Started insulin, gained weight. Help please.


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I’ve been type 3c for about 10 years post septic shock, sepsis, acute pancreas when routine bile duct unblocking procedure went wrong. Was put on humulin 1 plus gliclazide and metformin, and left with minor tweaks of splitting humulin dose twice daily. My HbA1c was regarded as ok, and my remarks about fasting levels in 3s was ignored, until recently. Currently on a course lead by two diabetic nurses running alternate weeks over 5 weeks. They immediately put a Libre 2 sensor on me, then got rid of the gliclazide, then got rid of humulin and replaced it with long-lasting Toujeo ( 16 units) and Fiasp (6 units with meals)….so now nothing below 10 BS. Been swimming and intermittent fasting ( 5 days a week 16 hours fasting) last 10 months and seen nothing re weight loss on old regime; Libre sensor shows from mid morning till 3 pm ( when I eat after swimming) that I must have a continuous glucagon dump from liver as BS just goes up to mid/ high teens tho nothing eaten or drunk for 12 plus hours! I’m wondering about using the Low Carb programme to try to loose weight, but read some comments elsewhere that it’s not suited to type 3 c as our BS is not really linked to carbs. Anyone any experience or comment re type 3c loosing weight successfully?
I am Type 3C and have done the keto diet successfully. At my heaviest I was 106Kg and I dropped down to 72Kg. I succeeded in doing fasting days too. My longest fast was 72 hours. Best thing when doing keto is not having to take insulin with meals. I still take my basal insulin which used to be 22units and has dropped down to 10 units. i also take Metformin and Jardiance.


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I love baking and when I do, I like to eat what I bake, so as my levels rise, I just up my insulin. I believe this type of behaviour is not uncommon in T1s and I would be guessing, that it is the most likely reason for unwanted weight gain amongst most of said T1s.
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I only know my experience. And I'm type 2. So ymmv.
But in my experience I gained weight on insulin not eating too much. With at least an hour minimum daily exercise. As many others.
And have been told by 5 different professionals that insulin can cause weight gain.
A pharmacist, 2 specialist drs, and 2 regular drs.
And they said you can gain without eating to much on insulin.
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Weight gain on insulin is, I believe, very, very common and a problem for all of us using insulin. No simple fix that I am aware of. If there is please, please let me know.
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Weight gain on insulin is, I believe, very, very common and a problem for all of us using insulin. No simple fix that I am aware of. If there is please, please let me know.
I have some issues with weight gain, but as a T1 since aged 8, I have no idea whether these are related to my insulin use, as I'd be dead without it. And with some insulin resistance and a T2 father I am sceptical as to whether the use of endogenous insulin is the cause. I would agree that some insulin users have issues with weight gain, as do some non insulin users.

But there are insulin users posting on these boards who don't have issues with weight gain, so it's certainly not an issue for all of us using insulin.

Personally, though I would like to be slightly lighter, I have successfully lost 10% of my weight by a combination of lowish carb and watching the more egregious calories (hello cheese and alcohol).. I am very happy to have insulin available to keep me alive and my blood sugars under control.


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Sorry if I have offended you. Not my intention. In my defence EllieM, I Think I may have tangled my words a little, as what I meant, was that weight gain in itself is a relatively common issue and that possible problem is something that all users of insulin need to be aware of.
This in no way suggests curtailing insulin treatment, as IMO, that would be a drastic and dramatic step back into the dark ages, with probable fatal consequences.

I myself, some time ago, found myself adjusting my insulin levels to suit what I was eating and self observed that my meals were carrying more and more carbs and fats etc., accounting for my burgeoning waist line. After some soul searching EllieM, I reduced my basal rate (slowly and over an extended time) and started adjusting my carb loads down, hence my bolus rates too and my exercise periods up and managed to bring my weight down to a much healthier sum.

