Struggling with my insulin pump while sleeping...



The worst is when you are sleeping and everytime you turn on your front or back you kinda have to readjust the insulin...


I also have terrible trouble with the pump at night. I occasionally have cannula failures at night after lying on it, but also have a strange reaction to what i think are slight changes in insulin dosage due to where the cannula is fitted.
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Arrogant/unhelpful people. Spiders/bugs basically anything with 6-8 legs. Creeps me out.
Hate mud unless I'm camping oddly
I clip mine to my shorts at night, no problems. Sometimes I leave it just by my stomach if I'm sleeping on my side, I usually wake up with it next to me.


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People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
Hope you can see photo, mine on my arm.. And never worry about it day or night.. Even at night it stays so pump facing down, and never worry about having to remove it when changing clothes.... Or going to loo.

Its combo pump.. So has remote.. Which is essential. Tubigrip supplied monthly by gp. Accuchek armband is **** as it has pump sideways...


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Well-Known Member
Arrogant/unhelpful people. Spiders/bugs basically anything with 6-8 legs. Creeps me out.
Hate mud unless I'm camping oddly
Do you use your arms for the cannula's? I struggle sometimes for a new place to pop mine in, I tend to alternate between thighs and the whole of my stomach, even my love handles :D


Well-Known Member
donnellysdogs said:
Hope you can see photo, mine on my arm.. And never worry about it day or night.. Even at night it stays so pump facing down, and never worry about having to remove it when changing clothes.... Or going to loo.

Its combo pump.. So has remote.. Which is essential. Tubigrip supplied monthly by gp. Accuchek armband is **** as it has pump sideways...

Hmmmmm ......... that would look better with a sew on tattoo :roll: :lol:


Type of diabetes
Type 1
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People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
Ref photo...

I have 100cm tubing and sets normally go in my bum. I rarely use any other place. I am size 10 so have got a fairly small bum. I tend to use one arm for about 3-4 weeks (depending on sunshine and getting a tan-i was a gardener). I use the same cheek as my arm for that time, and dont have site issues with either cheek. My consultant checks my bum every time I see her.
I then swap arms with my tubigrip and change cheeks too.
I do wear vest tops as in photo and have only ever had one person ask me what the gadget was on my arm ( new type probation tag was my response.
I have one layer of tubigrip, then the pump and another layer of tubigrip over the top so the tube goes downward to my elbow then back up behind the pump and down my body to my bum.

Pump companys should make some nice ones like this that have a place in to feed the tube back up. They would be great for men and women. Would like great with a diabetic tattoo embroidered on it.. I actually tried to make a more permanent one for myself but tubigrip is brilliant and I get one a month free on prescription, so all I do is cut it in to lengths and then throw them away weekly. Alot more hygienic in some respects than pump holders that tend to be worn day in day out....

I had to get the right size tubgrip for my arm as it is important to have it tight enough, but not too tight...

Hope this helps....


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Hi All .

I have heard and 'seen' a lady who has a completely tube free 'pump' .
Showed me her tube free pump .
It was amazing and so interesting too .
I asked her a ton of questions about it too :p
Where/how does the insulin go into it ?
How does it stay on ?
Where is the cannula ?
Does it ever come off ?
Cant you feel it - a lump on your bum ?
What about when you sit down on it ?
How do you set it all up ? Bolus/basal it all ?
It is all done by remote control - this is just like a mobile phone too :shock:

Her pump just sticks [adhesive] to her skin and is completely tubing/pipe free .
She likes to wear it at the top of her rear end and bum !
Canula is just a prong at the back of pump , and is placed into her skin
like a cannula.

She feels so liberated and free now . :thumbup:
A real wriggler in bed and it never comes off .
How amazing is that :shock:
No more getting tangled up or having to dress/undress carefully .

Anna .


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Glucohero said:
Hi, That's really interesting. Do you know how often it has to be repositioned.

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Hi Glucohero

She said every 4 days .

She can wear it bum, fleshy area of thigh, lower tummy, top of arm .
Quite a choice of sites to wear it .

I was peering at it in her bum and prodding it in it too .
This when I said cant you feel it when you're sat down ?
It was the size of a very small matchbox - half the size of a normal pump .

Then played with her new spare one in its sterile packaging .
Peering at it through the sterile packaging - could see the tiny cannula prong
that goes into the skin and the reservoir where the insulin is stored in it also.
Her remote handset was just like a mobile phone too .
She just takes it around in her handbag like a mobile .
It bleeps to tell her when to press function key to administer her insulin .
Bolus calculated her foods eaten also .
Did everything except 'talk' in voicemode !

Think this the future for pumpers :thumbup:

Anna .

It was quite amazing :shock: