Scared and don’t know what to do


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Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
Hi, I’m really upset and scared. I posted quite some time ago about worrying night blood sugars and struggles with mental health.
I’ve been under a MH team and I’ve been put on 2 medications for anxiety and depression. I’m also on a Stantin, 2 tablets for diabetes and vitamin d3.
I’ve had to have 2 blood tests in that past week. My serum triglycerides are 13.8 mmol (1222 mg/dl) which apparently shouldn’t be higher than 2mmol - my kidney and liver tests came as borderline. Back in October my triglycerides were 7mmol which was also high…..I just can’t seem to get these down, I suffer with an eating disorder so it’s be really difficult, I’ve also experienced a dull ache pain in my upper abdomen (ab I’ve belly button), I’m constantly tiered, got pains in my neck and shoulder, I hate that my anxiety affects my everyday life. I recieved a text from my doctor to book an appointment and that it’s nothing to worry about. I’m completely lost


Hi sorry you’re feeling so low and out of sorts. I think the best thing you can do is book an appointment to see your GP and tell them exactly what you’ve just posted here. It’s important they understand how you feel and the problems you’re having. Triglycerides are nasty things and so it’s important you get help to get them under control. Try not to worry hopefully your GP will work with you to create a plan to get you on track. Let us know how you get on. Good luck


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hypos and forum bugs
Hi @Soph895 so sorry you are scared and worried. It's good that your doctor has asked you to make an appointment, because explaining to him or her what you've just told us should help with your concerns. I know it's easy to assume the worst when your blood results aren't what you think they should be but if your doctor has told you that you shouldn't worry about it it really is best to try not to worry until you've had a chance to talk to them.

If you were my daughter (I have one who is your age) I'd be encouraging you to try to tackle the eating disorder, book that appointment with your GP, and to try not to worry too much. (I know that is easier said than done).

Lots of virtual hugs.
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May Mic

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Stress can cause sore muscles and aches and pains as we tense them all up.

Get the GP appt sorted out. Then have you considered relaxation techniques? Lots of them on the internet. I have a tape from years ago that I play when feeling stressed. It helps with proper breathing and relaxation


Active Member
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Type 2
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Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
Stress can cause sore muscles and aches and pains as we tense them all up.

Get the GP appt sorted out. Then have you considered relaxation techniques? Lots of them on the internet. I have a tape from years ago that I play when feeling stressed. It helps with proper breathing and relaxation
I’ve tried lots of relaxation techniques and trying yoga, going for walks….but sometime I’m in so much pain I can barely move.
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Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
Hi @Soph895 so sorry you are scared and worried. It's good that your doctor has asked you to make an appointment, because explaining to him or her what you've just told us should help with your concerns. I know it's easy to assume the worst when your blood results aren't what you think they should be but if your doctor has told you that you shouldn't worry about it it really is best to try not to worry until you've had a chance to talk to them.

If you were my daughter (I have one who is your age) I'd be encouraging you to try to tackle the eating disorder, book that appointment with your GP, and to try not to worry too much. (I know that is easier said than done).

Lots of virtual hugs.
Thankyou, I’ve tried to get an appointment today but no luck so will try again tomorrow. I’ve been so worried I’ve not eaten all day - because I’m worrying as soon as I eat something I’ll cause a heart attack or something. Sounds silly but I lost my mum when I was child due to stress related heart problems. Plus just not had the appetite


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Diet only
Thankyou, I’ve tried to get an appointment today but no luck so will try again tomorrow. I’ve been so worried I’ve not eaten all day - because I’m worrying as soon as I eat something I’ll cause a heart attack or something. Sounds silly but I lost my mum when I was child due to stress related heart problems. Plus just not had the appetite
Try not to worry, easier said than done, your doctor would have called you in right away if it was anything urgent so take that as a positive. Try to eat something small, even a bit of cheese or something that you fancy, in any case make sure you drink plenty of fluids, keeping hydrated is very important.


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Thankyou, I’ve tried to get an appointment today but no luck so will try again tomorrow. I’ve been so worried I’ve not eaten all day - because I’m worrying as soon as I eat something I’ll cause a heart attack or something. Sounds silly but I lost my mum when I was child due to stress related heart problems. Plus just not had the appetite
Are you getting help for your eating disorder Soph895 ? Is there someone in your MH team you can talk to about your anxiety?