Like you EllieM, I am pleased that I live in an age where insulin is a readily available treatment option and I smile when I think of what the next couple of decades will probably bring for those with diabetes in any of its' forms.
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Hello,I know how you feel.Ive been type 1 ,39 years.I went from a slim woman to a battle of gaining weight and peoples comments and insults.I did everything to try and not gain weight .I hope at 58 ,not obese just overweight that my consultant will allow a tummy tuck or the weight loss injection.We cannot help it ♥️

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I consider it incredibly dangerous to perpetuate the myth that using injected insulin rather than insulin produced by a healthy pancreas will cause weight gain.
As someone with Type 1 diabetes, we will not be injecting any more insulin that we need for the food that we eat.

As a woman in her 50s who has been injecting insulin for more than 20 years, I have gained NO WEIGHT.
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I experienced weight gain beyond my pre diabetic weight after being diagnosed despite the same diet and lifestyle. In the T1 thread I was shouted down, including by a mod that manufactured insulin doesn't make a difference. I went to a diabetic nutritionist and she said it was a recognised phenomenon, and advised me to keep my carbs to a max of 100g a day. I'm 6'3 and 14.5 stone, so not a huge amount. Low carbing is the way I think.
I had the same experience on the type1 thread.
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I gained 12 pounds in the first week (not a typo) I started insulin injections.

It's going to be a lot easier to lose weight when your blood sugar is out of control. Your body can't effectively use or store glucose and without insulin that excess glucose will get filtered out by your kidneys. Unfortunately, that's what eventually leads to chronic kidney failure.

To address your concerns: it's normal to gain some weight back after starting on insulin, but that should subside.

My diabetes nurse keeps suggesting I start on insulin and I keep saying no way. I think you are right about the low carb approach as it also works for me. Your lows are obviously caused by the meds. I don't want to get trapped by insulin, gaining weight, dieting, low glucose and then more insulin more weight gain. What a nightmare!
Thats the life you have no choice but to lead if you have type 1 juvenile onset.What I have dine to lose weight has literally made me ill .So tired of trying
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I consider it incredibly dangerous to perpetuate the myth that using injected insulin rather than insulin produced by a healthy pancreas will cause weight gain.
As someone with Type 1 diabetes, we will not be injecting any more insulin that we need for the food that we eat.

As a woman in her 50s who has been injecting insulin for more than 20 years, I have gained NO WEIGHT.
I am afraid insulin does cause weight gain! I used to model and thank goodness I stopped when I got the condition at 20.Never ending battle ,I have lived it 39 years now.
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I am afraid insulin does cause weight gain! I used to model and thank goodness I stopped when I got the condition at 20.Never ending battle ,I have lived it 39 years now.
How? What is in injected insulin that is missing in insulin that a healthy pancreas produces which causes weight gain?

The reason I am passionate about this is I know people with Diabulimia because they have been made to believe insulin causes weight gain.
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As someone with T2, not on insulin, I am not really qualified to comment on this T3c forum which is different from both T1 & T2. However, it seems that according to this information on weight gain can be a side effect of insulin for some people, and it’s seems very much down to an individual’s needs. We all need to remember that there is no one way of dealing with our unique circumstances.

It is in the rules we sign up to that we respect each other’s differences, (rule A3). In addition, this is the subforum for T3c, (Pancreatic) diabetes, which is managed differently to other types on insulin. Cross posting and derailing is most unhelpful, and could be confusing for anyone seeking information about T3c diabetes. (rule B5 is applicable here).

edited typo
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I began taking nightly basal insulin injections in January 2017. I developed diabetes following Whipple Surgery for pancreatic cancer in 2002, but had been able to control the diabetes with diet and exercise until the past year or so. My HbA1C improved from 7.5 to 6.7 (USA measure) after first three months on insulin (I take a very small dose - 6 units), and unfortunately I have quickly gained 4.5 kilos. Since Whipple surgery in 2002, I have followed a low fat/relatively low carb diet of 1800 calories average per day. (Fresh vegetables and fruit, whole grains, poultry, seafood, small amount of dark chocolate after dinner. No deep fried foods, no sweet baked items, no sweet carbonated drinks. I do have wine with dinner, one to two glasses.) I must take Creon with meals. I am relatively active - walking 4 miles or more 4 to 5 days a week, on days not walking I do moderate intensity spin biking plus free weights afterwards. I enjoy gardening and have spent lots of time with that lately since spring arrived early here. Due to the weight gain, my BMI is 26.2 which is overweight. I am worried about the weight gain which happened quickly within a two three week span, and the possibility of it getting worse which could make my sugar control more difficult requiring more insulin which could result in more weight gain...?? I have tried further reducing calories, and especially from carbs, but so far no luck in reducing my weight more than a kilo which comes and goes. I have at least stopped gaining more weight so far. My PCP says eating less with more activity is the only thing he can suggest. I am 65 years old (retired), active and other than surgically induced diabetes, healthy.

Any suggestions on losing weight with type 3C diabetes? Is the weight gain with insulin permanent? Have you been able to affect weight with diet/life style modification?
I started using insulin about a year ago. I was 81kg and I am now 100kg. I am 6ft 2 so don’t look overweight but my cloths no longer fit and my scale keeps warning me I am obese! I was according to my family far to thin at 81 kg, I was not eating to maintain a reasonable blood sugar, my meds did not control it as I am type 3c so using insulin became my only option. I eat more and hence the weight gain. I am thinking of reducing my insulin and going back to a low carb diet with intermittent fasting.
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I am afraid insulin does cause weight gain! I used to model and thank goodness I stopped when I got the condition at 20.Never ending battle ,I have lived it 39 years now.
I'm sorry but I have to disagree as I posted earlier. Insulin is a hormone and cannot in itself cause weight gain. Weight gain is almost certainly due to having a carb intake too high for your metabolism and metabolisms vary greatly between people. If anyone knows of any scientific references to the hormone insulin causing weight gain I would genuinely be interested to know.

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As I mentioned previously, I am very concerned about the dangers of telling people who are more at risk of ED that the medication they must take to stay alive will cause weight gain.
However, due to the strong opinions expressed above, I decided to read the patient information leaflets for NovoRapid and Tresiba - a fast a slow acting insulin to make sure I was not blinkered by the horrendous Diabulimia experience of someone I know.
Neither leaflet mentions weight gain as possible side effects.


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Insulin certainly does make you put on weight. I'm type1 and have been for 34 years. I had to up my insulin during covid lockdown and piled on the pounds.
"Certainly" is debatable. I have weighed 71kg since 1978. At that time I had been Type1 for 19 years. I remained so for another 35 years. Viruses etc cause adrenaline release which are designed to raise blood sugar, hence the need for more insulin. I wonder whether it is the artificial raising of blood sugar is the culprit?


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This is a thread in the T3c subforum, about T3c s, newly on insulin, wanting help with unexpected and unwanted weight gain.

Please can we provide support for T3c members rather than going off topic into whether the insulin is the direct or indirect cause of weight gain.

A reminder of forum rules

A6 This is a Forum of many different personalities – if you disagree with someone then start a constructive debate or use the Private Message (PM) system to have a conversation. It is unhelpful to have to read miles of disagreeing posts, and can deflect from the purpose of the thread (i.e. thread derailing).

B6 Type 1s may post on Type 2 topics, and vice versa (and applicable to other diabetes types and groups), where they have something relevant and helpful to contribute. When cross-posting, particular care must be given to ensure your content is relevant to the topic and original poster (OP). This is particularly important when dealing with newly diagnosed individuals who may be unable to differentiate for themselves. The concerns of people with Type 1 diabetes may be very different to people with Type 2 diabetes.

B8 Cross posting T2 to T1, vice versa (and other groups) will be very strictly moderated. Irrelevant post will be liable to edit or deletion, with an explanatory message sent to the poster.

So let us get back to discussing T3c and how to lose weight when on insulin. The team are prepared to delete posts and issue thread bans if the conversation continues to derail.

Thank you from the moderator team
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