diagnosed with Reactive Hypoglycaemia but struggling with carbohydrates.
I was recommended to eat a carb heavy diet such as potato, rice, oats and wholemeal wheat.
My blood sugars are going crazy with this diet plus I suffer from IBS so the oats and wholemeal bread have made that much worse.
Potatoes, white bread and rice all cause really big spikes (after about an hour of eating) then I get the sudden drop which leads to a hypo.
Can anyone advise me on where I'm going wrong? Is there any good carbs I should be eating?
@DEM1988 and welcome to our forum.
@JoKalsbeek has described it very well, carbs are your problem.
Back when I was first diagnosed and even before, I was told to eat 'healthy' carbs.
So it was porrige first thing, baked potato with something like beans with it, and of course meat and two veg for dinner. Fruit, and a possible treat now and then.
My endocrinologist got me the tests to diagnosis.
Then a new dietician, under orders from the endo, suggested I try to reduce my carbs and sugars and fruit, use the food diary that I was given. And to go on line, and come here to this forum.
It didn't have an RH sub forum then.
But I started asking questions, about trying to firstly, feel better, reduce symptoms, and look for answers.
Just as you have.
It wasn't easy to discover that the advice from every doctor, medical practitioner, everywhere I looked had eat carbs. I was very ill, and obese!
My final test, whilst starting looking for those answers after an extended oral glucose tolerance test (5 hours) was a mixed meal, lots of blood tests and finally a fasting test.
Which convinced my endocrinologist that it was RH. It was during the 80 hours in hospital that I found out a few things.
I could fast and I would feel better.
I was glucose intolerant, I had been lactose intolerant since young.
I was losing weight.
I didn't need carbs or sugars, or anything else that spike my bloods high.
And discussing with my endocrinologist, that I should try and reduce my carbs quite a lot.
I describe it as carb intolerant.
What tests have you had?
What is your latest hba1c?
Do you understand, why your blood glucose levels are on a rollercoaster ride from high spikes and hypo lows?
Have you had a look at some of the threads on our forum?
Because you will get more of an idea, what is happening to you.
And I would stop any food that effects your IBS.
In summary, RH is a condition that is triggered by food. But only certain foods, usually carbs and sugars, fruit to some extent.
Keep asking.
We will try and help you.
I live without carbs. I have a diet tailored by me, for me. One that I enjoy.
And with RH and your other issues, how can anyone else know what food you can tolerate?
My best wishes.