Transition to Insulin


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Can I ask a question? I’ve transitioned to lantus on 84 units a day but blood readings are still not really coming down in the mornings still in double figures I just find that it’s not working does this mean that instead of t2 I maybe going into t1? Thoughts would be cool x


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Can I ask a question? I’ve transitioned to lantus on 84 units a day but blood readings are still not really coming down in the mornings still in double figures I just find that it’s not working does this mean that instead of t2 I maybe going into t1? Thoughts would be cool x
Not really sure I can answer your question, not up to speed on this lantus etc stuff) but I am on Humulin I (slow-release insulin) currently at 39 units in morning. Was told by dietician/insulin specialist that once I hit 40 units in morning then if readings high at evening then I should start at 2 units and increase both morning and night-time doses by 10% every 3 days until reading between 6 and 10 (she gave me a margin as my bloods have nearly always been high). If I reach 60 units of Humulin I in the morning then I've to ring my local specialist diabetic team to be switched to Humulin M3 (rapid-release insulin). Maybe speak to your healthcare/diabetic team and tell them your concerns. Sorry, my response probably doesn't answer your question. Hope you get sorted. Good luck.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
If you have concerns about type1 rather than type2 ask your specialist for a c-peptide and GAD test to determined type1.

However type2s can have raging high bgs but still be type2. Seek assistance with your insulin and diet management.
I have great reduced insulin units on low carb diet. This is ideal time for you to try low carb eating as you may find those units more effective on that diet. You may still need more insulin even on low carbing but I'd see if any on coming hypos by testing vigorously before increasing units on low carb diet.
Keep me posted.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
I'm in the same boat I have had T2 since 2001 and have taken tablets since then until a couple of weeks ago, was on Janumet XR 50 mg and Gliclazide for about two years, I had to stop taking the Janumet as it was making sick, and am now on insulin Novomix 30, I started on 10 units in the morning and 10 units at night before tea, but my readings were to high 10 to 21mmol/L, I am now on 30 units in the morning and 40 at night and my readings are good before breakfast but in the teens throughout the day


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
I'm in the same boat I have had T2 since 2001 and have taken tablets since then until a couple of weeks ago, was on Janumet XR 50 mg and Gliclazide for about two years, I had to stop taking the Janumet as it was making sick, and am now on insulin Novomix 30, I started on 10 units in the morning and 10 units at night before tea, but my readings were to high 10 to 21mmol/L, I am now on 30 units in the morning and 40 at night and my readings are good before breakfast but in the teens throughout the day
If you have severe or even moderate insulin resistance then you may need more, take your DN's advice. I eat low carb which half my insulin at times. Only good bgs thou help me lose weight not less insulin but I do have other hormone problems and severe pain at times.
I take triple strength basal (toujeo300) 3x72units approx. and 60-90 bolus (novarapid) and avoid sugar and most wholegrain carbs. Potato as a treat but no rice, except cauliflower rice nor pasta. Substitute pasta is too rubbery for me. Leeks as lazanya sheets work thou.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Only weight loss helps with my diabetes management it til then I have to take huge amounts of insulin. :(


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Good luck you are going on the right direction I'm on humilyn3 and slow release metphormin the only problem I find is having dinner lunchtime because I inject morning and evening meal time put on weight at first because of lows but have now lost some keep going


We are told to take the all day release insulin anytime but the same time each day. Is there a view about when this should be last thing after dinner or first thing in the morning?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I was guided to take my long acting insulin in the morning 30 mins pre breakfast. The short acting just before eating


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
There are a lot of really helpful people on the forums. Don't be disheartened at the thought of moving to insulin. I, like many others have found have found the transition hard. The support on the forums is nice to have. The dietician/insulin specialist at my local GP surgery has finally got a plan in place regarding my insulin doses. Hospital were supposed to be monitoring me but just seem to have forgotten about me. So really pleased that someone is once again monitoring me. Good luck on your journey. Hope it's not too difficult for you. Regards Colin.

Colin, have patience nd don´t get disheartened. In my case, cardiac problems and reduced physical strength led into diabetes, rather than the other way about. A rheumatic fever at age10 led to mitral sthenosis, which required a valvotomy in 1982, and to change to mechanical valve 3 years ago. Diabetes was diagnosed in 2005, and have been on Risidon ever since, till a repeat of cardiac insufficiency last January. That is when the doctors decided to stop metmorphin and put me on insulin, basal (Levemir) 14u in the morning and 4u at night before going to bed. Also bolus (Humalog) 2-8 u, depending upon the BG check before lunch and what meal would follow. Usually I did not have to go beyond 2-4 (120/240 mg).
It was hard during the first month to get used to finger pricks 4-5 times a day, but now it is ok. Regular bg checks have helped me to keep control of any surges. Over these months I had to raise the basal /detemir dose to 18 on doctor's advice, and that seems to be fairly effective. I have lost 12 kgs of weight, but that was before starting on insulin. It came down from 70 kgs during past several years to 58 kgs last January. It has been largely a result of controlled diet of low carbs, and daily Lasix 40 mg for reducing liquid retention. Prolonged used of metmorphin was affecting my thyroid, and now I am on daily Levotiroxina.
I hope these bits of my experience help. But each individual case is unique.