Active Member
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Type 2
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Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
Are you getting help for your eating disorder Soph895 ? Is there someone in your MH team you can talk to about your anxiety?
My doctor sent a referral to the eating disorder clinic but they replied and said my anxiety and depression could have caused food issues and thought it would be best to be stable and be reffered again. So not really getting any help really. I feel like I’m not being taken seriously because I’m overweight


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Type 1
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Hi Soph895, I came across your post, while I was looking for something different, but related to diabetes. I was diagnosed with T2 diabetes in 2015. Then I was re-diagnosed in 2023 with T1 diabetes, and hospitalized twice for DKA-non-comatose.
The main thing that will help you is to relax. I have been in that exact place. Especially when I was told that I'm now type 1. When I was first diagnosed, my doctor treated me like it was not a beg deal. About a month or so after that I had an appointment with my OBGYN. That was an eye opener for me. She could not believe that my primary doctor was not taking this matter seriously, and proceeded to call her and tell her so. Not all primary doctors truly understand what diabetes is, mine didn't. I felt like she wasn't concerned about it. So I started doing my own research. Finding out which foods are better suited for a diabetic, especially since I'm not one to exercise.
I deal with stress, anxieties, plus thyroid issues and ptsd. When I got serious, about 6 months later my A1C went from a 14.5 to 6.5; plus I started losing weight. It wasn't much at first but since that time, almost 10 years ago, I have lost around 100 pounds. We are made stronger than what we think we are. One thing I did, when things was really bad, I imagined that I was sitting on steps that went to God's throne and laid everything there. It wasn't a cure-all, however it gave me some peace and breathing room. I haven't always remembered that I did that, and things would get all stressful and crazy again. But that's on me.
Remember, you are not alone, you are strong, you are loved, and you can do this. We, diabetics as a whole, have to take extra care of ourselves, or we are no good for anyone. The internet can be a wonderful place.
With lots of love, hugs, and prayers from the USA!
Pat J


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Type 2
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Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
Hi Soph895, I came across your post, while I was looking for something different, but related to diabetes. I was diagnosed with T2 diabetes in 2015. Then I was re-diagnosed in 2023 with T1 diabetes, and hospitalized twice for DKA-non-comatose.
The main thing that will help you is to relax. I have been in that exact place. Especially when I was told that I'm now type 1. When I was first diagnosed, my doctor treated me like it was not a beg deal. About a month or so after that I had an appointment with my OBGYN. That was an eye opener for me. She could not believe that my primary doctor was not taking this matter seriously, and proceeded to call her and tell her so. Not all primary doctors truly understand what diabetes is, mine didn't. I felt like she wasn't concerned about it. So I started doing my own research. Finding out which foods are better suited for a diabetic, especially since I'm not one to exercise.
I deal with stress, anxieties, plus thyroid issues and ptsd. When I got serious, about 6 months later my A1C went from a 14.5 to 6.5; plus I started losing weight. It wasn't much at first but since that time, almost 10 years ago, I have lost around 100 pounds. We are made stronger than what we think we are. One thing I did, when things was really bad, I imagined that I was sitting on steps that went to God's throne and laid everything there. It wasn't a cure-all, however it gave me some peace and breathing room. I haven't always remembered that I did that, and things would get all stressful and crazy again. But that's on me.
Remember, you are not alone, you are strong, you are loved, and you can do this. We, diabetics as a whole, have to take extra care of ourselves, or we are no good for anyone. The internet can be a wonderful place.
With lots of love, hugs, and prayers from the USA!
Pat J
Thankyou for you lovely comment, I managed to get a doctor appointment today and was advised to go a and e as they think I’ve got pancreatitis


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Type 2
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Diet only
Thanks for the update @Soph895, hopefully you can that bit sorted and begin the journey for help with your ED. Keep pushing if you can, I know it’s hard when you have MH problems too, but make a nuisance of yourself. I had to do that and eventually I got taken seriously- hope you’re better soon :)


Active Member
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Type 2
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Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
Thanks for the update @Soph895, hopefully you can that bit sorted and begin the journey for help with your ED. Keep pushing if you can, I know it’s hard when you have MH problems too, but make a nuisance of yourself. I had to do that and eventually I got taken seriously- hope you’re better soon :)
Thankyou . I’m back home after spending over 9hrs in A&E. I had to have IV fluids and had inflammation. Doctor there was annnoted at my GP saying I should have been reffered to a metabolic specialist as my bloods tests aren’t adding up. I just have to rest and keep hydrated, take medication they subscribed. Thankyou everyone for advice and kind words. X


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hypos and forum bugs
Great to hear you are out of hospital @Soph895

I hope you feel better soon and get a referral to a specialist who will be able to work out what is going on with your body.

Good luck and virtual hugs
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