

Active Member
Hello Everyone

The wheels have well and truly come off my wagon. I've been low carbing for a couple of years now and been doing well but since April this year I have been really struggling to keep to any of it. With pretty horrendous bingeing on all the bad stuff.

It was this kind of binge eating that probably got me where I am health-wise in the first place and I can't seem to find a way to stop doing it. This last bad patch has lasted a month and it's bad every day. Not just a slice of cake here and a packet of crisps there but some huge quantities of things that make me feel really ill (packets of biscuits, tubs of ice-cream etc.).

I'm not looking for answers here - I know it has to come from me, but some advice on what to do when food is a REAL PROBLEM and diabetes just makes it worse from a guilt and fear point of view.

Thanks for listening.


Well-Known Member
Hey Mimi
Sorry to hear you are struggling Hun, We all fall off the wagon at one time or another, I have this Christmas in spectacular fashion:mrgreen: So do not be too hard on yourself.
Whether you are the sort of person who needs small steps at first to get back on track, or like me sets a day and then just goes hardcore ,only you can decide but being here wanting to talk about it hopefully puts you in the position to make the decision to grab the bull by the horns and get back to a good place health wise and get back to a better place with your diet...just set that day. you've done it before for a long will happen again.
You will get there, hopefully soon.
Stay in touch and I wish you all the best


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I understand and appreciate exactly how you feel.

I too have been struggling alot, mainly on first diagnosis and then over the Chrsitmas period.

I posted a thread a while back about willpower. There were alot of good answers and advice on it and it is good to read that other people are experiencing the same feelings, meaning that you are not alone. I am sorry I don't know how to attach the link but if you search under "willpower" I am sure you will find it.

Now, if I feel really bad about eating or am serious about bingeing then I come onto this forum and it really does get me back on the wagon :thumbup: It's a great help.

I don't know what your downfall is but if, like me, it's chocolate then I recommend Aldi's moser roth 85% cocoa bars. There are 5 bars in each packet, costs 99p and there are only 5.3g carbs in each bar. I limit myself to one bar per night but if I feel naughty or want to comfort eat I will have 2 bars :twisted: There is also a mint flavoured one which has slightly more carbs and is good if you want an extra treat! It makes me feel that I am not doing without.

Good luck with it all.


Well-Known Member
Mimi - dont beat yourself up, you are human after all, crashes happen for various reasons.
Did you not enjoy the food that you was eating, was it too strict a regime to adhere to? I am low carber but found the first 2 years were the worst, I was crashing frequently until I worked out a plan that suited me perfetly and would work round my family as well.
Try and find new recipes, I have posted quite a few in this forum, and there is even a Chocolate Paradise thread, guilt free chocolates and cakes that are actually good for you (good quality chocolate/cocoapowder contains anti-oxidants, replacing ordinary flour with almond flour is heart healthy), of course you cant eat an entire cake at one sitting, but actually you would find that you would be full up soon after starting the second slice!

I hope that you can mend that fallen off wheel pretty soon, no real rush, ease yourself into it gently, remember you wont be the only one who feels like this just after the festive season.

All the best
x x


Well-Known Member
Hey WJ
That is so true about the low carb cakes, ONE slice is enough. They are the best thing that has ever happened to me diet wise...being Celiac you kind of give up hope of finding nice moist cakes/puddings again..and the Diabetes on top to try and bolus for the carbs and fat in normal cake/puddings is a nightmare.
I loves Ya WJ !


Active Member
Thank you Fallenstar, Chocoholicnomore and Whitbyjet.

Since reading your replies I've decided to just try and get on with it again. This forum is a really the only place for me to come with these things and I'm lucky there's members who have something kind, as well as constructive, to say. It realy helps to speak to people who fully appreciate the problems of dealing with diet and food.

Thank you for your help - make no mistake, the way I have been feeling, you really have helped me just by replying with kindness and not judging. :|



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Am so glad you are feeling better, Mimi.

Just take it one day at a time and, remember, we are all here to support and help each other.

Any time you need support or encouragement or even just a rant you know where to come :)



Well-Known Member
Mimi :D
Anytime you need a rant or a rave or a bit of support ,feel free, we have all been there ...if you could see me on a carb roll, you would understand I understand :wink: There is no better saying than tomorrow is another day!
I hope you get back on track ,stay in touch :)


Mimi said:
Hello Everyone

The wheels have well and truly come off my wagon. I've been low carbing for a couple of years now and been doing well but since April this year I have been really struggling to keep to any of it. With pretty horrendous bingeing on all the bad stuff.

It was this kind of binge eating that probably got me where I am health-wise in the first place and I can't seem to find a way to stop doing it. This last bad patch has lasted a month and it's bad every day. Not just a slice of cake here and a packet of crisps there but some huge quantities of things that make me feel really ill (packets of biscuits, tubs of ice-cream etc.).

I'm not looking for answers here - I know it has to come from me, but some advice on what to do when food is a REAL PROBLEM and diabetes just makes it worse from a guilt and fear point of view.

Thanks for listening.

loved to read, and keep on be strong :)


Well-Known Member
just wanted to add my best wishes and sending a hug sweetie xx hang on in there
let us know how its going xx
allie xxx :wave: