I have had a play with the list of ingredients, and have come up with the following recipe, which may or may not actually produce bread as opposed to a half brick.
I started from the 400g wholemeal loaf I used to make (in long-lost pre-pre-diabetic days!). 400g flour takes 250ml water, lose 20% in baking leaves you with a 550g loaf - the percentages on the Lidl ingredients list would refer to the bread as bought, not the dough. Did a certain amount of rounding up and down, not much point in weighing flour to the nearest gram!
Drat. Had it all in a lovely grid and it won't cut and paste.
Never mind, here are the ingredients, and I will try making it into rolls tomorrow. Net carbs in the recipe 73, so need to make at least eight rolls to get the individual carbs under 10.
Water, 250ml (or thereabouts)
Linseed, 100g ground
Vital wheat gluten 100g
Soy Flour 50g don't have any so substitute soy protein
Whole Wheat Flour 50g
Sesame 20g
Soybean Meal 20g don't have any so substitute gram flour.
Sunflower seeds 20g ground
Wheat Bran 20g don't have any so subs. oat bran.
Guar Gum 20g don't have any so subs. chia seeds.
I omitted the oat fibre as it was such a tiny amount, and will use salt and yeast in my usual proportions.
Never tried to make low-carb bread before so looking forward to an exciting journey!!!!