Soups and stews please


Well-Known Member
Tomato soup
Vegetable oil
8 vine tomatoes
3 red peppers
2 red onion
Chillis your choice how many
Roast in oven
Then put in soup maker with a pint of vegetable stock and seasoning before blending and enjoy x


I’ve seen some really scrumptious looking cabbage recipes on YouTube which are designed to aid weight loss - any ideas?


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Type 2
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Diet only
Cabbage is good. Its low carb, filling, cheap , has fibre and vitamins.
Go for it.
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Mr Doggy

I’ve seen some really scrumptious looking cabbage recipes on YouTube which are designed to aid weight loss - any ideas?
Some of my favourites are with fermenation, being Sauerkraut and Kimchi. Sauerkraut is easier (IMHO) but I recommend not using a lot of salt and adding a little Apple Vinegar before bottling. Don't fill to the top as it continues to ferment and let off more water so, check on it every few days.
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Mr Doggy

About 20 minutes for everything.

All ingredients are in bold.

Add Tofu and Fresh Shitake Mushroom (or dehydrated and rehydrate and use to make as broth using boiling water below) to a frying pan using oil. (I use extra virgin olive oil, but the best is sesame or sunflower oil if you want it more traditional). Fry tofu on all sides until it gets dry and crispy. Add Shichimi Togarashi (basically Japanese all spice with citric). Once done, set aside or add in bowl if noodles done quick. This takes about 7-9 minutes

Using a small boiling pot, I use about 1/4 filled per person of Vegetable Broth or Mushroom Broth. If you have none you can use Condensed Mushroom paste (Polish food shops should have it). Add in few slices of Fresh Ginger (no need to remove skin if finely chopped). You can use the water from the dehydrated shittake that you used before to make a lighter broth. You use the mushrooms below for later frying. For additional spice add in a few small slices of fresh or dry chilli.

In the same broth throw in Fresh Spinach (from packet is easier) and poke it under water, cook for 30-60 seconds remove and place in the final serving bowl. I find getting a BIG ramen dish is worth it vs. Cereal bowls.

Then add in and cook Shirataki Noodles for ZERO CARBS or about 20-30g of any type of noodle you fancy. I used Wheat Shangdong Ramen Noodle. Cook until al dente and remove. This should take 1 to 8 minutes. Read the packet and cook to al dente as once it goes in the broth again it'll continue to cook and get more soggy.

Top Salad - all raw:
Optional but nicer. Spring onions and pickled ginger plus a few optional raw chilli slices (also I've found pickled radish works too). Using sweet pickled onion can also be used. I throw on shoots (mustard and cress is fine) and then (better toasted) sesame seeds.

Preparation of dish.
In ramen bowl you have the spinach. Add in the noodles and push them to one side of the dish . Lay the mushrooms next, tofu and then your salad toppings on top of the noodle.. Finally is the shoots and pickle and sesame seeds and spinkle on top. Serve while hot :D.

Basically you make a big island and you eat the fresh and crispy before it falls into the broth and you have the chewy and slimy.

Here's a photo of mine.


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This is my favorite soup recipe (sauteing as much as you can is the trick). I have it once a week.

I saute 1 onion and 1 garlic clove in olive oil, then add green peas and carrots.
I let everything sautee for 5 - 10 minutes on medium heat then add salt, pepper, and water.
I let cook until everything is cooked, them blend in a blender.

It's really good. try it!
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Mountain out of mole hill makers ,queues , crowds , shopping on a Saturday hmm just shopping I guess no matter what day it is
My fav is mushroom, it’s got a great taste and it’s simple just onions garlic mushrooms chicken stock and flour and Ariviva derchi Roma as Del boy use to say , plus it only takes about 20 mins , Unfortunately I canny have it any more as my potassium level is up a tad , nevertheless it’s still a braw soup

Grandma Misti

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"Cream of Green", or Green Soup

I am a bit of a peasant - my recipes tend to be more "technique" than recipe, so you can usually sub most things out and still get something yummy. Here goes:

1. First, sauté an onion and garlic to taste - I use three cloves for a large soup pot full.
2. While the aromatics are sautéing, was and spin greens - enough to fill the pot you're using. You can use any greens: kale, silverbeet, spinach, warragal, nettle, dandelion greens, the "choys", in whatever combination you have.
3. Fill the pot with your live-stock free greens
4. Pour enough stock (beef, chicken, veg, mushroom, whatever) to be visible under the greens.
5. Optionally, toss in a carrot.
6. Turn to high heat until the stock steams, then turn it down until the stock is at a slow simmer.
7. Cook for 1 hour.
8. Add olive oil and nutritional yeast to taste. (If you can have dairy, this would be a great place for heavy cream and butter instead.)
9. Using an immersion blender or a heat proof blender, make a puree of it all.

YUM! I make heaps because it reheats well and keeps for several days in the cold part of the refrigerator. Even my youngest daughter-in-law who is skeptical of green food comes back for seconds of this one.
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Grandma Misti

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With only one onion in a large soup pot full I don't think the onion will give you more than 1 gram of carbs in a portion of soup.
Perhaps it's just my body. I can eat very little onion without a rise in blood sugar, much as I love them.
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Perhaps it's just my body. I can eat very little onion without a rise in blood sugar, much as I love them.
Not fair!

For me it's the other way around, it seems I can eat unlimited amounts of them without it touching my BG much and without taking insulin for it, as I discovered earlier this week.

Apparently onions are one of those foods that affect people differently

Grandma Misti

Well-Known Member
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Not fair!

For me it's the other way around, it seems I can eat unlimited amounts of them without it touching my BG much and without taking insulin for it, as I discovered earlier this week.

Apparently onions are one of those foods that affect people differently
So true! For years, I have started chopping onion an garlic while I thought about what to make for tea...only to discover that onion in everything may well have been part of my growing trouble of increasing my blood sugar! Fortunately, I can still have a little, so now I chop a half o a quarter onion while I decide what to make. ;)
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Retired Moderator
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So true! For years, I have started chopping onion an garlic while I thought about what to make for tea...only to discover that onion in everything may well have been part of my growing trouble of increasing my blood sugar! Fortunately, I can still have a little, so now I chop a half o a quarter onion while I decide what to make. ;)
I'm completely with you, so many meals start with chopping an onion before I actually know what my meal will be!
Glad to hear you can still have a little to get the food thoughts going. :)


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Type 2
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Diet only
I think leeks are lower carb than onions and can be an acceptable substitute
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