Statin conundrum


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
can anyone help here, been told i need to take a statin but am scared about my blood sugars rising, have reduced ac1 from 79 to 48 in three months due to exercise and low carb diet and 1x 500 metformin, and loosing nearly 5st over 5 months can anyone look at these results below and advise on whether its worth the risk of raising blood sugars or lowering cholesterol


Well-Known Member
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Type 1.5
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Hi, well done on your numbers :) amazing!

I refused statins for years, then I had a mini stroke lmao, I suppose we do our research and choose what’s best for us, I chose badly. I take them now because the stroke consultant told me I was 10x more likely to have a massive stroke without them, that was enough for me. He did however agree that they shouldnt be given out routinely. Sorry not very helpful, I hope you find the right path.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Your total serum cholesterol is lower than mine. My triglycerides are lower than yours. Your serum cholesterol would have been unexceptional a few years ago, but then they changed the targets.

I don't take statins. That was my choice, and I can't make your choice for you


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Your total serum cholesterol is lower than mine. My triglycerides are lower than yours. Your serum cholesterol would have been unexceptional a few years ago, but then they changed the targets.

I don't take statins. That was my choice, and I can't make your choice for you

7 weeks ago I got my Lipid Panel test results. My total was 294 (very high) and LDL 195 (very high). My PCP recommended 5 mg statin. I got scared of high numbers and started taking statin.
Did my homework and talked to my nutritionist. Changed my diet. Totally cut down saturated fats, slightly increased carbs. Used 5 mg statin for 6 days and decided to stop statin. Just received my recent lipid panel test results

7 weeks ago ‘. Nov,24 2023
Total 294 mg/dL. 129 mg/dL
Trigly 58 mg/dL. 64 mg/dL
HDL 91 mg/dL. 56 mg/dL
LDL Calc 195. 59 mg/dL
VDL Calc 13 gm/dL.
Non HDL Choles. 73 mg/dL



Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
thanks i am gonna try them for a month and see what it does to my sugar levels and if they rise too much i will discuss with GP
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Staff Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
I refused statins for a good few years, I even have ‘statin intolerant‘ marked on my records. My cholesterol gradually crept up to a level which worried me, so after doing some homework I found there are other drugs to deal with high cholesterol, one called Ezetimibe which my GP was happy to prescribe. I have been on it for 2 years now and it has lowered my cholesterol to a level my GP and I are happy with, and it’s had no effect on my blood sugar levels.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
thanks i am gonna try them for a month and see what it does to my sugar levels and if they rise too much i will discuss with GP
Good idea to watch your sugar levels - I was diagnosed with an hba1c of 48 which rose to 54 within 6 months. When I stopped taken the statins due to other side effects my levels dropped quickly and have been non diabetic for 10 years. My GP annotated my notes as statin intolerant as we didn’t want to take the risk of them increasing my sugar levels again