Room 101 (like the TV prog)


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I don't get drunk, but I think teetotallers and other pleasure dodgers should go in!
Agree there. I would normally quite happily raise a glass or 2 of vodka. Life is for living and laughing. I was laughing on the rope swings for 20 mins with the kids before I did myself in. Then came the paramedic with the entinox gas and I was laughing again :)
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Just watching room101 on telly (spooky coincidence). All of our suggestions are much better
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I don't get drunk, but I think teetotallers and other pleasure dodgers should go in!

Ah, but what is drinking is a more unpleasant experience than drinking?

I'd rather have a spiff, any day ;)
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In that case pass the Rizla, and my inhaler.
Pipp you sound like a friend of mine from back in college. She smoked like a chimney and used to have a puff on her inhaler before each one
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Pipp you sound like a friend of mine from back in college. She smoked like a chimney and used to have a puff on her inhaler before each one

Not me! I was just holding the papers for the rest of you.
Alcohol does me less damage so I wouldn't touch the smokes.


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Shouldn't touch the booze either really, only have it on days with a 'y' in them.
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So, me and the hound are trundling round the block. Him on a shortish extender lead. We turn a corner and he discovers the most amazingly delicious whiff that simply MUST be investigated.

So he brakes. I brake too - to avoiding yanking him off his feet, or wrenching his neck.
You've seen him. 8.5lbs, soaking wet.

The sniff sniffed, and the equally important leg **** cocked, we proceed.

And a woman, walking in the other direction, says
'Well, we know who's in charge of you, don't we?'
What a *****.

He's actually quite a well trained dog. Waits at the front door until he's given permission to come out to the bins with me. Sits and lets me go through the front door first. Does Meercat impressions on command. Sits, lies, waits on command.

But sniffing, widdling and investigating... Well, it's just mental cruelty to deny a dog those, isn't it?

I just pity any dog that woman had control over.
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There is always one to spoil your vibe with their galloping case of Foot In Mouth Disease:rolleyes: Buggerem, she is probably jealous of the hound, was denied one as a child and has never forgotten her mindset aged 5 ;)

I vote she goes in..just for being unfair and upsetting you !

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Lamont D

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I do not have diabetes
My mutt is pedigree terrier(snob!). And has a really good nose. He sniffs and follows the scent. I have eventually got him off his lead on our walks. I am waiting around for him all the time as he sniffs and cocks his leg for Britain!
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Retired Moderator
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There is always one to spoil your vibe with their galloping case of Foot In Mouth Disease:rolleyes: Buggerem, she is probably jealous of the hound, was denied one as a child and has never forgotten her mindset aged 5 ;)

I vote she goes in..just for being unfair and upsetting you !


You are right, of course. She was jealous. Who wouldn't be?



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So, me and the hound are trundling round the block. Him on a shortish extender lead. We turn a corner and he discovers the most amazingly delicious whiff that simply MUST be investigated.

So he brakes. I brake too - to avoiding yanking him off his feet, or wrenching his neck.
You've seen him. 8.5lbs, soaking wet.

The sniff sniffed, and the equally important leg **** cocked, we proceed.

And a woman, walking in the other direction, says
'Well, we know who's in charge of you, don't we?'
What a *****.

He's actually quite a well trained dog. Waits at the front door until he's given permission to come out to the bins with me. Sits and lets me go through the front door first. Does Meercat impressions on command. Sits, lies, waits on command.

But sniffing, widdling and investigating... Well, it's just mental cruelty to deny a dog those, isn't it?

I just pity any dog that woman had control over.
No wonder the hound likes to sniff interesting stuff if you make him wait to go to the bins.

Put ***** woman right in though. She was probably so inarticulate that she couldn't think of any witty comment, so useless duffer no reason to keep her out.

Let the little guy sniff, and pee to his little heart's content without fear of interruption by ***** woman ever again!

Ohh that felt good. Been looking for something to rant about for days.
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Ignorant people, diabetes!
Two nominations from me today.....

As we only drink alcohol on days with a 'y' in them, I nominate any 'non y containing days'


Towels that just push the moisture around for a bit without actually soaking it up. Towels have one job in life, to make us drier than before we picked the towel up, if we're just as wet at the end of the drying operation then the towel has failed!
Surely we all remember being kids at the swimming pool, after swimming the most heinous crime was being the LAST ONE in the changing rooms, because of this we didn't dry ourselves and our pants used to roll up when we tried to put them on!
We don't need this to happen now we're adults just because a towel can't be @rsed to do its job!
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Retired Moderator
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Non-drying towels are In!

Also towels made of sandpaper, and towels that shed half their fluff over me, the bathroom and the inside of the washing machine.
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My addiction to carbs
At the risk of offending people on this forum (apologies in advance) ... something that has bugged me for many a year is 'Trick or Treating' at Halloween. Personally I think it's wrong on many levels to allow your children to (a) go to complete strangers' houses and demand sweets and (b) throw an egg at their house if they don't oblige. (Forgive me if this is not big in England, it didn't happen when I lived there!)

'Back in the day' we used to dress as Witches, carve lanterns out of swedes or pumpkins and participate in apple dunking (?). I reckon kids would get a great deal more pleasure out of doing that sort of stuff .... Trick or Treat is American, whatever happened to good old British traditions?
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Well-Known Member
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Two nominations from me today.....

As we only drink alcohol on days with a 'y' in them, I nominate any 'non y containing days'


Towels that just push the moisture around for a bit without actually soaking it up. Towels have one job in life, to make us drier than before we picked the towel up, if we're just as wet at the end of the drying operation then the towel has failed!
Surely we all remember being kids at the swimming pool, after swimming the most heinous crime was being the LAST ONE in the changing rooms, because of this we didn't dry ourselves and our pants used to roll up when we tried to put them on!
We don't need this to happen now we're adults just because a towel can't be @rsed to do its job!

And please can we bung in hand driers as found in public loos that are useless at doing what they are supposed to do, and make the skin on the back of your hands do really weird rippling things that sends you running to buy a tanker of expensive anti age hand cream ?:mad:

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Well-Known Member
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At the risk of offending people on this forum (apologies in advance) ... something that has bugged me for many a year is 'Trick or Treating' at Halloween. Personally I think it's wrong on many levels to allow your children to (a) go to complete strangers' houses and demand sweets and (b) throw an egg at their house if they don't oblige. (Forgive me if this is not big in England, it didn't happen when I lived there!)

'Back in the day' we used to dress as Witches, carve lanterns out of swedes or pumpkins and participate in apple dunking (?). I reckon kids would get a great deal more pleasure out of doing that sort of stuff .... Trick or Treat is American, whatever happened to good old British traditions?

Worry not, we still carry out the Olde Traditions here, like soaking toast in beer , hanging it in apple trees, singing to them then walloping them with sticks Notto mention rolling cheeses and wheels set on fire down steep hills . Jolly good fun we have in the country :D

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