Thanks for all the help


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@Muddikins .

The low carb diet is a personal revelation.
It seemed extremely unlikely that all of the claims being made about it could be true,
I mean, not hungry? Not having to count or worry about calories? Better energy levels? Etc.

I allowed for some license in the reports but could see why it would be really good for my blood sugar
and so worth a try as a maintenance diet..

Everything people said was true, and more....

Couldn't agree more.
(personally, i found for energy, greek yoghurt and blueberries, super power me in mornings )

driving my missus mental as she was the "Diet Guru" of the house...:bookworm:
working so hard to stay trim and lovely..yet here i am eating double cream, bacon and eggs,
while she nibbles on thin air, ...

She walked in on me eating BREAKFAST aghast those first few times,..LoL

yet here i am matching, if not out performing her weight loss wise....hahaha

(She is starting to see the merit , but i think there's an element of 'It's the Metformin' doing the work,
though i have tried to explain how metformin works..maybe after a year or more..she'll 'get' it..;))
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Tripe and Onions
In our house it's for the most part low carb or keto meals for all, my daughter who is pre-diabetic and my wife who is not diabetic both have been losing the extra weight they have been trying to lose for years, slowly but surely.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
(She is starting to see the merit , but i think there's an element of 'It's the Metformin' doing the work,
That is exasperating, isn't it? I got the same with Victoza from my endo doc. Curiously enough he didn't say anything when I started gaining on the same drug (I'd fallen off the waggon big time). As for your wife, she needs to be converted.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
okra. Cigarette smoke, old, new, and permeating a room, wafting from a balcony, etc etc. That I have so many chronic diseases. That I take so very many meds. Being cold. Anything too loud, but specifically non-classical music and the television.
Grok!!! Man, that takes me waaayyyy back!!!! Love it love it!
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
In our house it's for the most part low carb or keto meals for all, my daughter who is pre-diabetic and my wife who is not diabetic both have been losing the extra weight they have been trying to lose for years, slowly but surely.
And isn't that the kicker for those who haven't been FORCED by the diseases to confront and change theirs ways...?

A simple change can yield the weight loss many desire, AND offer a healthier YOU, all for free .

.zuts alor ....stupid, stupid, inertia, diktat & dogma....:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Congratulations - what a heart warming story. Well done on transforming your life. Looking at your avatar picture you should adapt well to a carnivore diet :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Congratulations - what a heart warming story. Well done on transforming your life. Looking at your avatar picture you should adapt well to a carnivore diet :)
Like Indiana Jones I have stolen the dogs name, Jack Muddikins is my avatar. A terrible thief and devout carnivore,. Some dogs like carrot sticks, Jack understands that they are poison, he has actually managed to run off with a string of sausages like a cartoon dog.
I bought a book from a charity shop today. It was in a display in the window of recipe books. It was '100 Fat free recipes'. I absolutely do not agree with burning books so I threw it in my recycling when I got home.
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